Games with fairies

Chapter 274 Hard Turtle

After being released from prison, Li Muyang has not been reinstated.

Li Muyang, who originally became the banner leader, once again became a rankless idler in the Blood Lotus Sect.

This is slightly strange.

According to Li Muyang's guess, Shen Yan took him out of the prison, probably to use the powerful combat power of his Martial God Hegemony to deal with those thorny heads.

But Shen Yan only assigned him a leisurely task - to protect Ruan Mei, who was unconscious due to poisoning.

Although Ruan Mei is very important, this Aunt Mei has been taking care of Shen Yan after the death of Shen Yan's father, and is the elder who watched Shen Yan grow up.

But sending Li Muyang with such a powerful fighting force to protect Ruan Mei feels like killing a chicken with a bull's-eye.

As for the personnel protecting Ruan Mei, except for Li Muyang, the rest are the group of young disciples promoted by Li Muyang in the Law Enforcement Hall.

After Li Muyang was arrested and imprisoned, his law enforcement disciples were also imprisoned and examined.

After Shen Yan fished out Bu Hongsheng, Liu Fu and others, she kept asking them to protect Ruan Mei.

Now that Li Muyang was released from prison, everyone was very excited.

Only Liu Fu and Bu Hongsheng, after experiencing this incident, lost their former ambitions and seemed a little depressed.

Obviously, they worked desperately for the Blood Lotus Religion, but ended up being imprisoned and dismissed from their posts, which greatly dampened their enthusiasm.

But Li Muyang didn't care.

After he was released from prison, he was arranged to live next door to Ruan Mei.

Ruan Mei in the next room fell into a coma and was in a vegetative state. There are two doctors who are proficient in the art of poisoning. They help the comatose Ruan Mei detoxify three times a day, and use slow and meticulous methods to treat the attacked helmsman.

Li Muyang and others stayed inside and outside the yard to protect Ruan Mei's safety.

So Li Muyang's main daily task was to place a wicker chair at the door of Ruan Mei's house to prevent anyone from entering.

But every time he closed his eyes, Li Muyang would close his eyes and play games.

The situation in the Blood Lotus Sect has not gotten out of control for a long time. Even if people on both sides died, both sides are trying to exercise restraint.

According to what Li Muyang learned after he was released from prison, not only were Ruan Mei and Shen Yan attacked, but several flag owners on the opposite side were also killed.

Now the only thing left to break up the situation is that the leader of the Blood Lotus and several helmsmen would end up in person.

But no one has taken this last step.

The reason for everything is ultimately due to the existence of the blood oath of the Blood Lotus Sect.

The blood oath allows these believers to resurrect from the dead, and prevents them from rebelling. Even if it comes to a life-and-death fight, they cannot easily leave with their troops.

The two sides were in a stalemate, waiting for the other to give in.

After Li Muyang clearly understood the situation, he became more interested in the game.

Now that the situation is tense to such an extent, once Li Muyang clears the game and invalidates the blood oath and resurrection miracle of the Blood Lotus Sect, this group of people will definitely start fighting.

Even if they can't fight, those helmsmen and Xiangzhu who don't want to be embarrassed by Fang Yingtian will leave with their troops.

When the time comes, the hegemony of the Blood Lotus Sect will fall apart, and the Demon Refining Sect will be defeated one by one.

In the misty ghost town, the huge green knife mantis carried Shen Miao towards the last Xuanwu flag.

The huge Xuanwu Flag stood in the north of the ghost city. When Li Muyang stepped into the range of the Xuanwu Flag, he immediately entered the secret realm.

On the vast blue sea, a mountain-like basalt beast floats on the sea like an island.

His burly and huge body caused the entire ocean to riot, and the endless water storm beat towards the Green Knife Mantis.

Li Muyang controlled the green sword mantis to wave its blade arm, constantly breaking the water flowing towards him.

The girl Shen Miao, who was standing on top of the green knife mantis, shouted and threw out dark red blood arrows.

Every time a blood arrow hits the huge basalt beast, a small part of its health bar will be knocked off.

However, this basalt beast, which is as huge as a mountain, is not only huge in size, but also has a terrifyingly long health bar.

The combined health bars of the three divine beasts that were knocked down before were not as thick as this Xuanwu's health bar.

So although Xuanwu's attack was not violent, the huge health bar brought huge trouble.

The Green Knife Mantis controlled by Li Muyang carried Shen Miao flying in the storm water. Even if it hit Xuanwu dozens of times, it could still knock out at most 56% of Xuanwu's health.

And if Xuanwu's attack hits them once, the [Water] bar in the field of vision will increase by ten percent.

After being hit by Xuanwu ten times and the water vapor in their bodies is full, the two of them will be forcibly expelled from the secret realm. They must wait for the water vapor in their bodies to dissipate before they can continue the challenge.

The successive failures made Shen Miao a little depressed.

"This big turtle is so tough!" The girl said in frustration: "Brother-in-law, this guy is too tough. Can we really defeat it?"

The huge health bar of the Xuanwu Divine Beast made Shen Miao despair.

Li Muyang was extremely calm about this: "Just fail a few more times and get used to its attack frequency."

This kind of high-health BOSS has defeated countless online games in previous lives.

It's nothing more than reaction and endurance.

This little girl is so impatient and can't hold her breath at all.

In Li Muyang's view, although Xuanwu is thick, he is easy to deal with.

As long as you get used to Xuanwu's attack mode and develop muscle memory, defeating Xuanwu will be a matter of course.

He stayed outside Ruan Mei's house every day, playing games without any concern for the ups and downs of the outside world.

Although Liu Fu and Bu Hongsheng would often tell him about the current situation, such as the news that another person in the XX sub-rudder died, and that XX led people to make trouble in front of the leader and called him a thief.

But Li Muyang showed little interest in these tidbits of news and responded indifferently.

He even suggested that the two young people should pay less attention to external affairs and it would be best not to get involved.

Li Muyang has vaguely seen that this power struggle in the Blood Lotus Sect is more complicated than imagined.

Fang Yingtian, the leader of the Blood Lotus Cult, seems to have more obstacles than those who are dissatisfied with him...

In this chaotic situation, it is best not to show up, as little transparent people like Liu Fu and Bu Hongsheng who have no backstage.

As time passed day by day, Li Muyang stayed in the yard with peace of mind and stopped going out, indifferent to the outside world.

He took the time to play games every day, and together with Shen Miao conquered the final Xuanwu beast, constantly becoming familiar with the attack methods of the beast Xuanwu.

In the end, relying on the experience of failure again and again, the two finally succeeded in taking a crucial step.

——They emptied half of Xuanwu's health bar and entered the second stage!

This was definitely a step-by-step progress. When the divine beast Xuanwu roared in the sea and began to deform and expand, Shen Miao, who had been fighting with a tense heart for more than an hour, finally couldn't help but jump with joy.

"Successful! Finally successful!"

Although it has only entered the second stage, this progress is still inspiring.

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