Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 567: The list of the best abusers, the first place by a crushing margin! (2)

[Ding! The modification was successful. Wu Kun's realm is now weakened to the peak of the Mortal God Realm! ]

"Hmm? Didn't you not use this magic on other people before?"

Wu Kun frowned.

He asked clearly before he started the battle with Lin Yu.

When Lin Yu challenged other people on the list of outstanding people one by one, he did not use this magic to weaken the realm!

As a result, he did use it to fight himself?

Wu Kun wanted to cry but had no tears at this time. If he had known earlier, he would not have gone up!

Isn't this asking for abuse?

"Sorry! There is no way! You are much stronger than them, I can only weaken you!"

Lin Yu spread his hands, a little helpless.

He didn't want to use it either!

However, if he didn't use the modification, he would have no chance of winning.

"Brother! If you play like this, I can only surrender!"

Wu Kun sighed, a little unwilling, but helpless.

They are all one realm lower than the other party, and there is no chance of this competition.

"No! I have a good idea!"

The first time Lin Yu modified Wu Kun's realm, he used an opportunity given by the system.

This time, Lin Yu modified the other party's realm again, this time to improve recovery.

The second time he modified, he used his own modification avenue.

His modification avenue can modify for a short time, not as much as the system, but it is still enough to restore the other party's strength.

"Huh? My strength has been restored again?"

Wu Kun was a little confused.

This kid can let others change and modify at will, without any restrictions?

[Modification successful! The current host's realm has been modified to the peak of the earth god realm! 】

"Oh? You can also modify your own strength?"

Feeling the divine fire breath in Lin Yu's body, Wu Kun was dumbfounded.

I can understand that you can modify others, but you can also modify yourself?

Wouldn't it be possible to modify directly into a god?

But after feeling it carefully, it was just an ordinary earth god realm.

"Not bad! There is still a chance!"

"I'll give you a head-on opportunity!"

After saying that, Lin Yu fought with Wu Kun.

Wu Kun is worthy of being in the top ten of the list of outstanding people. His strength is still very strong. That hand is a killer move that shakes the world.

Several times, if Lin Yu did not have the Great Flying Thunder God, it would have been gg!

Fortunately, in the end, a divine secret method took Wu Kun away.

It was this battle that Lin Yu entered the top ten of the list of outstanding people.

"It seems that I still have a long way to go!"

Lin Yu was full of emotion.

Unexpectedly, he almost lost in a head-on confrontation!

It is worthy of being the upper realm. Even in the first heaven, there are many masters.

Although they are only in the earth god realm, other earth gods are not easy to deal with them.

These masters with unique skills directly occupied some advantages of the first heaven!

Whether it is resources or other things, this group of masters with unique skills will naturally not live in silence for a lifetime.

Sooner or later, they will enter the second heaven and shine in another higher world!

With the strength of head-on confrontation, Lin Yu directly came to the top five of the list of outstanding people!

After reaching the top five, Lin Yu couldn't make it past that point.

His own strength was too limited!

The five people in the top five all had super secretaries that surpassed super divine skills, that is, divine arts!

Divine arts, the existence below the immortal arts.

Above the immortal arts is the immortal arts.

Divine arts, originally a super killer move that only gods can possess.

But for some reason, the top five people have it.

Lin Yu guessed that the fathers of this group of people should have at least reached the realm of gods, which is why the divine arts were left to their descendants.

This is the so-called father's shadow!

The remaining shadow of the fathers!

The remaining shadow of the fathers will shine on their descendants, allowing their descendants to shine among their peers! Become the darling of the times!

This is also the reason why the people in the upper realm work so hard!

Not only for themselves, but also for their descendants!

It is something that can make them extremely proud!

"Come on! Chen Kaiqiang!"

Lin Yu stared at the fifth place with a bright look in his eyes.

"Didn't you try it yesterday? You are no match for me!"

Chen Kaiqiang was originally very afraid of Lin Yu.

After all, the opponent had killed his way through the top ten. Every hero on the list was abused by him. He was a fearful demon!

"Haha! Have you forgotten? The power of modification is also one of my abilities!"

[Ding! The modification was successful. At present, Chen Kaiqiang's realm has been weakened to the peak of the mortal god realm! 】


Chen Kaiqiang's eyes glared and he was very angry.

It was agreed that you would come to ask for advice, but you used this method directly?

Are you human?

"Haha! This sorcery is also one of my abilities. It's reasonable for me to defeat you with my ability!"

After being weakened, Chen Kaiqiang was almost no threat to Lin Yu.


The battle ended easily.

The next four heroes on the list all had the same ending.

Facing the forced weakening of their realm, they just had no power to resist!

This is where the power of modification is abnormal!

Even in the upper realm, a place full of outstanding people, this modification power can still exert its powerful power!

And, what's even more abnormal is that Lin Yu has two opportunities to modify!

The first time it was systematic, the second time I modified it myself!

This is the ultimate kill!

At this time, Lin Yu still had a very perverted method that he had not used.

That is, first use system modifications to weaken the opponent's realm, and then use your own modifications to weaken it again.

Lin Yu has never used it, and he doesn't know its specific function.

The effects of two weakenings can be overlapped. If possible, it will be a direct kill!

His current strength in the Earth God Realm can even kill the True God Realm instantly!

Of course, this all assumes that the effects of the two modifications can be superimposed!

Whether it can be successful or not will have to be demonstrated through actual combat!

But unfortunately, at present, there is no situation that allows Lin Yu to use two modification superimpositions!

"How about it? With my current strength, these outstanding people are no match for me. Why can't I attack the second heaven?"

Lin Yu smiled.

"Brother, you are awesome!"

Now, Meng Qingxue was really speechless.

He thought Lin Yu was joking, but turned around and directly searched for all the powerful people on the list of outstanding people and tortured them directly.

This guy really does what he says!

"Then let's go now!"

Lin Yu took Meng Qingxue to a gate from the first heaven to the second heaven.

In front of the two of them was a gate that seemed to stand high in the sky.

Walking inside, it is the second heaven.

At this time, there were countless severe troops suppressing the door.

Without permission to enter, even a god would never be able to force his way in.

"Wait a minute! There's one more thing!"

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