Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 19 One man shakes the beast tide, the power of a young master!

Lin Yu, who had left the secret realm, suddenly stopped.

A strange shaking sensation suddenly came from the soles of his feet.

Lin Yu frowned slightly, and used his blood energy to pass into his legs. His legs instantly became as steady as a needle stuck in the ground.

"Roar! Roar!"

Then, the wild joy of the beasts that resounded through the world spread in the wilderness forest.

The surrounding woods shook suddenly, and for a moment, the fallen leaves all over the sky fluttered.

"What is this?"

"Beast tide?"

Lin Yu suddenly reacted, and then a sword wave was shot forward.

After a while, the sword wave returned to the original path and transmitted part of the picture back.

In the picture, countless beasts galloped on horses, and the number was countless. The beasts lined up in rows and attacked in their direction, like a large army passing through the border, leaving no grass wherever they went.


Lin Yu couldn't help but curse.


Who said luck is useful?

Encountering a beast tide as soon as you go out, is this called being lucky?

Lin Yu no longer hesitated and turned around and ran.

Soon, Lin Yu met a group of major forces in Jiangcheng who had just escaped from the secret realm.

In an instant, many warriors recognized Lin Yu.

"It's him! The boy who got the secret treasure! Chase him!"

"The secret treasure is worth countless. Catch him and reward him with 100 taels of gold!"

Before they could chase Lin Yu, the strange sound behind him made all the warriors turn back.

"What's going on?"

"Stupid! This is a beast tide! Run!"

"Damn it, everyone run! I don't want to die!"

Beast tide, an army of ferocious beasts composed of rioting beasts.

Beast tide is extremely harmful. A small beast tide can directly destroy a small city.

As for large beast tides, they can even destroy large beast tides. This level of beast tide, even for a master, can only take a detour to escape. It is an event defined as a huge disaster by the Federation.

However, the beast tide that occurred at this time was just a small beast tide.

Even so, warriors below the level of martial arts master can only run for their lives, otherwise they will be torn to pieces in an instant.


The major forces gave orders one after another without any hesitation.

In fact, the major forces have many warriors, and this strength is also capable of fighting against the small beast tide. Even if it is delayed, it can be delayed to Jiangcheng for support.

However, none of them chose to stay and resist.

In this way, the beast tide chased, and the warriors ran all the way down, and they were about to reach the gate of Jiangcheng.

Seeing this abnormality, the guards guarding the city were scared and hurriedly notified the captain Wang Teng.

"Warriors coming down, don't lead the beasts into the city, please delay where you are, our reinforcements will come to help soon!"

However, no matter how Wang Teng shouted, the warriors under the city wall still fled, and did not listen to this order at all.

"Damn it!"

Wang Teng's heart was beating wildly. If the beast tide was allowed to enter the city, even if the reinforcements suppressed the beast tide, his golden bowl would definitely be taken away when the situation was calmed down!


Through this identity, he has gained a lot of benefits over the years and has bought several houses in the city.

Yes! Several houses!

It can be seen that how could Wang Teng bear to watch the golden bowl being taken away?

"Damn it! Close the door for me!"

Wang Teng ordered angrily.

"But...what about the warriors below..."

The soldier hesitated a little. There were warriors below. If the gate was closed at this time, wouldn't all the warriors below die in the beast tide?

But Wang Teng didn't care about that. He just wanted the beast tide not to enter the city!

"Do you want me to say it again?"


The soldier gritted his teeth and shouted under great pressure: "Close the city gate!"

The fleeing warriors were stunned when they saw the city gate was closed.

"I'm a fairy! Damn it, why are you closing the city gate at this time?"

"It's over! Once the city gate is closed, we can only wait for death!"

"I don't want to die!"


A group of warriors lost hope in an instant and cursed Captain Wang Teng.

Seeing the effect, Wang Teng smiled victoriously.

"Haha! That's good. If the beast tide is not allowed to enter the city, my position will be stable!"

The soldiers on the side were terrified.

What a terrible guy!

For the sake of his position, the lives of hundreds of people below were directly ignored on the spot!

"Wang Teng, you beast! How dare you block me down there?"

"Wang Teng, I'm going to kill you when I go back!"

Facing the insults, Wang Teng was a little angry. He was about to see who humiliated him so fiercely, but the next second, he changed his face instantly.

"It turned out to be Captain Wang!"

"Release them! Except for the Wang family, no one else can be released!"

The city gate was opened, and the Wang family took the opportunity to hide in the city, and the other forces were angry and cursed.

"Captain Li?"

"Mr. Tang?"

Several major forces were looking for their leaders and discussing what to do next, but the leaders of the major forces disappeared one after another.

Looking back at the city wall, Mr. Tang and other major leaders had already run away!

Everyone: ? ? ?

In an instant, the warriors were defeated.

The beast tide was approaching, and many warriors died on the spot.

In the state of being trapped by the beasts, many warriors began to wake up, began to fight back, and attacked the beasts.

But they were just ordinary warriors, and they were soon submerged by the beast tide.

In less than a few minutes, more than half of the hundreds of warriors were killed or injured.

Lin Yu was also blocked outside the city wall.

In just a few minutes, he was completely disappointed with this group of so-called big forces.

For their own interests, they can even abandon their own people. Just ask, what will they bring to ordinary people?

"A group of parasites!"

The so-called big forces are a group of parasites that parasitize the city!

When they are stable, they continue to exploit ordinary people, and when they are in danger, they only care about their own interests!


Looking at the warriors who kept falling, Lin Yu no longer hesitated, raised his sword and began to fight back.

With sharp sword waves, the beast tide fell down in large areas in an instant, and there were empty areas.

"The master is here! There is salvation!"

The warriors cheered, and when the master arrived, they had hope of being rescued!

However, when their eyes turned to the direction where the master was fighting, they were dumbfounded in an instant.

The master they were talking about was actually an unbelievably young boy!

And this boy was the one they had just chased!

"Am I dazzled or have I not woken up yet? An 18-year-old master?"

"Hit me, wake me up!"

The warrior next to him suddenly slapped him.

"Oh my god!"

"It's true! Such a young master!"

"Oh my god! Who is this boy who is so fierce?"

"Look! He blocked the entire beast tide by himself!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the man's finger.

In the distance, the terrifying army of countless beasts was blocked by one person.

The man stabbed out with the terrifying long sword in his hand, and dozens of beasts fell down. The terrifying fighting power made all the people watching gasp!


Not far away, a hunter team was surrounded by a large number of beasts.

Liu Yang, the captain of the Fiery Team, kept slashing at the beasts that rushed in, and his eyes were alert to the surroundings to prevent the beasts from rushing in from other directions.

"Brother! What should I do now!"

Liu Yun's eyes were red and her whole body was trembling. She was afraid of being drowned by this fierce beast tide.

She didn't want to die, she was still very young...

"Don't worry! Hold on, someone will come to help us!"

Liu Yang's eyes condensed, and he chopped the tiger in half with a knife.


Behind Liu Yang, a blood moon wolf launched a sneak attack, biting a huge bloody hole in Liu Yang's body, and blood kept flowing out of the wound.

"Not good!"

Even with the injury, Liu Yang was still fighting bravely, but unfortunately his physical strength was gradually lost, and he could not defeat the surrounding beasts.

The other members of the Fiery Team were in almost the same situation, and they were exhausted, and the battle seemed very difficult.

"Xiao Yun!"

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