The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

"Qi Feng is here!"

Qin Zhengyang shouted at the top of his voice before he even opened the door of the Golden Arches Fried Chicken Shop.

All the classmates who had already booked the shop immediately stood up and looked towards the door.

The next second, Qin Zhengyang stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

Qi Feng smiled helplessly and walked into the shop.

Everyone at the scene immediately applauded.

There was no excessive courtesy, no too many greetings.

All the classmates gathered around Qi Feng, surrounded him like a star, and asked about his college entrance examination results and which martial arts university he would apply for.

Of course, there were many female classmates who wanted to keep Qi Feng's contact information.

Qi Feng did not give it, and he answered the questions selectively.

However, Qi Feng had a humble smile on his face from beginning to end, and did not put on any condescending attitude.

These were all his classmates.

Moreover, he did not feel that anyone in this group of classmates showed hostility towards him.

At the same time, Qi Feng also found that although these classmates were very enthusiastic about him, they deliberately kept a certain distance from him.

This made Qi Feng very helpless, although he was a star student in Jing'an District who was known to everyone, a genius among geniuses.

But since he was here today, he would not put on any airs.

Why couldn't these classmates get in close contact with him as usual?

Perhaps it was because Qi Feng's halo was too dazzling now, or perhaps it was because Qi Feng's inadvertent aura was too overwhelming.

As a result, these students only gathered around Qi Feng to ask questions at first, but soon they all subconsciously stepped aside and looked at Qi Feng with awe, admiration or envy.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became cold.

Qin Zhengyang noticed it and hurriedly smiled to smooth things over.

"I said, what are you all doing? Aren't you waiting for Qi Feng to come? Qi Feng is here now, but you are hiding far away. Don't you want to recognize Qi Feng as your classmate?"

"And you, Liu Yani, didn't you say before that you would confess to Qi Feng when he came today? What are you waiting for? Hurry up and say it, everyone applaud, quack quack..."

The classmates laughed.

The atmosphere was pushed to a climax again.

Amid a round of cheers and applause, a pretty girl walked towards Qi Feng with a blushing face.

"Qi Feng, I..."

"I know what you want to say." Qi Feng interrupted me with a smile, "But I think we are still young now, and I am not interested in talking about love. I am really sorry."

As soon as Qi Feng said this, the girl immediately covered her blushing face and ran into the crowd without daring to look up.

Qi Feng was helpless about this.

Everyone laughed.

Then everyone asked Qi Feng about his cultivation, and time soon came to lunch time.

The class leader stood up and said, "We have talked about it, and it is almost time for lunch. Let's go to the restaurant we booked in advance!"

Everyone had no objection, and they surrounded Qi Feng and walked out of the fried chicken shop, and took a taxi to the restaurant they booked in advance.


The restaurant was not a high-end restaurant, but just a very ordinary stir-fry restaurant, but everyone was very happy to eat.

During the period, many male classmates came to toast Qi Feng.

Female classmates toasted Qi Feng with drinks.

In short, Qi Feng was not idle for a quarter of an hour, and all the old classmates who surrounded him were all kinds of old classmates.

At this moment, Qin Zhengyang came to Qi Feng and whispered in his ear.

"Qi Feng, there is a female classmate waiting for you at the bathroom door, go quickly, don't let her wait anxiously!"

Qi Feng frowned, shook his head with a smile, "I'm really not interested in this kind of thing, I just want to improve my martial arts performance now, as for talking about love, it's too early!"

"You... you are really a steel straight man!" Qin Zhengyang stared at Qi Feng with regret.

"Brother, the girl is shameless and took the initiative to ask you to meet, just go and meet her."

"And she doesn't necessarily want to confess to you, what are you afraid of? Or do you have a girl you like in your heart?!"

Qi Feng smiled helplessly, "Okay, I'll go and see."

Then Qi Feng got up and went to the bathroom of the hotel.

When he arrived at the bathroom, Qi Feng saw a slender girl in a white dress standing at the bathroom door with her back to him.


Qi Feng called softly.

