Games with fairies

Chapter 273 Is it trustworthy?

In the dark prison, Li Muyang quit the game and stood up.

He walked slowly in the cell, always listening to what was going on outside.

The prison door could not stop him at all.

He can rush out at any time if he wants.

If Yan Xiaoru wants to take action, Brother Xiao Cheng, disguised as a jailer, will bring the news.

While waiting, Li Muyang thought about the situation described by Shen Miao.

Judging from the Yingling girl's story, Shen Yan's attack was almost inevitable.

After Ruan Mei, the leader of the law enforcement hall, was attacked and killed, Shen Yan's methods suddenly became tough and fierce.

She calmly and fiercely pursued clues, locked down evidence, and finally locked down all the Blood Lotus cultists who participated in the attack on Ruan Mei, and obtained ironclad evidence of what these people were doing.

A total of nine flag owners were involved, involving four branches and three incense halls. These are all the forces currently opposing Fang Yingtian.

More than half of the senior officials in the Blood Lotus Sect's four major incense halls and seven major branches disobeyed Fang Yingtian's rules.

After Shen Yan got the ironclad evidence that these people were doing something, she was going to find Fang Yingtian.

But now that the matter was over, the group of people directly attacked Shen Yan.

Li Muyang guessed that this group of people's attack on Shen Yan would only be the beginning.

Both parties were still restraining before, but now Shen Yan's desperate attack has broken her face. Fang Yingtian must be unable to hold back anymore and is about to take action, right?

However, Li Muyang waited in the prison for a long time, but did not hear any riots outside.

He returned to the game with some confusion, wanting to see the situation on Fang Yingtian's side from Shen Miao's perspective.

But after entering the game, Li Muyang saw a strange scene.

——Shen Miao, who was dressed in a plain white robe, was happily hugging Shen Yan's dull and confused soul, rubbing her back and forth like a baby.

"Ah! Sister! I finally meet my sister!"

The infant spirit girl who was trapped in the Sifang Cauldron and had never been to the human world was happily hugging the soul of her sister Shen Yan.

As for Shen Yan's soul, she stood blankly in the misty ghost town, letting the infant spirit girl caress her.

Seeing this scene, Li Muyang immediately understood the situation.

"It seems like we can't fight anymore..."

Shen Yan has no cultivation level, she is different from Ruan Mei.

She was attacked and harmed, and the worst case scenario was that she would be killed and resurrected.

Anyway, Shen Yan is a mortal, and the cost of dying and being resurrected is very low.

Fang Yingtian's choice made Li Muyang narrow his eyes.

"It seems that with the skill of resurrection from the dead, it will be difficult for these guys from the Blood Lotus Sect to really fight..."

Even if the two sides are at war with each other, as long as the miracle of resurrection from the dead is still there, there is still room for change.

It's just that both Ruan Mei and Shen Yan were attacked one after another, and Fang Yingtian lost so much face, but he still stayed behind the scenes and didn't take any action... What on earth is this old Yinbi thinking!

If you allow your confidants to be bullied so much, your authority as the leader of the Blood Lotus Cult will also be affected, right?

Li Muyang watched Shen Miao happily cuddling with her sister and shook his head silently.

"Let her go quickly. If she dies once, her life will be shortened. Don't delay her resurrection."

Li Muyang asked Shen Miao to let go of Shen Yan's soul, and then sent Shen Yan's soul into the shadow of the huge four-sided tripod in the foggy ghost city.

There, Shen Yan's shadow will reshape her physical body in the human world through the power of the Sifang Ding.

This process takes a day or two. After the physical body is reshaped, it also needs a day or two of rest before it can return to normal.

Li Muyang narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched Shen Yan's soul enter the Sifang Cauldron.

He couldn't understand Fang Yingtian's behavior.

For both emotional and logical reasons, the leader of the Blood Lotus Cult, who wanted to centralize power, should not just sit back and watch his close niece being attacked.

If he didn't have the courage to lift the table, he shouldn't have raised the tone so high in the first place.

Now that the opponent is jumping over the wall, he has given up... Such a blow to his prestige is absolutely devastating.

Li Muyang narrowed his eyes, feeling something was inexplicably wrong.

Fang Yingtian's strange behavior is difficult to understand.

But even with Shen Miao's third-angle surveillance, he could not find any abnormalities.

Fang Yingtian was very angry about Shen Yan's attack.

But it was just rage.

His response was exactly the same as when Ruan Mei was attacked last time. He ordered martial law and traced the murderer of Shen Yan's attack.

But beyond that, there's nothing more.

He still left the matter to the resurrected Shen Yan to handle.

The incriminating evidence that Shen Yan collected before was also destroyed because of her attack. Now, even though she knows who is responsible, there is no evidence to identify them.

Everything has to start again.

Through Shen Miao's narration, Li Muyang, who knew Shen Yan's situation after her resurrection, narrowed his eyes.

He turned to look at Shen Miao aside and suddenly asked a question.

"...Uncle Fang, is this really trustworthy?"

Until now, Shen Yan has been working loyally for Fang Yingtian and taking care of the affairs of the church.

But she and Ruan Mei were attacked one after another, but Fang Yingtian still acted as a hands-off shopkeeper and didn't care about anything. He didn't even hold the attacker accountable... There was something obviously wrong with this!

The Yingling girl in plain white robes blinked and said, "Uncle Fang? Did he do something?"

Although the girl is smart, she is still far from her sister.

After all, it is normal to be isolated from the world and be naive.

Li Muyang shook his head and stopped talking.

But that afternoon, a guest came to his cell.

Shen Yan, who had not come to the prison for several days, went straight to Li Muyang's cell after her resurrection.

In the dark prison corridor illuminated by dim oil lamps, the face of the girl in a thick cloak seemed to become even paler.

Death once and the chaotic situation in the city made this mortal girl visibly haggard.

She still came alone to visit Li Muyang alone.

But this time, Shen Yan's first words after the two met surprised Li Muyang.

"...Mu Yang," Shen Yan, holding an oil lamp, said softly: "If someone you trust very much wants to take advantage of you, or even harm you... what will you do?"

Shen Yan's question made Li Muyang's heart skip a beat.

His instinct as an undercover agent made him subconsciously think that he had been discovered.

But after thinking for a short time, Li Muyang guessed that it was not about him.

Li Muyang believed that he had no flaws at all.

He squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then asked, "Who are you talking about, Miss?"

At this time, it should be obvious who Shen Yan is referring to.

This extremely intelligent woman is not the silly and sweet girl like her sister.

If someone was plotting against her, she would be aware of it.

But facing Li Muyang's inquiry, half of Shen Yan's face, holding an oil lamp, was hidden in the darkness.

After she was silent for a few seconds, she shook her head and said with a smile, "Maybe I made a mistake..."

"Anyways, how are you? I've been busy lately and haven't come to see you for a long time."

"I'm here to pick you up from prison."

Shen Yan looked at Li Muyang quietly and said with a smile: "The leader finally agreed to pardon you."

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