Games with fairies

Chapter 239 The Fall of the Fairy

With Li Muyang's current position of power, he actually has ways to save people.

At least he can easily find out where the Blood Lotus Sect is imprisoning the Demon Sect, making it easier for the Demon Sect to rescue people.

But there was no news from Yan Xiaoru for a long time, which puzzled Li Muyang.

But Li Yuechan, who was dressed as a maid and even her face was fake, smiled, raised her eyebrows and said, "What's so strange about this."

"For Elder Yan, of course your safety is the most important thing..."

"It's just a few disciples who got caught with dirty hands and feet. They deserve it."

"How could Elder Yan let you, brother, take risks for these idiots?"

Li Yuechan smiled brightly.

Li Muyang rolled his eyes. Ever since he exposed the special relationship between him and Yan Xiaoru, this cheap sister has occasionally used this matter to tease Li Muyang.

However, Li Yuechan, a sinister person, never asked about the details of the relationship between Li Muyang and Yan Xiaoru.

This cheap girl has a very good sense of proportion.

After the simple serving of food, the girl straightened up with a smile and said respectfully: "Your food is ready, please use it slowly."

The girl respectfully exited the private room, leaving only Li Muyang in the empty room.

After spending another day in the law enforcement hall and dealing with a group of scum, Li Muyang sighed and closed his eyes.

Since the incident in Wuliu Lane, his reputation has become increasingly bad in Tianjiao City.

But the work of the Law Enforcement Hall has become easier to carry out.

Every time Huang Ziqi's Law Enforcement Hall disciples went out to arrest someone, the Blood Lotus Sect disciples immediately became frightened when they saw that they were Li Muyang's men. Almost no one dared to resist, and they were all arrested obediently.

When the other three flags saw this, they threw the hard-to-handle hard bones to Li Muyang and asked Li Muyang to handle it on his behalf.

Li Muyang also refused to refuse anyone who came, and took all the Blood Lotus Sect believers who violated the religious laws into prison and gave them full punishment. He had to clean up a group of scum every day.

And in this way, Li Muyang dealt with more and more scum and became more and more notorious, causing more scum to be thrown to him to deal with.

Up to now, most of the penalty documents issued by the Law Enforcement Hall every day are issued by Li Muyang.

The presence of the other three flags has been greatly reduced.

More and more people are scolding Li Muyang behind his back.

But Li Muyang's men became more and more relaxed every time they arrested someone.

There were even timid followers of the Blood Lotus Sect. After hearing that the Law Enforcement Hall knew about their violation of religious rules, they ran directly to the law enforcement hall and knelt down outside the Yamen of the Law Enforcement Hall before Li Muyang's men came to the door, begging the other three banners to punish them.

During this long and boring wait, Li Muyang ushered in the awakening of the Green Knife Mantis.

The Green Knife Mantis that has evolved to level 10 has an attack power as high as 9978, and its health bar defense is far superior to that of the fierce tiger Wushanjun.

Li Muyang closed his eyes and entered the game, preparing to control the awakened Green Knife Mantis to chat with Shen Miao outside the mysterious ghost city.

In the past days, the Green Knife Praying Mantis was sleeping and evolving, and Li Muyang had not gone to Shen Miao for a long time.

But when Li Muyang entered the game this time, an interface suddenly popped up in his field of vision.

[The limited-time game "The Fall of the Glass Fairy" has been unlocked]

[This limited-time game is only open for three days. Do you want to load it? 】

The moment he saw the system prompt, Li Muyang was stunned for a moment.

The... fall of Fairy Liuli?

Depend on!

Is it only open for a limited time for three days?

Li Muyang immediately chose to load.

It's just a limited time game, it's only for three days.

Could it be that Fairy Liuli from the Tianyuan Dynasty encountered some kind of danger?

This is the first time I have seen a game with such a tight time limit.

Watching the progress bar in his field of vision continue to load, Li Muyang frowned and began to think.

There were few monks in the Tianyuan Dynasty, and the only turmoil was the Blood Demon Dao rebellion.

But with the invincible Qingye Zhenren sitting in charge, how can a group of demons from the blood demon path turn the world upside down?

Could it be that the evil god from under the Ancient Resentment Well ran out...

The more Li Muyang thought about it, the more anxious he became.

Soon, the progress bar in the field of view was loaded.

Without any hesitation, Li Muyang quit "Endless Evolution" and directly entered this new game that was limited to three days.

"The Fall of the Fairy".

When Li Muyang entered the game, as the familiar scroll unfolded in his field of vision, Li Muyang saw endless ink flowing on the scroll.

In the end, these ink washes merged into a dim oil lamp in the painting.

The fairy next to the oil lamp sat quietly in the dungeon, her eyes slightly closed.

The fairy sword suspended behind her released the awe-inspiring sword intent and blocked out all the malice in the darkness.

No one dares to step into this dungeon filled with the terrifying sword intent.

However, in the swaying wind and rain outside the window, there are vague and terrifying faces flashing from time to time.

The piercing and sinister laughter sounded in the CG background, making people feel numb.

Li Muyang has played so many games, and this is the first time he has encountered such a realistic dynamic CG, which even has dubbing.

"...Are the games provided by this system becoming more and more realistic?"

Li Muyang murmured, and the powerful black and white text of the opening CG appeared in his field of vision.

[The building has collapsed and the imperial road has collapsed]

[The dynasty that has ruled this land for 1,700 years is about to collapse with a howling cry]

[The insects parasitic in this dynasty’s high-rise building are lodged in the flesh and blood of all living beings, and their tentacles have long been cultivated to be sharp]

[The Dynasty Building is about to collapse, and they rush out one after another, crawling on the ground in panic, trying to please the new owner]

[Driven by their new masters, they quietly aimed their vicious jaws at the heroes of the old era...]

With the end of the opening CG, Li Muyang's frown slowly relaxed.

"It's not an evil god..."

As long as the evil god from the well of ancient grudges doesn't emerge, then it's okay.

The game is limited to three days. If you encounter the Evil God of the Ancient Resentment Well, you may not be able to pass the game.

And judging from the CG of the game, it should be the turmoil in the Blood Demon Path?

Li Muyang entered the game, but this time he did not enter the familiar character selection interface.

The game was limited to three days and didn't even allow him to choose a character card.

When Li Muyang opened his eyes and woke up in the darkness, he heard a sad cry in the distance.

He frowned and sat up straight.

But they found that on the mass grave under the moonlight, there were gusts of cold wind, and white spiritual papers were flying in the wind.

In the distant night shadow, there is a woman crying holding the scrawled grave.

The hills next to Li Muyang were densely covered with graves, and it was unknown how many people had died.

He looked down at his body and found that he was sitting on a rolled mat. Under the moonlight, his arms were as pale as a corpse.

——In other words, it’s a corpse.

"There is no character card this time, but a resurrection of the dead?"

Li Muyang whispered softly, seeing the dark city on the plain ahead and the system's mission prompts.

[Main Mission: Rescue the Glazed Fairy who fell into the enemy camp]

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