Games with fairies

Chapter 241 Is anyone there?

Wei Xuan's tone was slightly anxious.

After listening, Li Muyang fell silent for a moment, and then asked, "Is there anything you can do, Brother Wei?"

Wei Xuan was silent for a moment.

After a long while, he slowly said: "I originally planned to rest for the night and go to Sanhe City before dawn. If I can't save Junior Sister Chu, I also plan to live without mercy."

"But now that the nameless fellow Taoist is here, things may turn around..."

With that said, Wei Xuan took out an jade pendant and handed it to Li Muyang.

"This is the Qingming Jade dish that my master left behind before he left. It is a token of the head of the Xuanjian Sect."

"You take the jade dish into the city and look for Shan Xiaolian, a first-grade warlock from Qintianjian in the city."

"In Sanhe City today, the magicians of the Qintian Prison are watching from the sidelines. As long as there are no evil spirits causing trouble, they will not take action even if the blood demon demons hit the city wall."

"But the green jade disc represents the head of the Xuanjian Sect. You go to Shan Xiaolian with the green jade disc and tell her that as long as she is willing to help, our Xuanjian Sect will allow her to enter the Baizhang Abyss for three days."

"With this reward, I should be able to ask her to make an exception and help."

While Wei Xuan was talking, the system interface in Li Muyang's vision also changed.

[Preliminary mission: Go to the hinterland of Sanhe and find Wei Xuan, a disciple of the Xuanjian Sect - Completed]

[New mission: Bring the Taotie Jade Disc into Sanhe City and persuade Shan Xiaolian to help]

The system's taskbar was updated. Li Muyang took the jade plate and said, "Okay! Leave it to me."

But he was still a little confused.

Wei Xuanze explained: "Baizhangyuan is a secret realm opened by my master. If you can stay there for three days, it will be of great benefit to the magician, and it will extend your life for at least three years."

"The magician of Qintian Prison is short-lived after all..."

Wei Xuan's explanation made Li Muyang understand.

"Okay, I'm going to take a walk around the city."

Li Muyang put away the Qingming jade plate, turned around and left.

As the number of visits to the Tianyuan Dynasty increased, Li Muyang found that the social structure here was completely different from what he imagined.

I originally thought that Qin Tianjian was an yamen under the imperial court. After all, judging from previous experiences, Qin Tianjian was an important yamen of the imperial court and had a bad reputation.

But this time, it was discovered that Qin Tianjian ignored the rebels and caused chaos in the city?

This special yamen, which specializes in dealing with evil spirits and disasters, has a slightly weird existence, as it only cares about evil spirits.

The rebels of the Blood Demon Path are making trouble right under their noses, and they want to ask the magicians from the Qintian Prison to take action, but they actually want to give them benefits... Tsk...

Li Muyang put away the Qingming Jade Disc and jumped in the dark mountain forest.

He kept beating along the way he came, still carefully avoiding the soldiers in the forest.

These soldiers were obviously the rebels of the Blood Demon Path, not the imperial army. They were dressed differently from the imperial soldiers.

After running a long way in the mountains and forests, Li Muyang once again walked out of the mountains and came to the plain ahead.

Outside the dark city at night, tents crowded like mushrooms under the moonlight.

The army of the Blood Demon Dao was stationed outside Sanhe City with such arrogance.

The gate of Sanhe City is closed, and there are only a few patrolling figures on the dark city wall. The flags on the city wall are the same as those in the military camp outside the city.

Apparently after the Sanhe City governor plotted against Wei Xuan and Liuli Fairy Chu Qingxue, he immediately changed his stance.

But Li Muyang was not interested in this kind of dynasty change.

He jumped quickly in the darkness and chose a dark city wall to climb.

The joints of the zombie's body are stiff, making it very difficult to climb. But fortunately, with great strength, Li Muyang finally climbed up the city wall with difficulty.

I saw that the top of the city was covered with dried blood and traces of slashes and fires.

In the past period of time, this city wall was probably a Shura field where rebels and imperial soldiers fought, and countless lives fell on the city wall.

But now, with the rebellion of Sanhe County Governor, the rebel army took over the city without bloodshed.

There are only a few guards on the city wall. After all, there are many patrolling soldiers outside the city.

The lax defense made it convenient for Li Muyang.

However, after Li Muyang sneaked down from the city wall, he found that Sanhe City was very lively at night.

The streets were decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and the noise and bustle were loud. It seemed that all the people in Trois-Rivières were awake and partying all night long.

Many Blood Demon Dao soldiers escorted some court officials and paraded through the city. Amidst the cheers and curses of the people, rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves flew and continued to hit the court officials on the prison car.

Li Muyang hid in the crowd and saw that the person being held at the front of the parade was a fat prince wearing a python robe.

But this prince, who used to be aloof and aloof, was now shivering in the prison car, with mud and rotten eggs smashed all over his body and face.

The people in the city were shouting loudly.

"Cut him! Cut him!"

"This cruel and cruel bitch! Cut him up!"

This prince obviously had a bad reputation in the city. Seeing him in trouble, the people in the city became excited and wanted to rush in and eat his flesh.

Li Muyang stood in the crowd and watched from a distance. While everyone was busy criticizing the dog officer, he stole a hooded cloak in a deserted corner and covered his body.

Although the night is dark and the candlelight in the city is dim, if someone looks closer, they can still find something strange about this zombie body.

Li Muyang walked in the city wrapped in a cloak. After asking for the direction of the Qintianjian's Yamen, he went straight to the Qintianjian's Yamen.

Along the way he encountered teams escorting prisoners several times.

The Blood Demon Dao invaded the city and seemed to be planning to execute all these ungrateful officials tonight, as well as the royal nobles who used to be just meat and potatoes for the villagers.

There were two princes in the prisoner's team, as well as the prince's sons and the princesses. They were all in a state of embarrassment. They were so timid that they were even frightened to tears by the battle, and kept wailing and begging for mercy.

But the more miserable the princes and princesses cried, the angrier the onlookers became.

All kinds of curses and denunciations merged into a sea of ​​noise in the city.

In such a chaotic situation, Li Muyang walked through the chaotic city and finally arrived at the open door of Qintian Prison.

Under the night, the Qintian Prison Yamen was as quiet as death, which was a little strange in this noisy city.

Li Muyang frowned slightly, saved the file first, and then walked in.

"anyone there?"

After he stepped into the yamen of Qin Tian Prison, he looked around but could not see any magician.

There was deathly silence in the yamen of Qintian Prison.

Li Muyang took a few steps forward, but his body suddenly froze.

A cold light flashed silently, and Li Muyang saw his head fall down and quickly separate from his body.

[You have died, the game has failed]

The familiar failure interface popped up, and Li Muyang opened his eyes in the private room of the restaurant.

Scratched his head.

"...Is he dead now?"

Although he knew that there must be danger in this yamen, his death was beyond Li Muyang's expectation.

He didn't even see how he died.

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