The middle-aged man turned his head subconsciously and followed the little girl's line of sight to look up at the sky.

The next second, his pupils suddenly contracted.

In the clear blue sky, a huge black dot quickly enlarged, like a figure falling from the sky.


The sound of the figure breaking the wind became louder and louder, and other people in the mountain forest park soon noticed it and shouted loudly.

Many people even instinctively took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the figure falling from the sky!

"Is this... someone parachuting?" The middle-aged man muttered to himself in astonishment, "But I didn't see any parachute...

Suddenly, the middle-aged man seemed to think of something, and his eyes showed a strong shock. He murmured in shock with a moving face, "It's not parachuting, it's a martial artist!"

"It's a very powerful martial artist, at least at the level of an intermediate general, or even higher..."

The middle-aged man said, and took a deep breath, "It may be a martial arts master at the level of a god of war!"

"Bang! "

At this moment, the figure that fell from the sky had already landed heavily on the ground at the top of the mountain. The terrifying impact force directly crushed the ground and smashed two large pits.

A circle of white air waves visible to the naked eye spread out from the center of the figure, blowing the onlookers' eyes to squint, as if a strong wind was passing through.

Everyone tried to open their eyes and look at the center of the air wave.

They saw a figure with his head slightly lowered and standing steadily.

The man was carrying a black travel bag on his back, wearing a gray sports suit, and his posture was upright, like a gun.

When the other party raised his head, everyone saw his appearance clearly, and there was a sound of gasps around the top of the mountain.

Some people even couldn't help but scream.

Because this is a very The young boy looked like he was only 17 or 18 years old and in high school.

In other words, this boy who looked like he was in high school, without any protective gear, fell directly from a height of several hundred meters, and was unharmed? !

When the onlookers thought of this, they were stunned and stared at the boy in amazement, unable to say a word.

And the boy was Qi Feng.

Qi Feng noticed that there were a lot of people around him, frowned slightly, and his body swayed and disappeared in an instant.

In less than a blink of an eye, Qi Feng's back had already rushed down the mountain.

The people on the top of the mountain only then reacted and talked about it for a while.

"My God, how could such a young child fall from the sky and not be hurt at all!"

"Are you filming a movie? Look for a camera nearby? ”

“Scared me to death, and it made such a big hole…”

The middle-aged man held the little girl Tangtang and looked at the direction where Qi Feng disappeared, his face still full of shock.

Although he did not pass the assessment and certification of the primary warrior, he was just an ordinary person living in the world of high martial arts, but he had also read many legends of martial arts masters and knew the classification of martial artists.

When he saw the boy fall, he was at least a few hundred meters away from the ground.

Jumping from such a high place, let alone a high-level warrior, even a primary warrior would be smashed into a meat paste.

Unless the high-level warrior has the level of Gangjin all over his body, he can offset and resolve the impact force formed by the collision at the moment of landing and land safely.

But there is a certain probability of injury, fractures or internal bleeding are inevitable.

After all, it is falling straight from the sky hundreds of meters high. On the ground, there was no deceleration during the period, and there was no cushioning when landing.

But after Qi Feng landed just now, he just stayed for a few seconds and immediately turned into a gust of wind and left the scene.

Therefore, the middle-aged man couldn't help but guess that Qi Feng might be a martial arts master who surpassed the level of a general and reached the level of a martial arts master.

And only when you reach the level of a god of war can you be called a "martial arts master".

This guess shocked the middle-aged man even more.

After all, a high school student of seventeen or eighteen years old is a god of war...

This is too exaggerated and outrageous!

He wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

But the two big pits in the middle of the mountaintop clearly explained everything. They were stepped out by feet.

The middle-aged man's cognition was confused, and his worldview was greatly impacted.

The little girl exclaimed at this time, "Dad, was the big brother just now a god? How did he come down from the sky?"

"Where are there any gods." The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, "Maybe the big brother was equipped with some high-tech, we didn't see

"I just came here."

Having said that, the middle-aged man's expression was very complicated.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of high-tech means could allow a person who didn't wear any protective measures and buffering measures to fall safely from a height of several hundred meters.

"Dad, is that big brother just now a superman?"

The little girl's childish voice sounded again.

The middle-aged man patted the little girl on the back, "Silly girl, there is no superman, it's just a movie."

"Oh. "

The little girl nodded, not quite understanding, but her eyes were always looking at the direction Qi Feng had just left.

"It must be a god or a superman, but Dad doesn't want to admit it..."

The little girl thought secretly in her heart.


The strong wind blew past Qi Feng's ears.

Qi Feng's speed was as fast as a phantom of green smoke, moving quickly on the road down the mountain.

After being promoted to a high-level warrior, the power of the breathing method of the body-building technique of the immortal cultivation method finally emerged.

With the blessing of this breathing method, Qi Feng can increase the speed of his movements by more than twice.

The strong wind lingered around him, constantly offsetting the resistance brought by the air.

In addition to the speed bonus brought by the physical breakthrough, Qi Feng believed that even a martial artist at the level of a god of war might not be as fast as him.

"If my shoes were not broken, my speed should be even faster. "

Qi Feng looked at his feet.

He was originally wearing a pair of sneakers, but now only the uppers were left, and the soles had been crushed when he landed.

However, at the cost of a pair of soles, Qi Feng also confirmed one thing.

With the cooperation of the method of refining essence into qi, he completed the first stage of Gangjin body tempering, making his body very strong!

"My whole body, muscles, bones, skin, including internal organs, have undergone a great transformation."

"Completely beyond ordinary high-level warriors, even reaching the level of primary war gods, or intermediate war god-level martial artists, stronger than those martial artists with defensive talents!"

"The increased defense of martial artists with defensive talents only exists outside the body, but I am different. My internal organs are also extremely powerful, and my muscle strength may even be able to hold a bullet..."

Qi Feng muttered to himself as he quickly went down the mountain.

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