Games with fairies

Chapter 237 I don’t like to joke

Outside Wuliu Alley, the cold murderous intent and the angry and manic blood demon energy converged together, as if Shura's killing field had arrived.

However, facing the rioting half-demon in front of her, Ruan Mei showed no fear.

She looked indifferently at Xie Shanhai and the dense red ocean in the darkness, and said coldly.

"I said, the Law Enforcement Hall acts in accordance with the law."

"If you have any objections, you can go see the leader and raise them in person."

"As for this group of Lie Hai Hall disciples who sneaked into the crime alley and resisted the law..."

Ruan Mei glanced at the sin alley behind her and said: "Those who are still alive, as they have not made any mistakes yet, you can take them away and discipline them strictly."

"As long as your Liehai Hall does not violate the canon rules, our Law Enforcement Hall will not cause trouble."

Faced with the riot situation that was about to get out of control, Ruan Mei's attitude was always tough.

Such an attitude not only made Xie Shanhai's face darker and darker.

Li Muyang in the crowd was also speechless and silent.

Ruan Mei's reaction was beyond his expectation.

Faced with this situation, normally, Ruan Mei would choose to settle the matter, blame Li Muyang, appease the Liehaitang half-demon in front of her, and hit thirty major blows each to expose the matter.

This is what the leader of her law enforcement hall should do.

It is impossible to really bring hundreds of law enforcement disciples to fight with the half-demon from Liehaitang in Tianjiao City, right?

Once such a riot occurs, Xie Shanhai will not be able to get any relief afterwards, and she, Ruan Mei, and the entire Law Enforcement Hall will definitely be condemned by the leader.

Li Muyang was already prepared to be scolded by Ruan Mei in front of everyone and lose his face.

With so many people coming to Liehaitang today, isn't it because they want to force Li Muyang to come down?

But Li Muyang didn't expect that Ruan Mei would stand firmly on his side and support him to the end, even going to war with Lie Haitang.

At this moment, Li Muyang sighed and closed his eyes.

Aunt Mei and Shen Yan really have nothing to say to him...

Outside Wuliu Alley, Li Muyang was silent.

Xie Shanhai's expression kept changing, but in the end it didn't really lead the half-demon to charge forward.

Instead, he grinned and said with a ferocious smile: "Okay! Very good! Sister Mei is so tough! So confident! She deserves to be the eldest lady's confidant."

"I, Liehaitang, have taken it today!"

Xie Shanhai said with a ferocious expression, looking at the dozen or so half-demon in Wuliu Alley.

All the half-demon, including Shi Maocai, were injured and looked miserable.

But at least he hasn't been killed yet.

Xie Shanhai said with a cold expression: "I can take these brothers back to discipline them."

"But they were so injured they couldn't walk."

"Let Flag Master Li help them out."

"Since this Li Banner Master has injured them, let Li Muyang help them out now... isn't it too much?"

"As long as Li Muyang helps them out, I will immediately take my brothers and turn around and leave! I won't embarrass you, Sister Mei!"

Xie Shanhai's sinister eyes stared at Li Muyang.

Even if I can't kill this Demon Sect brat once today, I still want to discredit him!

Ruan Mei's eyes were silent and she was about to speak.

But Li Muyang behind her suddenly nodded: "Okay."

Li Muyang, who had been stubborn to the end from just now and would not take a step back even if Ruan Mei came out to accuse him, now actually softened his words.

This situation made the group of Liehaitang half-demon burst into laughter.

"I thought he was a tough guy, but I'm still scared!"

"The devil sect's bastard is a coward and a bitch!"




Amid the ridicule of the half-demon, the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall clenched the blades in their hands, their faces turned red, full of humiliation.

Bu Hongsheng and Liu Fu next to Li Muyang gritted their teeth and their eyes were blood red.

Li Muyang didn't have such complicated emotions. He just looked at Ruan Mei, and finally turned around in Ruan Mei's complicated eyes and walked towards the dozen half-demon in Wuliu Alley.

In full view of everyone, Li Muyang threw away the steel knife in his hand, clad in bloody clothes, and walked into Wuliu Alley with an expressionless face.

The moment they saw this terrifying figure in blood-clothed clothes walking in, the dozen or so half-demon in the alley subconsciously took a step back, feeling a little guilty, and the fear they had felt just now was aroused again.

But after seeing the dense crowd of Liehaitang brothers outside the alley, they gained confidence and all glared at Li Muyang.

Li Muyang's eyes were indifferent and he ignored the glares of these half-demon.

He calmly bent down and helped these half-demon out of Wuliu Alley one by one.

Whenever he helped a half-demon walk out of Wuliu Alley, the half-demon outside Wuliu Alley burst into piercing cheers of triumph and jeers.


"Demon sect bitch!"

The ridicule and sarcasm of the half-demon made hundreds of law enforcement hall disciples blush with humiliation.

