Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 341 Qing Feng, Lei Ting, Yan Yan!

At the end of the first game, the champion of Rouqing Mountain is Black Dragon.

The next game starts soon, and what they are about to climb is the more difficult Luoqing Mountain!

According to calculations, the climbing difficulty of Luoqing Mountain is three times that of Rouqing Mountain.

In other words, everyone, no matter where they are in the mountain, has to spend three times the strength to reach their original position in Tenderness Mountain.

This will be a very difficult task for many monks.

"Now, the competition has begun. All contestants, please take your positions! What you are about to climb is Luoqing Mountain, which is known as the 'Mountain of Death'. Please pay special attention!"

"So, let's start sprinting!"

Under the cheers of the host, all the monks started the second round of charge again.

Although they did not get a good ranking in the first round, under the strong pressure of the mountains, their state has been greatly stabilized, and some people even touched the bottleneck of breakthrough.

Therefore, even if you don't get a ranking, it's a good thing to be able to use the pressure to improve.

The opportunity is rare. This is a competition that only starts once a year. At other times, the pressure on the two peaks will completely disappear and become ordinary mountains. By then, they will have no place to break through.

Now is the best opportunity!

"Qing Feng, please don't give up your position as champion this time!"

"Thunder, strive to win the championship and bring a good start to our Fenglei Pavilion!"

"Yan Yan, show them some color!"

Except for the Shenyu Sect, three of the other four major sects all talked about their final trump card.

The three people nodded one after another, their eyes were firm, they were bound to win the championship this time!

Don't let anyone else take it away!

"Hey! That's weird. Where did the black dragon go?"

"Ah? That's right! Where's the black dragon!?"

On the ground, countless figures were seen climbing Luoqing Mountain. The focus of everyone's attention was a man in black, but looking from a distance, they did not find the object of their attention.

This aroused their curiosity.

Black Dragon is so powerful and was the winner of the first round, but he didn't participate in the second round?

Isn't this giving away the championship?

"I know! It must be that Black Dragon doesn't bother to climb, and wants to have a ring battle with the champion of the second round and use his true strength to defeat the opponent. Only then can the true strength of his Black Dragon be reflected!"

A monk suddenly realized.

It spread to a hundred, and in an instant, everyone knew the Black Dragon's plan.

This aroused the disdain of many forces.

"This black dragon is so brave, he actually looks down on our local forces in Tenderness Canyon so blatantly!"

One of the leaders blew his beard angrily and stared.

"That's right! When Qing Feng reaches the top, he must cut off the opponent's head with one sword!"

"I think it's Yan Yan. Yan Yan's strength is much stronger than Qing Feng's!"

"Is it possible that it's Thunder? This time Fenglei Pavilion sacrificed all its great elders! This is a big deal!"

"Ahem, is it possible that it's Big Bird? Big Bird's strength is not weak in the first round..."


During the discussion among the people, they increasingly felt that they could not see through this summit competition.

In previous summit competitions, they could roughly guess who the winner of this competition would be just by looking at the list of contestants.

But now, they can't predict it at all.

Among them, there are two new forces, Lin Yu and Black Dragon.

Lin Yu, who was far away in Luoqing Mountain, was sprinting with all his strength.

With the experience of the first round, he realized that he should not conserve his strength.

In the first round, he was trying to preserve his strength. As a result, he was too far away from other opponents in the early stage. As a result, when he sprinted in the later stage, even if he tried his best, it would be difficult to make up for it.

Therefore, at the beginning of this second round, he entered the martial arts fellow practitioner state, and his whole body climbed upwards like a rocket.

Just as they entered the foot of the mountain, a speeding figure suddenly disappeared, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. Only thick dust was left on the scene, but the running figure could not be seen.

"Mad! It's broken! This kid comes up with all his strength!"

Lin Yu's move shocked the three seed players who had originally hoped to win the championship, and they immediately used their full strength.

Just like that, under the influence of Lin Yu, the scroll king, all four of them began to sprint.

At this moment, the four of them were far away from the crowd.

This is also the fastest time in so many years!

Seeing the four people with such a gap between themselves, many monks also gave up their determination to catch up with them.

At this moment, what they want most is to be able to break through with the help of pressure.

Anyway, if you can't catch up, you might as well lose it!

This is what many monks are thinking.

"Brother, come on!"

"Boy! Come on!"

Everyone in Shenyu Sect is very optimistic about Big Bird.

Without the Black Dragon, Big Bird still has a good chance of winning the championship! I just don’t know how strong the trump cards of the other three sects are.

"Boy! If you want to win, just dream!"

Qing Feng sneered, and a strong wind blasted out from his palm, and a tornado swept towards Lin Yu.

Lin Yu glanced coldly, then turned his hand and kicked out fiercely, kicking Guang Feng back to where he was.

Qing Feng was shocked and screamed, and then he was attacked down the hillside by his own attack.


Qing Ping, the leader of Rouqing Mountain, screamed and blew his beard and glared in anger.

Although Qing Feng only fell a little, this little distance was the most fatal!

At least, if the previous few people did not make mistakes, it would be almost impossible for Qing Feng to win the championship under the same strength.

This caused the Rouqing Mountain forces to suffer a great loss of vitality and momentum.

"Haha! You deserve it!"

Lin Yu sneered and increased his speed again.

Seeing Qing Feng's miserable state, Yan Yan was a little scared. He also didn't make a move just now. If he did, he might end up like Qing Feng.

At that time, the leader would definitely scold him to death.

Lei Ting followed closely behind without any action.

Every time he took a step, a thunder and lightning appeared under his feet. The thunder and lightning were like stairs. Lei Ting stepped on the thunder and lightning stairs and kept approaching Lin Yu, and he was about to surpass him.

Yan Yan was not to be outdone. Hot flames spurted out from his palms, like two rocket jets, and the whole person rose rapidly.

When approaching Lin Yu, Yan Yan began to do something bad.

He pointed one palm at Lin Yu, trying to burn Lin Yu, and then threw him behind.

Lei Ting also noticed Yan Yan's actions, and then an electric net was attached to him, and he began to move away from the two figures.

The war was about to begin, and he still didn't want to get involved.

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