The food was very delicious, but the owner was very happy.

Qi Feng was a little puzzled, but he didn't think much about it. He ordered a lot of specialties, then found a place to sit down and took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet, looking for all kinds of gossip about the Zhenyin mine in the new city.

Just as Qi Feng was watching with relish, Xiao Mei, who had long straight black hair and was sitting in front of him, suddenly came over with a shy face.

"Handsome guy, can we leave a contact number?"

Qi Feng was slightly stunned, "I'm sorry, I don't like dealing with strangers."

"But if you want to be friends with me, we can try to start now."

When Qi Feng said the last sentence, Xiao Mei finally showed a shy smile on her face, and then sat down in front of Qi Feng generously.

"My name is Li Meijuan, what's your name?"

"Qi Feng."

After Qi Feng said this, he took the food from the waiter, lowered his head and ate it without even looking at Li Meijuan.

Li Meijuan's eyes gradually widened, because Qi Feng's eating style was too exaggerated.

He ate a big spoonful of rice and a chicken leg at a time, as if he had never eaten a full meal in several lifetimes.

In this way, Li Meijuan watched Qi Feng finish a pile of food in less than five minutes.

At this time, Qi Feng patted his slightly bulging belly, burped, took out a napkin beside him to wipe his mouth, and saw Li Meijuan still sitting in front of him, and was slightly stunned.

"Um, what, do you have anything else to do?"

Li Meijuan was finally brought back to reality and looked at Qi Feng in amazement.

"Handsome guy, do you have such a big appetite?!"

"I do have a big appetite." Qi Feng admitted truthfully, "and I usually eat very fast, I'm used to it."

After Qi Feng finished speaking, he slowly stood up, "If you don't have anything to do, I'll go back to my room first."

Li Meijuan was immediately anxious and stood up quickly, "Handsome guy, you...what are you doing in your room? Can't you take a rest?!"

"That's right." Qi Feng admitted frankly and turned and left.

"Wait a minute!"

Li Meijuan suddenly ran to Qi Feng, "Why don't we go for a walk together? I heard that there are many undeveloped primitive forests in Jiuzhaigou, and the scenery there is very beautiful."

"Handsome guy, do you mind taking a few photos for me when the time comes?"

Li Meijuan said, looking at Qi Feng expectantly.

Just then, Li Meijuan's best friend, the round-faced girl named Xiaoya, came over.

"Xiaomei, this little brother obviously doesn't want to have too much involvement with you, why do you have to force him?"

Li Meijuan snorted in displeasure.

"Wang Shiya, what are you talking about? I'm chatting with this little brother, can you please stop talking!"

The round-faced girl with glasses, Wang Shiya, pouted her rosy lips and said nothing, but her eyes stayed on Qi Feng, and the pair of eyes hidden behind the glasses showed a little admiration.

After all, handsome guys are like beautiful girls, everyone likes to look at them!

Qi Feng thought about it, anyway, he didn't have anything to do now, so he nodded and agreed.

"Okay, let's go shopping together."

Hearing this, Li Meijuan cheered immediately.


"Xiaoya, did you hear that? This handsome guy agreed to go with us to explore the undeveloped primeval forest of Jiuzhaigou. Go and get your camera ready!"

"By the way, remember to bring a few more bottles of water and compressed biscuits. We may camp in the wild!"

Wang Shiya looked at her best friend and nodded helplessly.

She knew that her best friend was in love again at this moment!


At the same time, on a highway less than 100 kilometers away from Jiuzhaigou.

There were five luxury cars worth millions of dollars, driving at full speed.

And four of these five cars were million-level luxury cars.

The fifth car sandwiched in the middle was a luxury car worth tens of millions.

And in this luxury car, there were several men in suits and leather shoes.

The one in the middle was a middle-aged man with gray hair and a vicissitudes of life.

Although the years have left many marks on his face, it does not make him look old, but adds a bit of charm that is unique to mature men.

At this moment, the gray-haired man is shaking the scarlet liquid in the goblet, looking at the several men with stern expressions sitting in the car with a half-smile.


Don't tell me that you can't pinpoint Wang Wushuang's whereabouts now!"

As soon as these words came out, the other men in the car stood up at the same time, and then knelt down in front of the gray-haired man.

A burly man with a scar on his face spoke in a deep voice.

"Boss, please calm down. Although it took us a long time to find Wang Wushuang's whereabouts, God will not let down those who work hard. We have now pinpointed Wang Wushuang's location!"

"The latest news is that Wang Wushuang fled to Jiuzhaigou. According to his current moving position, he seems to want to hide in the unexplored primeval forest of Jiuzhaigou!"

"And he brought his wife with him on this trip. If my guess is correct, if Wang Wushuang is not found by us, he may not appear in the secular world again!"

The gray-haired middle-aged man finally showed a satisfied smile on his face when he heard this.

"Very good, it seems that Wang Wushuang is going to live in seclusion in the mountains with his wife and no longer care about worldly affairs, but is it possible? ”

“Do you think he can do this? !”

Several burly men looked at each other, and no one dared to say anything.

The gray-haired man laughed strangely at this time, "You did a good job. When you get to Jiuzhaigou, you don't need to alarm Wang Wushuang, just keep an eye on him."

"I will personally take down Wang Wushuang at that time. I want him to know the real difference between the strong and the ants!"

Hearing this, the burly man just now asked cautiously and tentatively, "Boss, if we take down Wang Wushuang, then his wife..."

"Are you trying to tell me that the rules of the rivers and lakes do not affect family members? !" The gray-haired man interrupted with a sneer, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

The burly man hurriedly lowered his head, "Boss, please calm down, I... I just asked casually, and I don't mean anything else."

"I don't think you doubt my courage! "The gray-haired man snorted coldly.

"Although it is a rule of the underworld not to harm your family, everything Wang Wushuang did forced me to kill everyone related to him, because he forced me to do it!"

Time is like flowing water, slipping away quietly without you noticing.

Qi Feng, Li Meijuan and Wang Shiya went to the unexplored primeval forest in Jiuzhaigou for a tour, and then returned to the homestay concentration camp.

It's not that Qi Feng is afraid of camping in the wild at night.

It's that Li Meijuan annoyed Qi Feng, and she would chat with him from time to time, and talk about some meaningless topics.

"Qi Feng, are you sure you want to sleep like this?"

At the door of the homestay room with the house number 520.

Li Meijuan bit her red lips and looked at Qi Feng affectionately.

"I'm sleepy, you should go to bed early too. "

Qi Feng didn't even look at Li Meijuan, and closed the door directly.

Talk about love?

Qi Feng is not interested at all now.

Because women will only affect the speed of his cultivation.

After entering the room, Qi Feng immediately put away his mobile phone to prevent some women from harassing him.

After all, a boy is alone outside and has to protect himself.

"We must leave this homestay concentration camp tomorrow and go into the mountains to find the Zhenyin vein!"

Qi Feng murmured, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Dreaming, the world of Zhenwu!

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