Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 736: Annex the East and take the Sixth Emperor's throne!

Lin Yu's reappearance completely panicked the Second Emperor.

They had just been eagerly looking for Lin Yu, wasn't it just to restore their strength?

They were too anxious at the time, but they forgot that Lin Yu's realm had not been weakened!

Lin Yu is still the peak Xuanxian!

And they! At this time, they are only in the early stage of Xuanxian!

"What should I do?"

Thunder Emperor asked nervously.

"What should I do? Run!"

Gun Emperor didn't think about it and ran away directly!

Is there any more convenient way to escape than running away directly?

If you can't beat them, run away, it has been a famous saying since ancient times!

"Haha! Run?"

Lin Yu laughed.

If two people in the early stage of Xuanxian can escape under his nose, wouldn't he become a joke?

A few minutes later, after a battle with the Second Emperor, Lin Yu took down the Second Emperor.

"Haha! What else do you have to say now?"

Lin Yu asked.


Thunder Emperor spit out a mouthful of saliva, and Lin Yu turned and flashed.

"Emperor Lin! You can kill us or chop us up! We will never surrender!"

The more straightforward Emperor Lei directly expressed his thoughts.

The Gun Emperor's face turned black after hearing this.

"Damn it! This idiot, you want to die, but I don't!"

The Gun Emperor clenched his fists.

The Thunder Emperor turned his head and looked at the Gun Emperor, "Gun Emperor! I didn't expect to go with you today! Haha, we will still be brothers in the next life!"

The Thunder Emperor laughed.

The Gun Emperor's eyelids twitched and he almost couldn't hold it back.

Bullshit brother! If you weren't a bad boy, would we have been caught by Emperor Lin?

"Haha! I can see that! Gun Emperor doesn't want to die, Thunder Emperor, are you sure you want to go alone?"

"I heard that Feng Emperor said that your strength is far above his. I didn't expect that when we really fought, Feng Emperor would be the only one who slipped away from me!"

Lin Yu joked.

"Impossible! Gun Emperor can't live in disgrace!"

The Thunder Emperor shook his head frantically, determined not to believe it.

But the Gun Emperor did not speak, but remained silent.

Seeing this, the Thunder Emperor also had a gloomy face and murmured: "I surrender too!"


After the Second Emperor surrendered, the Thunder Domain was quickly taken by Lin Yu.

At this time, the Wind Emperor, who was far away in the Gun Domain, was a little depressed.

"What's going on? Didn't the Thunder Emperor say that he could take down the Lin Emperor in one day? How many days has it been?"

The Wind Emperor was a little depressed.

When the Thunder Emperor and the Gun Emperor raided Lin Yu, they told him to go to the Gun Emperor Palace to hide so as not to be affected by the battle of the emperors.

As a result, he hid in the Gun Emperor Palace, but there was no news about the Second Emperor.

"Fuck! Could they both be taken down by Lin Yu?"

Suddenly, a very terrible idea was born in the mind of the Wind Emperor!

"Impossible! Impossible!"

The Wind Emperor comforted himself.


"Lord Fenghuang! The Thunder Domain has been taken over by Emperor Lin, and only our Gun Domain is left in the East!"

"Lord Fenghuang! The situation is urgent now. May I ask if you know the whereabouts of Lord Gunhuang? We will continue to have Lord Gunhuang in charge!"

A senior official broke into the Gunhuang Palace and reported anxiously.

Upon hearing the news, Fenghuang's eyes instantly lost their light, his legs softened, and he collapsed directly to the ground, looking like he had no desire to live.

"It's over! Everything is over..."

He murmured in his mouth...

"Lord Fenghuang! What's wrong with you...?"

After annexing the Thunder Domain, Lin Yu announced that the entire army would rest for several days.

At that time, in the duel with the Gun Emperor and the Thunder Emperor.

Although Lin Yu escaped this attack by flying into the third heaven with the Thunder God.

However, his human puppet army and the forest domain warriors were not so lucky!

The tens of millions of human puppet army were directly reduced by 60%!

The forest domain warriors in the Xuanxian Realm also suffered countless casualties! Directly lost 70%!

"Damn! The strength of the Golden Immortal is still ridiculously strong!"

Lin Yu said in fear.

Just the full-strength attack of the Second Emperor, just one attack, actually directly destroyed the lives of tens of millions of creatures!

You know, the realms of these creatures are not low!

At least they are celestial immortals and true immortals.

As a result, they were all buried directly!

It can be seen that the weight of the Golden Immortal in the war!

That is definitely a powerful existence that cannot be matched in terms of numbers!

"Emperor Lin! After you completely annex the East Land, how do you plan to manage the East Land?"

The limbs of the Gun Emperor and the Thunder Emperor were all tied up with the immortal rope, unable to move at all.

At this time, the two were lying on the dragon rack where Lin Yu was.

"How to manage the East Land?"

The Thunder Emperor on the side also came to life, and his big ears stood up in a very funny way.

"Of course, it is the same management method as the North Land!"

Lin Yu said lightly.

"The management method of the North Land?"

The Second Emperor was stunned.

"Oh? It seems you don't know yet!"

"Each of the three regions in the north is managed autonomously, and the senior officials who once managed the three regions are allowed to implement autonomous management, and I will not interfere too much!"

"The north is like this, and the east is naturally not much different!"

"Besides! I annexed the east just to find an emperor, and then defeat the emperor, so that I can be promoted to the Golden Immortal and go to the Golden Immortal State!"

Lin Yu kept explaining.

"What the hell?"

The second emperor was even more confused after listening.

They clearly understood every sentence, why didn't they understand it when it was connected?

Self-management? The annexation of the East Land is just to find the emperor?

Only by defeating the emperor can you be promoted to the Golden Immortal?

What the hell is this?

Seeing that the Second Emperor still didn't understand, Lin Yu didn't plan to continue.

"Anyway! Don't give up, don't think about dying, I still count on you two to manage the Thunder Domain and the Gun Domain!"

In a few days, the Linyu army was almost rested.

Lin Yu led the army to continue to the last Gun Domain.

The Gun Domain does not have the endless Thunder Domain like the Thunder Domain, and the endless wind wall like the Wind Domain.

Therefore, under the sweep of the army, it was quickly taken.

"Is this your palace? It's much larger than the Thunder Emperor and the Wind Emperor!"

Coming to the last building that was not captured, Lin Yu showed a happy expression.

The palace in front of him stretched endlessly, like a naturally formed giant mountain group!

The palace is composed of countless small palaces, and the height of the small palaces is hundreds of meters!

The highest main hall is thousands of meters! It's like a building floating in the air!

From a distance, the entire Gun Emperor Palace looks like a heavenly palace!

"Haha! You're too kind!"

Gun Emperor laughed awkwardly.

"Oh no! Oh no! What should I do now?"

Looking at Lin Yu and the Linyu army who had already arrived at Gun Emperor Palace, Feng Emperor's heartbeat was particularly fast at this time.

There is no way to escape now!

If caught by Lin Yu, he will definitely be torn into pieces (my own fantasy...)

"Damn it! Take a gamble!"

After thinking for a while, Feng Emperor clenched his fists and rushed to the gate of Gun Emperor Palace.

At the moment when Lin Yu pushed open the gate of Gun Emperor Palace.

Suddenly, a figure as fast as lightning rushed out.

Lin Yu was frightened and directly activated the Immortal Dragon Transformation.


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