Every law enforcement disciple clenched the knife in his hand tightly and trembled all over.

Amidst the bursts of cheers and laughter, even Ruan Mei's eyes became cold.

Xie Shanhai, on the other hand, stood in front of the crowd with satisfaction, watching Li Muyang help the half-demon out of Wuliu Alley one by one.

Until the last one, who was helped out by Li Muyang, was Shi Maocai.

The half-demon who was almost frightened by Li Muyang's chop was now being helped out by Li Muyang. Hearing the cheers outside and seeing the appreciative smiles of his brother and the helmsman, he completely forgot about the humiliation he had just experienced.

At this moment, Shi Maocai seemed to have become a hero.

It puffed up its chest proudly and let Li Muyang support him proudly and arrogantly.

The moment the two of them walked out of Wuliu Alley, the crowd burst into the most enthusiastic cheers.

All the half-demon were shouting its name.

Listening to those enthusiastic and excited cheers, Shi Maocai felt proud.

A smile finally appeared on its face.

A proud smile emerged from his grinning lips.

"I said that it's not your turn to act wild in Sky Horn City."

The moment he was helped out of the Law Enforcement Hall and surrounded by disciples, Shi Maocai said to Li Muyang with a sinister smile.

"Little devil sect, today is just the beginning."

"When I recover from my injuries, I will come to Sin Alley again."

"Aren't you upholding justice? Next time I will kill those two bitches first and then rape their corpses."

"People are dead, let's see how you deliver justice."

"By the way, those two losers of yours...are called Liu Fu and Bu Hongsheng, right?"

"I checked their background, but they are just mortals who have just joined the sect. They were promoted to the status of bastards by a bastard like you."

"They are so loyal to you. I will repay you well later."

In front of the mountain-like Xie Haishan, Shi Maocai watched proudly as Li Muyang let go of him, showing no reaction to his provocations along the way.

He sneered and said: "I will visit them often to see if their bones are as soft as yours!"

After Shi Mao finished speaking, he seemed to have seen such a satisfying scene and smiled extremely proudly.

His brother Shi Maosen walked up happily and hit him on the shoulder with a smile.

"You brat, what did you say in front of Flag Master Li?"

Shi Maosen smiled and hugged his brother's shoulders, and said to Li Muyang with a smile on his face.

"My brother-in-law said some nonsense and was joking with Flag Master Li. Don't mind, Flag Master Li... Hahahaha..."

The proud laughter echoed outside Wuliu Lane, forming a sea of ​​joy.

At this moment, they finally won a complete victory, completely trampling the face of the Law Enforcement Hall and Li Muyang, the devil sect's bastard, into the mud, and stepped on it ten thousand times.

After tomorrow, the whole Tianjiao City will hear about this incident.

All the disciples in the sect will give them a thumbs up in Liehaitang.

And Shi Maocai's name will also become a hero admired by everyone.

Amidst the laughter, Shi Maocai was held by his brother by the shoulders and walked towards his brothers. The laughter shook the sky.

That's it, everything is over.

The arrogant and domineering Demon Sect kid, after tonight, no longer has the capital to be arrogant.

——That’s how it should be.

Amidst the laughter of the Liehaitang half-demon, and the proud laughter of the Shi Maocai brothers, Li Muyang's indifferent whisper suddenly sounded under the night.

"Shi Maocai..."

Li Muyang's voice rang out in the sea of ​​laughter. It was not loud, but it reached the ears of the Shi brothers clearly.

The Shi family brothers who had already left were suddenly surprised.

Now that things have come to this, does this devil sect bastard still want to say a few harsh words to save his face?

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, and at the same time had the idea of ​​continuing to humiliate this idiot.

They turned around at the same time.


However, Shi Maocai's proud laughter froze as soon as it sounded.

A bright, cold sword light struck like a sword under the moonlight, and instantly drowned the smiling Shi Maocai.

The hero of Liekaidou, the proud half-demon, didn't even lose his smile, and his smiling head flew into the sky.

Violent blood spurted wildly from the broken neck of the headless neck, spraying into the night sky like a fountain.

The continuous laughter outside Wuliu Alley was like a group of ducks being pinched by the neck at the same time and stopped suddenly.

The entire street instantly fell from a sea of ​​laughter and laughter to a state of silent shock and anger.

Countless pairs of blood-red and violent gazes fell on Li Muyang, who was covered in blood.

The killing intent and anger in the air seemed to solidify at this moment.

But in the face of these manic and infiltrating half-demon, Li Muyang under the moonlight just lightly shook off the blood on the blade, shook the blade, and said calmly.

"I don't like joking."

The cold blade was slowly raised and aimed at all the half-demon in front.

The man under the moonlight spoke calmly to those hundreds of pairs of wild and angry beast eyes, one person and one knife.

"You'd better not like it either."

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