
Liu Yang's eyes bulged and he roared angrily.

A violent bear rushed into the team at some point and rushed straight towards his sister Liu Yun.

But he no longer had the strength to arrive, so he could only watch his sister being "murdered"!


Liu Yun was stunned on the spot, tears streaming down her face.

She wanted to move her body, but her trembling legs couldn't move at all.


Liu Yang rushed to Liu Yun with all his strength, but it was obviously to no avail!


The loud roar caught Lin Yu's attention. He turned his head, seeming to notice something.


Lin Yu slowly exhaled a breath, and his figure disappeared instantly.

When everyone reacted again, they saw a phantom moving as fast as lightning among the beasts.

That ghostly figure wandered among the beasts. Wherever it went, the ferocious beasts fell down in rows, making all the warriors present stunned!

Are you sure you can achieve such terrifying combat power alone?

Can one person withstand an army?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have beaten up the person who brought the news and yelled: If there were such people, pigs could even climb trees!



Countless screams resounded throughout the entire herd.

Countless ferocious beasts were ruthlessly harvested by Lin Yu.

"Great! Yun'er, are you okay?"

Liu Yang came to Liu Yun and carefully inspected his sister's body.


"But, brother, who is the person who saved us just now? Why does it seem so familiar to me?"

After being rescued, Liu Yun, who had survived the disaster, was very curious about her savior, and her eyes were filled with peach blossoms.

How could one person be so strong that he could sweep across the battlefield! !

Such a strong man is simply her idol.

I just don’t know how old that person is and whether he is handsome or not?


Liu Yang suddenly came back to his senses when he heard about his savior.

He was so concerned about his sister's safety just now that he forgot that the person who just rushed over to help them was not generally strong.

As for familiarity?

Liu Yang raised his head and looked for that person in the battlefield.

"Lin Yu?"

"What? Lin Yu?"

Liu Yun was dumbfounded. Was that person Lin Yu just now?


She looked at the fighting figure in the distance in panic, and it became more and more familiar to her.

Looking from a distance, that "idol" figure is none other than Lin Yu! ?

"Young man... Grandmaster!!"

The two Liu brothers and sisters were stunned on the spot.

After rescuing the Fiery Team, Lin Yu did not stop, but continued to fight.

Lin Yu, who was wandering among the beasts, not only did not get tired from fighting, but became more and more courageous as he fought. The power of the long sword became more and more powerful, which not only made people wonder, could this man be made by a machine? Not tired?

You must know that the bursts of warriors are very strong, but their durability is very low. Generally, they will be exhausted after a few bursts.

However, Lin Yu was like a killing machine at this time!

It can be seen how terrifying Lin Yu's fighting power is!


Seeing that there were many ferocious beasts attacking Lin Yu behind him, many warriors reminded him loudly!

"Little Karami!"

Lin Yu chuckled twice and instantly dodged the attacks of several ferocious beasts.

Then, he drew his sword like a dragon returning to the sea, and with the sharp sound of the sword, streams of silver light flashed past, stabbing at the ferocious beasts that were charging towards the opposite direction.



Every time his sword fell, the life of a ferocious beast was ended, and it exploded on the spot, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

With Lin Yu as the center, blood instantly dyed the earth red...


Warriors remind again!

The ferocious beasts gradually became smarter and attacked Lin Yu's back one after another.


Lin Yu didn't even look behind him, and grabbed the head of the ferocious beast close at hand with one hand.

His strength was supernatural, and a ferocious beast the size of a small car was directly lifted up by him, as light as a straw.

Lin Yu swung it in a circle and hit the beasts like a heavy hammer.


The beast group exploded, and the ferocious beast exploded like a watermelon. Black plasma splashed everywhere, and the beast group near the explosion point was instantly killed and injured!

Holy shit!

Seeing this scene, everyone took a deep breath.

This is simply a humanoid beast! !

Many people began to wonder, is Lin Yu a human?

It’s not over yet!

Lin Yu's momentum exploded again.


