Games with fairies

Chapter 275 Blood Lotus Patriarch

Above the vast sea, the mountain-like mythical beast Xuanwu roared angrily and continued to expand.

The Green Knife Mantis controlled by Li Muyang carried Shen Miao continuously flying in the air, waiting for the arrival of the second stage.

But after the ever-expanding mythical beast Xuanwu expanded to its limit, it did not transform into a more terrifying form.

Instead, it exploded and turned into endless blood flowing in all directions.

In an instant, the vast sea water below Li Muyang and the others was dyed red.

The scarlet sea water rose rapidly as if it had been stimulated, and the water level rose wildly, covering Li Muyang and the others' bodies in the blink of an eye.

The huge green knife mantis tried to struggle in the water, but the seawater continued to spread and quickly filled the secret realm. No matter how high Li Muyang and the others flew, they were always submerged by the blood-red seawater.

"Sorry, brother-in-law, this is the final counterattack of the Four Elephants Formation! All the remaining energy of the Formation is coming towards us now!"

In the blood-red sea water, the infant spirit girl shouted a warning.

At the same time as she issued the warning, four huge black figures suddenly appeared in the dark water.

The Eastern Azure Dragon, the Southern Vermilion Bird, the Western White Tiger, the Northern Black Tortoise...the four divine beasts that they defeated all appeared in the water at this time, surrounding Li Muyang and Shen Miao in the center.

The huge green knife mantis immediately joined Shen Miao and watched the four emerging black figures warily.

However, the shadows of these four divine beasts have no health bars.

After they appeared, they roared and screamed. Finally, attracted by an invisible force, all four divine beasts flew above Li Muyang and the others, and began to merge in the darkness.

The infant spirit girl above the green knife mantis was quite nervous when she saw this scene: "Sorry, brother-in-law, this is the appearance of the founder of the Blood Lotus Sect... My father actually buried the phantom of the founder in the Four Elephants Formation."

"Now that the Patriarch has appeared, we may not be able to defeat him!"

The Yingling girl became nervous.

The four divine beasts continued to merge in the blood, and finally turned into a ferocious and terrifying shadow.

On the top of the demon shadow's head, the blood-red blood bar exuded a terrifying deterrent.

Shen Miao almost cried when she saw the appearance of the demonic figure: "It's really the Blood Lotus! It's over! The Blood Lotus Patriarch was said to be a true immortal in ancient times."

"Even if it's a phantom, we can't defeat it!"

As the daughter of the leader of the Blood Lotus Cult, Shen Miao was deeply influenced by the Blood Lotus Cult. The moment she saw this demonic figure, Shen Miao almost knelt down.

But when Li Muyang saw the ferocious demonic figure known as the founder of the Blood Lotus Sect, he was stunned. There was an inexplicable familiar feeling in his heart, as if he had seen it somewhere.

The ferocious demonic shadow was shrouded in blood-red demonic aura, and seemed to be a woman. Blood-red chains were wrapped around her arms, and a strange magic sword was stuck on her back. The sharp sword edge replaced its spine and became entangled with its flesh and blood.

It looks creepy and weird.

And the blood bar on its head is a familiar name.

[Mo Fairy].

The moment this health bar appeared, Li Muyang was stunned.

ah? Fairy Mo?

Li Muyang looked stunned.

But the crisp sound of the iron chains colliding was heard, and the ferocious demonic figure roared towards Li Muyang, not giving Li Muyang any time to think.

The huge green sword mantis waved its sword arm to resist, but under the flickering light of the sword, the ferocious demonic shadow actually passed through the light of the sword, seemingly without any form.

The huge iron chain it was dragging swung suddenly. The moment the Green Knife Mantis was hit, it was blown away, and a huge evil aura emerged from its body.


A brand new energy bar appeared in Li Muyang's field of vision, and this strange demonic figure severely damaged the Green Knife Mantis with one blow.

Li Muyang waved his sword to resist again.

However, the sharp blade arm slashed out and easily cut off the mountain behind the demonic figure.

But the demonic figure once again passed through the light of the sword and came unscathed, and the scarlet chain swung again in the darkness.


With one blow, the Green Knife Mantis controlled by Li Muyang was knocked back again, and countless blood-red evil spirits rose up on its body.

The infant spirit girl Shen Miao hurriedly came to help, but the blood arrows she swung could not hurt the demonic figure.

Instead, the demonic shadow flickered endlessly in the darkness, constantly waving the chain to hit him.

Two minutes later, both Li Muyang and Shen Miao were filled with evil spirits and were forced out of the secret realm, returning to the foggy ghost town.

The infant spirit girl who failed in the challenge was a little frustrated.

"Brother-in-law, the Patriarch is really powerful. We can't beat him! We can't beat him at all."

The terrifying strength of Fairy Mo shocked Shen Miao.

She and Li Muyang joined forces to resist, but were easily defeated and forcibly expelled from the secret realm.

Coupled with the reputation of the other party's founder of the Blood Lotus Sect, the infant spirit girl's confidence and morale fell directly to the bottom of the well.

Li Muyang remained silent, squinting his eyes and recalling what he had just seen.

Fairy Mo...

In the game "Legend of Sword and Fairy", he released Fairy Mo in Nanjiang City in ancient times, and with the help of Fairy Mo, he defeated the demonized half-demon general and cleared the game, only to obtain the Jinghong Immortal Sword.

According to the plot in the game, Fairy Mo later took charge of Nanjiang City and wanted to guard the city in place of Fairy Jinghong.

But now Fairy Mo's phantom appears in the four-image formation set up by Shen Miao's father, and she has become the founder of the Blood Lotus Sect... Damn it! The Blood Lotus Sect is actually the orthodoxy of Fairy Mo?

Li Muyang couldn't accept it.

After clearing the game of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", he guessed that even if Fairy Mo took control of Nanjiang City, she would not be able to change the outcome of the ancient city's destruction. After all, darkness is turbulent and immortals are extinct. This is an unchangeable reality.

But it's one thing to guess, but it's another thing to see the demonized figure of Fairy Mo in person...

He couldn't imagine that Fairy Mo, who was heroic and humorous, would later turn into a demon and even become the founder of the Blood Lotus Sect, leaving behind a legacy of endless poison.

In the dark turmoil of ancient times, what happened to turn good people into evil spirits...

Thinking about the ferocious demonic shadow in the secret realm just now, I also recalled the heroic and funny fairy in "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Li Muyang felt a little melancholy for a moment.

Shen Miao noticed his depressed mood and asked curiously: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

Li Muyang sighed and said with emotion.

"Your Blood Lotus Sect's founder, turns out to be like this..."

Obviously from the contact in the game, Fairy Mo cannot be a demon.

But she created the Blood Lotus Cult orthodoxy...

At this moment, Li Muyang actually felt a sense of loss when he saw his friend go astray.

He even wanted to return to the game "Legend of Sword and Fairy" to meet the funny and humorous Fairy Mo.

Once the game is cleared, it cannot be entered.

Li Muyang could only look at the grayed out "Legend of Sword" (closed) entry on the system list and sighed softly.

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