Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 696: Stationing troops and human puppets, heading for Hezhou! (2)

After leaving the puppet sect, Lin Yu became a little depressed.

He didn't expect that his master didn't choose to support him.

"Now it seems that I can only fight with 100,000 puppets!"

Lin Yu smiled.

Then, he began to study the map of Hezhou.

A huge Hezhou terrain outline map lay quietly on the desk, and Lin Yu carefully looked at this behemoth!

The overall area of ​​Hezhou is five times that of Fangzhou.

Moreover, Hezhou also has a super powerful combat force-True Immortal!

A peak True Immortal can be comparable to a hundred thousand peak human puppet army!

In other words, the human puppet inventory in Lin Yu's hands at this time is only enough to compete with a peak True Immortal.

If he encounters a peak True Immortal when attacking Hezhou, Lin Yu will be completely helpless.

"Damn it! Who cares!"

At this point, there is no way.

He has collected almost all the human puppet materials on the market.

It is definitely not feasible to expand the human puppet army.

As for improving his own cultivation?

That is naturally not feasible.

True Immortal Realm, no one in the entire Fangzhou has ever reached this realm.

This shows that it is not so easy to advance to the True Immortal Realm.

Moreover, Fangzhou basically cannot obtain the means to advance to the True Immortal Realm.

Therefore, whether Lin Yu wants to reach a higher realm in the future or dominate the fourth heaven, the battle in Hezhou must be fought!

Otherwise, his road to immortal cultivation will also stagnate here.

Lin Yu clenched his fists.

He absolutely will not allow such a thing to happen!

"Not here!"

Looking at the south gate of Hezhou, Lin Yu shook his head.

Fangzhou borders the north gate of Hezhou. It is not realistic to launch an attack from the south gate, which is directly ruled out first.

"The east and northwest can be used as good places for surprise attacks, but there are not enough troops!"

Lin Yu frowned.

If the highest realm of Hezhou is also a celestial immortal, he would not be so thoughtful at all.

Instead, he directly chose to launch a full-scale attack from the east, west, and north of Hezhou.

But, Hezhou has a true immortal!

According to the information he obtained.

The true immortals in the Hezhou area are concentrated in the central area of ​​Hezhou, which is the place with the richest immortal energy in Hezhou.

This is the same reason why the headquarters of the Lion Rudder was established in the central area of ​​Fangzhou.

The rich immortal energy is conducive to the cultivation of the disciples of the immortal gate and improves the speed of the disciples' cultivation.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu finally decided to attack directly from one direction!


Lin Yu pointed to the map!

It was the direction of the East Gate of Hezhou!

There was a wasteland, uninhabited, and only endless desert.

The East Gate was empty of troops, which was just right for an army like Lin Yu that lacked combat effectiveness to enter from here and fight a blitzkrieg!

"Blitzkrieg the East Gate!"

After thinking for several hours, and imagining the results of countless wars, Lin Yu finally made up his mind.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

At this moment.

The door was knocked.


Lin Yu narrowed his eyes.

In the middle of the night, would someone come to this ruined land?

Lin Yu clenched his fists and was ready to take action.

"It's me!"

A familiar and powerful voice came from outside the door!


Lin Yu was stunned.

In the morning, he and Qin Hao had just parted unhappily, but Qin Hao came to the door again in the evening?

Lin Yu opened the door.

When Qin Hao saw Lin Yu, he smiled awkwardly at first.

"Haha! Please don't mind coming uninvited at night!"

Qin Hao laughed.

"You are my master, why do you mind?"

Lin Yu waved his hand.

"That's good!"

"By the way! Do you know the purpose of my trip?"

Qin Hao smiled.

Lin Yu frowned.

"Master! Don't persuade me! I will march into Hezhou tomorrow, and I will not change my mind!"

Lin Yu sighed.

You can guess with your ass that this guy came here just to persuade him, right?

"What? Persuade you? No, no, no! You think too much!"

"Not only am I not persuading you, but I am here to help you!"

As he spoke, Qin Hao threw over an exquisite silver ring.

Lin Yu took it.

The silver ring is a storage ring, and Lin Yu has quite a few.

"What does this mean? Help me?"

"Haha! You'll know once your consciousness enters the ring!"

Qin Hao smiled mysteriously.

Then Lin Yu did as he was told.

A few minutes later, Lin Yu's consciousness returned to his body. At this time, his entire face was red, and he was obviously very excited.

"Haha! Master! I love you so much!"

Lin Yu hugged Qin Hao tightly, jumping up and down.

"Hey! Put me down! Put me down!"

Qin Hao was speechless.

After a burst of excitement, Qin Hao continued:

"I also know that I can't persuade you, so I plan to help you. Master can't let you resist the entire Hezhou alone, right? Then my master is in vain!"

Qin Hao laughed.

"But... ? Where did these human puppet materials come from?"

After Lin Yu regained his composure, he soon felt something was wrong.

There are not many human puppet materials on the market. Even if Qin Hao sends people to collect them, it is impossible to collect so many human puppet materials!

Just now, after Lin Yu's consciousness entered the storage space, he discovered that all the materials accumulated in the space were puppet materials.

I quickly spread my spiritual consciousness and made an inventory, and came up with an astonishing number!

One hundred thousand tools!


Still the material for one hundred thousand human puppets!

"I won't hide it from you! These are all puppets of our Immortal Sect disciples and elders..."

After listening to Qin Hao's story, Lin Yu fell silent.

He never expected it.

For his own sake, Qin Hao actually did something that almost "strangled" the development of the Immortal Sect!

All immortal disciples, elders, and all puppets were destroyed to make adult puppet materials!

How much unity and trust this requires!

"Boy! Don't lose! I will fight with you! Everyone in the Puppet Gate is waiting for your good news!"

After saying that, Qin Hao left, leaving only Lin Yu with a dull look on his face.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight shined through the window, it reflected Lin Yu's body.

Lin Yu finally came to his senses.

"So many people trust me, it seems that I can't lose this battle!"

Lin Yu clenched his fists, and then flew in one direction with all his strength.

A few hours later.

Lin Yu hurried to the border of Fangzhou, the land bordering Hezhou.

"Haha! Hezhou! I'm coming!"

This is the North Gate. Lin Yu does not intend to enter Hezhou from the North Gate. His goal is the East Gate.

After arriving at the North Gate, he continued to fly eastward along the border.

Hezhou, Dongdamen, this deserted and endless area.

There was only a team of less than twenty people guarding the border.

A strong wind blew through the camp, blowing up grains of yellow sand.

"Bah! Bah!"

One of the guards spat out the yellow sand that had been blown into his mouth by the wind, with a look of disgust on his face.

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