The next day, Qi Feng had just woken up and hadn't gotten up to wash up when there was a knock on the door. Qi Feng thought it was the tour guide knocking on the door and calling everyone to gather and go to the mountains together, so he opened the door. The next second, Qi Feng frowned. Because the person standing at the door was not the tour guide, but the crazy girl from yesterday, Li Meijuan! Out of politeness, Qi Feng patiently asked, "Do you have something to do with me?" Li Meijuan took out a steaming breakfast from behind like a magic trick. "You just got up and haven't eaten yet? I bought this for you from a folk snack stand one kilometer away that specializes in selling special breakfasts. Try it and see if it suits your appetite."

Qi Feng shook his head, "I have no appetite. If there is nothing else, I want to rest for a while."

Qi Feng said, and was about to close the door.

But Li Meijuan suddenly stretched out her hand to support the door, "Qi Feng, did you have a nightmare last night?"

Qi Feng was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"Your face looks a little ugly!"

Hearing this, Qi Feng immediately understood why his face looked ugly.

Because after falling asleep last night, Qi Feng did not wait until the next day to wake up.

Qi Feng woke up about an hour or two after falling asleep, and then practiced the intermediate chapter of the 18-style bodybuilding in the room, and got 15 new martial arts methods.

"It's not a nightmare, it's because I changed to a new environment and rested late last night." Qi Feng explained lightly.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"If nothing else, I want to catch up on some sleep."

Having said that, Qi Feng has already started to close the door.

Li Meijuan took a step back with some disappointment, "Then breakfast..."

"I'm not used to eating breakfast."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Feng slammed the door shut.

Why is this woman so annoying!

Even if you're a fangirl, there has to be a limit!

Li Meijuan's behavior has completely affected his life!

This made Qi Feng more determined to escape from the group.

After all, he came to Jiuzhaigou not for real tourism, but to find the Zhenyin vein.

And the Zhenyin vein is an extremely precious rare metal.

If Qi Feng found it at that time, but did not leave the tour group, it would be impossible for him to dig up the Zhenyin vein without anyone noticing.

Half an hour later.

All the people who came to Jiuzhaigou with the group gathered in the square of the homestay concentration camp.

The tour guide then called out the names and led many tourists towards the undeveloped primeval forest of Jiuzhaigou.

Jiuzhaigou has beautiful scenery and rugged rocks.

There are various amusement facilities and unexplored primeval forests.

People with an adventurous spirit like to explore unknown things.

People living in the high-level martial arts world are basically not cowards.

In addition, Jiuzhaigou is a scenic area and a tourist attraction in a safe area. It is impossible for there to be any monsters.

Because of this, there are men and women in the group going to the unknown area of ​​Jiuzhaigou, including the middle-aged couple that Qi Feng noticed yesterday.

Qi Feng deliberately walked at the back of the crowd, intending to take the opportunity to slip away from the group.

But unexpectedly, Li Meijuan and her good friend Wang Shiya came over at this time.

Qi Feng saw this and was immediately overwhelmed.

"Qi Feng, I didn't expect you to follow me." Li Meijuan looked at Qi Feng with a distressed face.

"You didn't get enough rest last night, and you look very bad now. How about I tell the tour guide not to go into the mountains today and have a good rest in the homestay."

After Li Meijuan finished speaking, she didn't know what she was thinking about, her pretty face gradually turned red, and even her expression began to become shy.

Her best friend Wang Shiya suddenly snorted, "Xiaomei, can you be more reserved? Don't lose control of yourself when you see a handsome guy, okay?!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Meijuan's pretty face instantly turned red, and she turned her head and glared at Wang Shiya.

"What are you talking about, how am I not reserved? I'm just concerned about Qi Feng, don't you see how pale his face is?!"

Li Meijuan said, looking at Qi Feng shyly.

"Qi Feng, why don't you just listen to me and don't go into the mountains with the group today. Stay in the B&B to rest. I...I will stay with you too!"

"No need!" Qi Feng immediately refused, "I came to Jiuzhaigou not just to travel and see the scenery, but to explore those unknown primeval forests!"

"This is an opportunity, how can I miss it?!"

Qi Feng hurriedly said

After saying this, he immediately walked forward.

He didn't want to stay any longer!

Because he was fed up with Li Meijuan!

But because the other party was a girl and didn't do anything too extreme, Qi Feng couldn't turn his face.

Of course, although Qi Feng left, with his strength, he could naturally hear the whispered communication between Li Meijuan and her best friend Wang Shiya.

"Xiao Mei, Qi Feng is indeed handsome, but handsomeness can't be used to make a living. Look how weak he is!"

"Just changing to a new environment, he actually had a nightmare, and he was so scared that his face turned pale!"

"If such a man really gets married in the future, he will be completely unable to carry or lift anything. You will have to serve him then!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Li Meijuan snorted, "Xiao Ya, I admit that Qi Feng looks a little weak, but I just like handsome guys like him."

"Fair and clean, tall and thin, and very elegant, do you know what is a beauty to behold? Qi Feng is the so-called beauty to behold!"

Li Meijuan said, not knowing what she thought of, and smiled shyly.

"And I'm a junior soldier, and I'll be with Qi Feng in the future. If he really can't carry anything, I'll take care of all the housework!"

"Let him stay at home with me every day, and I'll be satisfied when I see him every day!"

Wang Shiya immediately made an exaggerated expression, "Xiao Mei, you're really hopeless!"

"He's just a handsome guy, handsome guys will eventually get old..."

"I just like him!" Li Meijuan snorted, "Hurry up and catch up, Qi Feng has gone far away..."

Qi Feng hurriedly quickened his pace when he heard this.

Being handsome is sometimes a trouble!

Qi Feng sighed in his heart.

Everyone followed the tour guide for about ten minutes.

In order to take care of the women in the team, the tour guide suggested that everyone rest for five minutes, and everyone agreed.

Qi Feng secretly thought that the opportunity had come, and his telekinesis spread out all over the sky, looking for an opportunity to leave the tour group.

"Oh no, oh no!"

"Someone is lost!"

At this moment, some unknown traveler suddenly started to yell, attracting everyone's attention.

The two tour guides who were leading the way ran over immediately.

One of them asked anxiously, "What happened? Who is lost?!"

The other tour guide immediately shouted, "Everyone, come to me and gather for roll call!"

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