The girl turned around immediately.

Qi Feng was stunned for a moment, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"It turned out to be you."

That's right,

The person waiting for Qi Feng at the bathroom door was none other than Li Shiyao, the senior whom Qi Ru regarded as her idol.

"Qi Feng, we are not in the same class, so it is not convenient for me to go there, so I asked you to meet here..."

"It is not inconvenient." Qi Feng smiled at Li Shiyao faintly, "Let's go, everyone is eating, it would be great to go over and chat while eating, it would be awkward to stand at the bathroom door and talk."

Qi Feng had said so much, Li Shiyao could not refuse, her pretty face slightly blushed as she followed Qi Feng to the big box where Qi Feng and a group of classmates were having a party.

Qin Zhengyang immediately whistled and winked at Li Shiyao.

Li Shiyao's pretty face became even redder, but at the same time she cast a grateful look at Qin Zhengyang.

"Everyone be quiet, let me introduce you, this is our Jing'an No. 1 Middle School's school beauty, Li Shiyao!"

Qin Zhengyang introduced loudly.

The classmates in Qi Feng's class laughed and teased.

"I've heard of the name of Li Xiaohua for a long time, and I've always wanted to pursue her, but I didn't expect that she already has someone in her heart!"

"Yeah, you don't have a chance. The person Li Xiaohua likes is our idol!"

"Qi Feng, you must have a drink with Li Shiyao today..."

Qi Feng smiled and ignored him, and put a glass of juice in front of Li Shiyao.

"What do you want to tell me?"

The voices in the box suddenly became quieter.

Li Shiyao immediately closed her mouth and lowered her head shyly.

Qin Zhengyang was very good at handling things and immediately livened up the atmosphere.

"Don't be the eavesdropper, eat and drink when you should, and those who want to have a boyfriend or girlfriend should hurry up and make a date, otherwise there will be no such store after this village!"

Everyone laughed.

Li Shiyao seemed a little shy, and got up and walked to the corner of the box.

Qi Feng had to follow her.

"Can I tell you now?"

Li Shiyao bit her red lips, "Qi Feng, which martial arts university are you going to apply for?"

Qi Feng answered truthfully without any hesitation, "Any of the four martial arts universities in Zhongshenzhou."

Li Shiyao's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, but she seemed to think of something and nodded again.

"With your martial arts talent, you should go to the four martial arts universities in Zhongshenzhou. After all, the four martial arts universities in Zhongshenzhou are the cradle of all talented students."

Qi Feng nodded and smiled, "What about you?"

Li Shiyao was stunned for a moment, and smiled a little unnaturally, "I... I also plan to apply for a martial arts university in Zhongshenzhou, but with my martial arts results, I will definitely not be able to get into the four martial arts universities."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as I go to a martial arts university in Zhongshenzhou."

Qi Feng's eyes flashed, and he nodded and smiled, "Then we will contact each other when we have a chance."

Li Shiyao wanted to say something, but a male classmate with a red face and a smell of alcohol walked towards Qi Feng with a glass of wine.

"Qi Feng, you are a celebrity now, you must not forget us old classmates!"

"Come, I'll toast you a glass!"

Qi Feng smiled at Li Shiyao apologetically, "Sorry, I'll leave you first, please do as you please."

Qi Feng turned around and walked forward without hesitation.

Li Shiyao looked at Qi Feng's back, her eyes became complicated, but she seemed to suddenly think of something, and a touching smile appeared on her face.

No matter what, she will go to Zhongshenzhou to go to college!

The meal ended in a joyful atmosphere.

Some of the drunk classmates were sent home by the classmates who didn't drink, and some were sent to the hotel.

After saying goodbye, Qi Feng, Qin Zhengyang and three male classmates who didn't drink much entered the Internet cafe, picked a position for the five-player machine, and started to play ranked games with five black players.

It was not until after ten o'clock in the evening that Qi Feng returned home drunk, took a shower, returned to his room, lay on the bed, and closed his eyes.

Enter the dream, practice!

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