"Damn it! I can't change it!"

Lin Yu cursed secretly in his heart.

Such a perverted siren can't be modified?

Doesn't this cost him his life?

"Lin Yu! Don't run!"

The Poseidon piloting the huge Kraken roared angrily.

If anyone was at the scene, they would be able to see a behemoth, a huge standing monster that looked like a siren, moving its huge legs and chasing a small human crazily.

Every time the giant takes a step, it will bring up a thousand waves around it!

"Lin Yu! Don't run!"

The immortal power in Neptune's body was constantly declining at this time.

The huge sea monster is indeed very powerful in combat, but it also has a fatal flaw!

That means too much fairy power is consumed!


No one knew how long they had been escaping in the vast sea, but one person and one sea monster soon reached the boundary between the sea and the forest.

It's all flat land.

"Lin Yu! Our battle is taking place in the sea area. If you leave the sea area, the battle will be considered my victory!"

Poseidon reminded quickly.

"And these rules? You set all the rules, right?"

Lin Yu cursed.


Since he can no longer run away, Lin Yu has no intention of continuing to run!

"Immortal dragon transformation!"

Lin Yu directly activated the Immortal Dragon Transformation, and his whole temperament changed instantly.

His body was instantly filled with an aura of ancient power.


The siren was startled by the sudden aura, and was so frightened that he stopped in his tracks.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on?"

Poseidon cursed.

"Let's go!"

No matter how he drove the immortal weapon "Qiankun Shuttle" forward, the "Qiankun Shuttle" seemed to have autonomous consciousness and was so scared that he did not dare to take a step forward. This made Poseidon want to curse in a hurry.


The abnormal changes in the Kraken quickly attracted Lin Yu's attention.

"Are you afraid?"

With his keen observation skills, he quickly discovered something was wrong with the Siren.

"Okay! I'll kill you while you're sick!"

Lin Yu sneered.

Then he started to strike, just raising his fist and giving an ordinary punch.

The powerful immortal power and the fist wind carrying the aura of the ancient immortal dragon made the sea monster kneel down directly.

Very dramatic!

The magic weapon that was not a living creature knelt down and surrendered on its own initiative!


Poseidon shouted in horror.

"it's over!"

With one punch, the entire huge head of the Kraken exploded instantly. The entire Kraken instantly lost control as its head disappeared, and fell directly onto the sea.

The huge body instantly stirred up waves hundreds of meters high, and the scene was very spectacular!

"Poseidon! You lose!"

Lin Yu didn't expect that he would win so easily?

If he had known that this sea monster was afraid of the Immortal Dragon's breath, he would have activated the Immortal Dragon Transformation and solved it with just one punch, wouldn't he?

Why are you still wasting your time?

"Haha! Lost?"

The Emperor of the Sea escaped from the Kraken's body, suspended in the air, and looked at Lin Yu with disdain.

"I didn't lose! This is just an appetizer! Lin Yu!"

"Give me the fusion!"

Poseidon suddenly raised his right arm and violently raised the Poseidon Trident in his hand.

In an instant, a burst of thunder erupted throughout the world.

"Buzz—! Buzz—!"

At this time, the Kraken monster lying quietly in the vast ocean began to shake.

The vast sea also began to emit a low roar, as if it was a roar from the ocean.

"This is...? Dojo?"

Lin Yu's eyes widened.

What else could such a vision be besides a monastery?

During the duel with the Ice King, the Ice King borrowed the Xuanbing Palace Dojo to continuously restore his immortal power and interfere with Lin Yu.

During the duel with the Fire Emperor, the Fire Emperor borrowed the Xuanhuo Palace Dojo and used the hot lava to attack Lin Yu.

Now it seems that Poseidon's dojo seems a bit unusual.

What is it...?

Lin Yu is also looking forward to it!

"Ocean Mother! I need you!"

Poseidon closed his eyes tightly and crossed his arms on his chest, as if praying for something.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

The fluctuations in the entire ocean are more violent, as if it is about to wake up!


Poseidon shouted again!

At this moment, Lin Yu witnessed a very shocking scene visible to the naked eye!


On the vast ocean surface, countless streams of steam-like immortal power are constantly gathering towards the position of the Poseidon!

Looking from a distance, it seems that there are countless connecting lines connecting the sea emperors!


Poseidon's entire body is constantly expanding and enlarging in proportion.

Just like a balloon!

The expansion speed is extremely fast, in less than a minute.

The size of the Poseidon has expanded to the size of a sea monster!

at this time!

The Neptune Emperor is the new Siren Emperor!

"bring it on!"

A loud roar roared from the giant's mouth.

"Lin Yu! Either you die! Or I die!"

Poseidon was really fighting as Deadpool, without even thinking about the consequences!

"Is this a fusion of the immortal power of the dojo and the 'Qiankun Shuttle'?"

During the transformation of Neptune, Lin Yu's eyes did not wander at all.

He discovered that the huge sea monster transformed by the Qiankun Shuttle had already disappeared!

"You can grow bigger! So can I!"

"Come on!"

Lin Yu shouted angrily, and the whole person began to grow in proportion.

Soon, two giants thousands of meters tall stood on the vast ocean.

Entering the fairyland, the Dharma Realm is the fairy method that all immortals know.

But it is difficult to release it in ordinary battles, so it is rare to see immortals using the Dharma Realm to fight.

There are only two situations in which the Dharma Realm can be used.

The first is that both sides are competing in combat effectiveness.

The second is a life-and-death duel, and both sides give each other the opportunity to use the Dharma Realm!

And the situation at this moment is naturally the second one!

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The two giants kept fighting on the vast ocean, punching each other.

Every time a punch was thrown, a huge explosion could be heard.

As time went by.

The vast ocean under the feet of the giants had already been dyed red, which was very shocking!

"Sea King! Do you want to continue fighting?"

Lin Yu was panting, and it was obvious that his state had reached the limit.

The Immortal Dragon Transformation had already exited the state, and now it was just using the Divine Dragon Transformation to maintain the enhancement.


The state of the Sea Emperor was worse than Lin Yu, and there was no part of his body that was not bright red.

It was as if he was a bloody man walking out of hell!

The two fought again for three days and three nights.

The battle was truly over only when one side fell.

"Alas! Why bother?"

Looking at the Sea Emperor lying in the sea of ​​blood, Lin Yu shook his head helplessly.

He did not kill the other party, but the Sea Emperor's physical strength was exhausted and he fainted.

A few days later...

After the Sea Emperor woke up, he calmly accepted the reality that he had lost the battle.

At the same time, he admired Lin Yu very much in his heart!

He fought to his death, and the other party had a chance and an excuse to kill him directly, but Lin Yu did not!

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