Games with fairies

Chapter 288 Yan Gou

In the cold river water, the moon-biting dragon swims with the water monkey in its mouth.

Although the struggling water monkey is small in size, it has tenacious vitality.

Even though his body has been bitten through, he is still trying to break free and waving his hands and feet desperately.

Feeling the death struggle of the water monkey in her mouth, she made no unnecessary moves and did not waste the venom on the thing.

Although this water monkey is evil, he can't even break the scales on her body. The only difficult thing is that this water monkey is extremely flexible and agile in the water, making it difficult to catch.

This time, taking advantage of the opportunity for the water monkey to attack the humans on the shore, she took action in time and easily bit the water monkey.

The moment the evil thing was bitten by her, the fate of the evil thing was already decided.

After returning to the bottom of the river with the water monkey in her mouth, she happily chewed the water monkey in her mouth.

With the crunching sound of broken bones, the water monkey was easily chewed up by her and could no longer struggle.

Soon, she swallowed a whole water monkey.

Compared with her body length of five meters, this water monkey is too small.

The sweet and delicious monkey meat was transformed into some mysterious energy and integrated into her body. She could vaguely feel the changes in herself.

These evil things look ugly, but they can provide a lot of mysterious energy.

After she finished digesting the water monkey, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she lay on the river bed and waited for a while.

But that person still didn't come back.

Just like before, it came suddenly and violently, and left quietly, without any warning.

But this time she felt at ease.

After the last time the man left, until the sun set and rose again, the man came back again.

She roughly understood that that person should come only every once in a while.

Use her body to hunt every time and help her grow.

A few days ago, she was just a poor creature who was almost killed by humans.

Now she is a giant in the river, and it is difficult for humans to harm her anymore.

Even when she appeared in front of people, the group of humans were so frightened that they did not dare to move.

Recalling the horrified expressions of those on the shore just now, she squirmed with joy, feeling an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

When she was in the mountains before, she instinctively avoided the hunters in the mountains.

Later, he opened his spiritual intelligence, but he did not dare to approach humans.

But now there is no need to be afraid of humans.

But she also has no intention of preying on humans.

That person helped her, and she could vaguely feel that the person was a male human being.

It would be bad if he preyed on his fellow humans and offended him.

The moon-biting dragon swings its body and swims underwater.

She imitated that person's posture, movements, and behavior, and began to follow the river to find those weird evil things dormant and living in the river.

Although she wants to learn human language, she can no longer go back to that small river ditch.

She was a little disappointed.

But she thought that if she continued to hunt the evil things in the river and became stronger, she might be able to find someone to teach her how to speak and read in the future.

Well, find a human female, a good-looking one.

The human females she saw when she bit the water monkey just now were all ugly, and she didn't like them.

She likes pretty things.


"Huh? Why did you change the place again this time?"

The early morning sun shines on the rushing river.

Li Muyang opened his eyes and found himself lying in a river bend with gentle water flow.

It was unknown how far away he was from where he logged off last time, and everything he saw in his field of vision was very unfamiliar.

The river has also become wider, and the water flow is gentler than before, and it seems to have entered the waters further downstream.

Li Muyang opened the character panel and found that the experience value had actually increased out of thin air.

When he went offline yesterday, his experience value was LV3 (17%).

But at this time, the experience bar on the character panel shows that the experience value is LV3 (29%).

During the time he was offline, could this dragon's body be hunting?

Li Muyang was quite surprised by this discovery.

"...Is this still an idle game?"

In my previous life, I played many junk web games that promoted the ability to upgrade with one click, but I had never played them.

Unexpectedly, after this time travel, I actually played a real idle game.

You can upgrade even if you are idle.

He gained so much experience points in one day. Although it was not as good as when he registered in person, it was not slow either.

Li Muyang controlled the moon-biting dragon's body to swim out of the river bend and toward the river ahead.

Soon I found a guinea fish sleeping among the water plants in a dark ditch.

Many of the evil creatures in the river only come out at night.

Li Muyang had roughly figured out the activities of these evil creatures. He quietly approached and launched a sudden attack.

The guinea fish hides in the crevices of aquatic plants and rocks, almost blending in with the aquatic plants.

Thin black threads floated in the water, so thin they were almost invisible.

These are the "hairs" of the fish. When the fish is sleeping, it floats along the water and senses the surrounding water.

Once a giant object approaches and the water flow fluctuates, the sleeping Guiyu will wake up immediately.

But Li Muyang controlled the water flow and did not disturb any water flow along the way.

It wasn't until he got within three meters of the fish and a tiny black "hair" touched its body that the sleeping fish suddenly woke up.

But it was already too late.

The five-meter-long dragon swung suddenly, and accurately hit the weakest part of the body of the guinea fish with one bite.

The venom is injected crazily into the body of the fish,

LV3. As the moon-biting dragon grows in size, its venom becomes more powerful.

This guinea fish was suddenly attacked and ran away in panic. But after swimming ten meters away, his body stiffened and floated towards the water.

Li Muyang swung his body and smashed the body of the fish into pieces with his tail, completely eliminating the last possibility of this thing pretending to be dead for a sneak attack. Then he opened his mouth to bite the body of the fish and started chewing it.

Chewing the tender and sweet white meat in his mouth, Li Muyang floated down the water, digesting the fish to gain experience points, while looking for other prey.

I don’t know what is going on with this river. There are many villages, towns and cities along the river, and there are sails on the river constantly coming and going.

But there are a lot of evil things living in the river.

With so many evil creatures hiding in the river, aren't the people on the bank afraid of them? Don't you call the practitioners to kill you?

Or should I say...well...

Li Muyang suddenly thought of something.

"There are so many evil things, but there are no monks to kill them..."

Could this be the Tianyuan Dynasty?

If it were the continent he was on, under the rule of immortals and demons, it would be impossible for so many evil things to coexist with mortals.

When evil things poison mortals, they poison the profits and taxes of the practicing sect!

How can we tolerate it?

If this was the Tianyuan Dynasty, everything would be explained.

Li Muyang went down the river. While searching for evil things in the river, he often approached the big boats on the river and listened to the conversations of the people on the boats, trying to determine where this place was.

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