Games with fairies

Chapter 289 The River God and the Maid

"The unrest in the south is getting more and more intense..."

"I heard that the rebel army is about to reach the capital."

"The monsters of the Blood Demon Path are causing trouble in the world. It is said that they are killing creatures wherever they go. I don't know if the imperial court can stop them."

"I heard that His Majesty is critically ill and that the government is controlled by Pangda Shi..."

"Ah... Master Pang..."

On the big boat going down the river, two young men sat on the deck and chatted softly about the recent situation.

When the Grand Master Pang was mentioned, both of them shook their heads sarcastically, but did not dare to say anything.

Under the seemingly calm river surface, a giant white shadow silently followed the boat.

The moon-biting dragon's powerful five senses allowed Li Muyang to clearly hear the conversation between the two people on the boat.

His heart moved, and he was completely confirmed that this was indeed the Tianyuan Dynasty.

The blood demon path, the turmoil in the south, the chaotic army and the chaos in the world... these are all classic elements of the Tianyuan Dynasty.

From this point of view, it makes sense that there are so many evil things living in the river in front of us.

There were few practitioners in the Tianyuan Dynasty, but now it is the end of the dynasty, the world is in turmoil, and people everywhere are in dire straits.

The resentment of living beings will breed the birth of evil spirits in heaven and earth.

In addition, there is an ancient resentment well in Tianyuan Continent, which is greatly affected by the ancient resentment well.

The river where Li Muyang is located alone has so many evil things wandering around. There are still countless evil spirits born in the entire land of Tianyuan Dynasty.

Coupled with the influence of the ancient evil gods in the Ancient Resentment Well...

Li Muyang narrowed his eyes in the river, and a trace of worry appeared in his heart.

I always feel that if this trend continues, the Tianyuan Dynasty will become a breeding ground for evil spirits.

With so many evil beings born and wandering around the earth, is there really no problem?

Li Muyang was thinking about it and was about to leave to search for new prey.

But at this moment, the discussion of the two young people came from the boat overhead.

"...I heard that Fairy Liuli from the Xuanjian Sect is coming to the North."

"Oh? Fairy Liuli is coming to the North Land? I have vaguely heard of this fairy. It is said that she is a close disciple of Master Qingye."

"Well, it's her. I heard people say that she is coming to our northern land to subjugate demons and eliminate evil spirits that breed and take hold in the mountains, rivers and rivers of the north."

"Sigh... The bitter cold land in the north has never been taken seriously. There are wandering gods outside the Great Wall. It is said that it is extremely unfriendly to those who cultivate immortality. In this world, only the masters of Xuanjian Sect will come to our north."

"I hope this Glazed Fairy will come to the north and clear away the evil spirits breeding in the mountains and rivers."

"The northern land is bitterly cold and dangerous, and even the magicians from Qintian Prison are unwilling to come near. If Fairy Liuli from the Xuanjian Sect is willing to come to succumb to the demons, she will really be a noble and upright person in the immortal way..."

"After all, he is a disciple of Master Aoba..."

Li Muyang was slightly surprised by the sound coming from the river.

Fairy Liuli...want to come here?

Holy shit!

An old acquaintance!

If Fairy Liuli comes here to conquer demons, it would be a good time to team up with her.

Today's Liuli Fairy has experienced the turmoil in Sanhe City, slain her inner demons, and has become stronger.

If he teams up with her, Li Muyang can challenge stronger demons and speed up his leveling up.

The more he understands about this world, the stronger Li Muyang's sense of urgency becomes in practicing and upgrading.

The existence of the Ancient Resentment Well is a sharp sword hanging over the heads of everyone in this world.

Although this sharp sword may not necessarily fall on Li Muyang's head, the stronger the better to prepare for a rainy day and cultivate his strength.

Li Muyang hid in the river and listened again, but found that the two young people no longer discussed the matter of Fairy Liuli.

They actually discussed which brothel they would go to and which girl they would visit after arriving in Baizhou City tonight...

Listening to the two young men discussing with great interest the advantages and disadvantages of those brothel girls, Li Muyang shook his head speechlessly, shook his body and left.

He dived into the river and continued to search for evil objects and hunt for upgrades.

The only difference from before was that Li Muyang began to deliberately get closer to the big ships and eavesdrop on the conversations of the people on board.

"He became interested in those people on the river?"

The moon-biting dragon swimming in the river was thinking in confusion.

Today, she found that the man's behavior had changed again.

Now he started to listen to the people on the river, but he didn't look like he wanted to eat them.

Just simply listening.

"Is he also imitating human speech?"

The moon-biting dragon tilted his head and thought, but couldn't think of a reason.

But she felt that she didn’t have to be afraid if she couldn’t figure it out, she just had to follow it.

Since that person came into her body, everything he did was good for her.

She may not understand it at the moment, but as long as she follows it, she will definitely understand it in the future.

That person should be much smarter than her.

After all, she had just opened her spiritual wisdom, and it was not yet a day before her spiritual wisdom was opened. It had only been less than a year since she was born into this world.

If you don’t understand something, just learn from it.

So while searching and hunting in the water, she also began to imitate the man's behavior. From time to time, she swam close to the cruise ship on the river and listened to the words of the man on it.

She didn't understand much at first, but gradually as she listened more and more, she was able to understand what those people were saying.

In this day-to-day hunting upgrade, that person still came into her body at a fixed time, took her hunting with her, and left at a fixed time.

And after the man left, she hunted by herself and listened to what the people on the boat said.

Finally, when she grew in size again, from five meters to ten meters in length, she understood the voices of those on the boat.

Although I didn’t understand what many words meant, I finally understood what those people were saying.

In the process, she occasionally saw some people falling from the boat and into the water.

Most of them are human children, but there are also some adults who don't know how to swim.

Whenever she encounters this situation, she will take the initiative to swim over and lift those who have fallen into the water onto the boat.

At first, when those people saw her, they all screamed in fear.

But later, when she rescued people more times, no one would scream in fear at her anymore. Instead, they would kneel respectfully on the boat and kowtow desperately.

"Thank you, Lord River God, for saving my life!"

Those people said incomprehensible words, and she probably understood that they were thanking her.

But why call her River Goddess?

She has no name, and the river god is not her name either.

It's so funny that these people took it upon themselves to give her an unpleasant name.

Sometimes when she was lying under the boat and walking along the river, she would hear some strange words.

"...I hope the River God will bless us with smooth sailing this time."

"I hope the River God will bless me to go home alive and see my parents."

"I hope the River God will protect my husband from dying at home..."

Those people were talking to her inexplicably, asking her to do this or that.

But she didn't want to do it at all.

She didn't understand why these people said those things to her, as if she could do anything.

And you are not that person. I won’t listen to what you say.

She thought arrogantly, I am not a maid who is being manipulated.

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