Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 374: Desperate situation, the backbone returns!

"Can you still hold on?"

"But this is enough!"

A hint of joy appeared in the beautiful eyes of Xu Meng, who was covered with scars.


Under her strong control, Yuan Tiankai's feet began to move forward!


At the moment of being controlled, Yuan Tiankai's whole body was directly soaked with sweat.

The traps around were all set by him, and only he knew how vicious the traps around were.

Not to mention killing the monks, at least the monks can be directly abolished and become a useless person who can't practice.

He wanted to take revenge on Xu Meng at that time, so he came up with this vicious plan, but he didn't expect that the other party would not take the bait at all. Not only that, he was about to be trapped by this trap.

"Ah! No!"

Yuan Tiankai was not completely controlled, but he couldn't take back the control of his body.

He could only watch his legs moving forward slowly.


His right foot stepped on the trap first, and then countless curse traps were activated at the same time.

After the curse was placed on him, Yuan Tiankai's entire body turned green.

As if he was poisoned, everyone was frightened by this sudden scene.

"Fuck! This kid is so cruel to set a trap for himself, isn't he?"

"Everyone is green. If it was Xu Meng who stepped on the trap, I can't believe how miserable Xu Meng would be!"

"Hahaha! I'm dying of laughter. You're asking for trouble!"


There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

After Yuan Tiankai was cursed, his entire body began to swell up, like a bulging balloon, and swelled up instantly.

"No! I don't want to become like this..."

Yuan Tiankai, who had changed his voice, swelled to the size of a hot air balloon, as if he was about to burst.

Yuan Tiankai regretted that he shouldn't have targeted Xu Meng like this.

If he had been kinder, he wouldn't have caused such a big consequence.

At this time, all the vitality in his body was dissipating at an extremely fast speed.

A few minutes later, his body returned to its original state.

The vitality in his body also reached its lowest point at this moment.

He became an ordinary person!

"Haha, am I worthy of your targeting?"

Xu Meng couldn't help laughing.

Originally, she was the one who would end up like this, but in the end, this unlucky guy had to bear it. It's really unpredictable.

"No! Why is it like this! I was originally a genius of the sect, but now I am a useless person!"

"It's all you! It's all because of you! I'm going to kill you!"

Yuan Tiankai raised his scarlet eyes and looked at Xu Meng angrily.

It was this woman who ruined everything for him!

He was going to kill her!

"Without vitality, you are not qualified to stand in front of me at all!"

Xu Meng didn't hesitate at all, and slapped Yuan Tiankai out of the ring with a big slap.

"The winner of this battle - Xu Meng!"

Xu Meng successfully survived the third round of the battle.

Compared with the happy audience and the two people from the sect, the lower six major forces were furious!

"Damn! Are you guys from the Curse Sect useless?"

"You can't even handle a woman?"

"That's right, you should be kicked out of the old forces! You don't deserve to be with me!"

The elders of the Curse Sect mocked the elders of the Curse Sect, and the elders of the Curse Sect were so angry that their faces turned red.

"Damn! What if he advances?"

"We still have the fourth round, and we can easily kill her with just her!"

The elders of the Curse Sect retorted.

"Haha! What does it have to do with you if she kills you in seconds?"

"Your core disciples have been defeated by her, so how can ordinary players take her down? It's all up to us!"

"You should compensate each of our forces with five top-grade spirit crystals, and this matter will be over! Otherwise, all the players of your Curse Sect this year will be defeated by us one by one!"

For the first time, the alliance of the six major forces had a small rift, and the five forces began to blackmail the Curse Sect.

But, facing such a situation, the elders of the Curse Sect had no way to deal with them.

"It's all because of this Yuan Tiankai! I want you dead!"

Tonight, Yuan Tiankai will not be able to walk out of Chang'an City smoothly...

The fourth round of battle begins.

Xu Meng's opponent is Huang Qiang, the killer from the lower six major forces.

Huang Qiang is very strong and can be ranked in the top two players in the entire six major forces.

In the mode of bombardment, Xu Meng was defeated in an instant, and was beaten directly to an infinite disadvantage and unable to move.

"Haha! What dark horse! I am fighting against the dark horse, not only that, I will beat the dark horse to death!"

Huang Qiang laughed.

What dark horse force, but it barely lasted two seconds in his hands.

Such a force is still a dark horse?

In his opinion, it is just that the luck of the sect of "If you are unhappy with someone, you will do it" is too good. In several rounds of draws, they have not encountered strong teams, otherwise they would have been eliminated in the first round, and the fourth round?

This is simply smoke coming out of the ancestral grave!

In the palace near the arena venue.

“Sir! Are you going to disappear?”

Lin Yu looked at Niu Feiang, whose body was almost transparent, with a reluctant look on his face.

“Yes! You can see that my physical condition should have disappeared long ago!”

Niu Feiang looked at Lin Yu with relief. In his eyes, Lin Yu was the descendant who inherited his burden, and he valued him very much.

"It's all because of me! If it weren't for my promotion, you would..."

"No! Boy, listen to me, the world will be in chaos, and you are the child of destiny. Chang'an City needs you, and the world needs you! Don't blame yourself. I should have disappeared between heaven and earth long ago. It's just that I was lucky enough to be chosen by that adult and survived for so many years!"

"Boy! Remember! Don't have the idea of ​​falling into the devil's way, that will be hell!"

Niu Feiang naturally saw all the difficulties and setbacks that Lin Yu encountered before entering the gate of hell. Lin Yu who fell into the devil's way was very scary!

"Also, someone will help me inherit the position of the city lord of Chang'an City after I die! Don't worry!"

"Go! There are still competitions waiting for you! I... hehe... see you... bye...!"

Niu Feiang, who had something else to say, dissipated his entire body between heaven and earth and turned into stars in the void.

Looking at the disappearing Niu Feiang, Lin Yu clenched his fists.

"Yes! There is still a match waiting for me!"

Lin Yu raised his head and looked towards the ring.

The next second, he appeared directly above the ring.

In the void, he saw Xu Meng, who was beaten and collapsed on the ground, at first glance. In an instant, his eyes began to turn red.

"Looking for death!"

Lin Yu's whole body smashed directly into the ring like a meteor.

The whole ring shattered in an instant, and the referee was also confused and didn't react at all.

"Like to fight? Come, fight with me!!!"


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