Lin Yu's face was sharp and he shouted murderous words.

Like a tiger descending from a mountain, he charged alone into a herd of ferocious beasts, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, with a ferocious aura.

He grabbed the neck of a flying blood-eyed fire monkey with one hand and used his other hand to exert force.

With a "poof" sound, he pulled out the entire head of the Blood-eyed Monkey, including its spine covered in flesh and blood, like pulling grass.


He kicked out his right leg, and the air exploded. A large piece of fog was blown away by the strong wind, and the sound was deafening.

The lightning-fast whip legs were like a battle axe, kicking a violent bull open with a devastating kick.

The body was instantly blasted into countless pieces.

Tang Si on the city wall had already stared blankly.

He couldn't see Lin Yu's appearance clearly, but the fighting power that Lin Yu unleashed was simply sky-breaking.

One person and one sword actually blocked the entire herd of beasts!

Coupled with this terrifying endurance, it is comparable to the monster among monsters.

Thinking of the other party's age, Tang Si's scalp tingled.

What genius? What prodigy?

Compared with Lin Yu at this time, he is simply the younger brother of the younger brother!

"How is this possible..."

Tang Si pondered for a long time before he could utter a word.

How is it possible...?

This is not only the most real reaction in his heart, but also the reaction in everyone's heart.

Punches hit the flesh, swords draw blood!

This extremely brutal and violent aesthetics has refreshed everyone's three views again, making many warriors' excited faces flushed!

Even, an idea was born in their hearts: Warriors, this is how it should be!

When did everyone imagine themselves in their childhood like this?

On the battlefield, bravely killing the enemy, shedding blood on the battlefield, and winning a body of honor?

Look at yourself again.

What makes everyone ashamed is that after years of practice, they have actually abandoned their original intentions, started to become weak, and started to become eager for quick success.

Many people lowered their heads in shame.

Facing the beast tide, their first thought was to run away? The warriors present joined forces and were no less powerful than the beast tide, but the ending was miserable.



Lin Yu half-knelt on the ground, holding his sword and breathing heavily.

On the battlefield, 50% to 60% of the beasts were killed or wounded, and many beasts fled after seeing this cruel human.

Now there were less than a few hundred beasts staring at Lin Yu.

However, what puzzled everyone was that these beasts no longer attacked Lin Yu, but chose to stare at him from afar.

"What is this? Are they scared?"

One person guessed.

"I think so!"

"Don't say they are scared. As a spectator, I am so scared that my hands are shaking!"

Another person laughed at himself.

It's not his fault that he is timid. It's mainly because Lin Yu's fighting style is too barbaric.

Where have warriors of their level ever seen such a big scene?

"What? Are you scared?"

Lin Yu raised his head and looked at the beasts in the distance.

Faced with the provocation, the beasts became extremely irritable, but still no beast dared to step forward.

They were all warrior-level beasts, and they all had intelligence no less than that of humans.

No beast was a fool, and dared to step forward to die.


Just when everyone thought the battle was about to end, an even more ferocious roar resounded through the world.

Under the gaze of everyone, a beast as big as a hill slowly came.

Boom! Boom!

With every step, everyone's heart jumped with the crazy shaking ground.

"No! That's the beast king!"

A sharp-eyed warrior recognized the identity of this beast.

Every beast group has a beast king, who is the leader of the entire beast group and the most powerful fighting force of the beast group.

Beast king! Represents a power that makes people despair!

Because every time a beast king is born in the beast group, it means that this beast has the power comparable to that of a master.

A master-level beast!

It's not those fake masters, but the real master power!

Even in front of the beast king, ordinary masters are not its opponents.

Only high-level masters can fight against the beast king.

"How could the beast king appear?"

"It's over, it's completely over now!"

"The beast king is coming, our Xuanshi City will be destroyed!"


Many warriors began to wail.

There are many masters in Xuanshi City.

But, there is no high-level master.

In other words, Xuanshi has no power to resist the beast king.

Xuanshi... will be destroyed soon...

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