Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 792: Yisuishan comes to visit

"Haha! I didn't expect such a surprise!"

Appreciating the recent results, Lin Yu felt particularly satisfied.

He owns a total of 400,000 spiritual puppets in the early stage of Taiyi True Immortal!

Four hundred thousand! What a concept!

According to the reliable information he received, even the largest tribe in the Black Mountain Ridge, Yisuishan, only had a few million demons in it.

Among them, there are only about 800,000 who have reached the Taiyi True Immortal Realm. The others are the descendants and disciples of these powerful demons, and have not yet formed an effective force organization.

It can be said that with just this forging, Lin Yu gained half of the strength of the one year old mountain!

"Old man! I succeeded!"

A week has passed at this time, which is exactly the time that Nelson gave Lin Yu the last time to upgrade the level of the Four Elephants Tower within one week.

Returning to Demon Mountain again, Lin Yu directly found Nelson.

At this time Nelson was fully armed, wearing reading glasses, and was doing the forging process very seriously.

"Wait a minute! The last step!"

Nelson reminded.

Lin Yu nodded and did not urge him.

"Boy! You're really tiring me out!"

An hour later.

During the final forging process, Nelson used all his forging skills, and Lin Yu was stunned.

The normal forging process is to fuse materials, and then use the forger's forging ideas to combine the unified materials for fabrication and finally shape them.

Since the Four-Elephant Tower is already a forged magic weapon, if you want to upgrade it without damaging the Four-Elephant Tower's weapon spirit, you need to highly unify the fusion materials and the forger's forging ideas. It can be said that it is a human-machine integration. The level is okay.

Fortunately, Nelson's forging skills are superb, otherwise, if it had been anyone else, the Four Elephants Tower would have been scrapped.

Even if it were Lin Yu, he couldn't guarantee that he could complete this forging step without fail.

Witnessing Nelson's forging with his own eyes, Lin Yu was also filled with emotions.

"Boy! The forging has been completed. As for the cost of forging, I don't care, I will give it to you for free!"

Nelson wiped the beads of sweat the size of soybeans on his forehead, stood up, raised his tea cup and took a sip.

"Thank you, Master!"

Lin Yu was extremely grateful.

"You don't have to thank me! I've heard about your deeds! I didn't expect you to offend Yisuishan?"

"Haha! You are quite brave! However, you must be having a hard time these days!"

Nelson spoke with a look of seeing through.

"How do you know?"

"Boy! I just live in Demon Mountain, and I'm not a savage. I naturally know the news from the outside world!"

Nelson rolled his eyes.

"Yisui Shan is very powerful. If you want to repay me for this kindness in the future, my suggestion is that you go to Yi Suishan to apologize, otherwise you are very likely to be retaliated by Yi Suishan!"

Nielsen can be said to be a good person who goes to the end and comes up with many ideas for Lin Yu's safety.

In response, Lin Yu just nodded, but did not object.

Returning to the Demon Puppet Sect, Lin Yu unexpectedly received bad news from Bazel.

"Sir! It's not good! Yisuishan has given us a letter of war. In three days, if you don't come forward to Yisuishan to ask for peace and apology, they will attack our demon puppets under the leadership of Lord Herbert. Zong!”

As the leader of the Shere tribe, the predecessor of the Demon Puppet Sect, Bazel has a deep love for this land.

Naturally, he couldn't bear to see that this land and the demon brothers were about to suffer disaster.

"Oh? So fast?"

Lin Yu looked indifferent, as if he didn't hear what happened clearly, which made Bazel even more panicked.

"Sir! Stop making trouble! This is a critical moment!"

"Do you want to make the Demon Puppet Sect a thing of the past?"

Seeing that the other party seemed unmoved, Bazel quickly shifted the target of discussion to the Demon Puppet Sect.


After hearing about the Demon Puppet Sect, Lin Yu's expression changed slightly, but it didn't fluctuate much.

"Don't worry! Let me ask you a few questions!"

Lin Yu asked.

"We are all members of the Black Mountain Ridge tribe. Even the Yisuishan family has a huge business and is the largest organization in the Black Mountain Ridge. They can't bully us so blatantly and are members of the same tribe in the Black Mountain Ridge, right?"

Bazel shook his head.

"We demons don't have that much attention to detail!"

"Generally, if there is a conflict between clan leaders and tribes, as long as the Black Mountain ancestors don't intervene, we will fight until one party surrenders!"

Bazel is still trying to convince Lin Yu, but obviously this matter is extremely difficult...

Lin Yu didn't even think about surrendering!

Make him surrender?

If it had been a week ago, he might have really given in.

At that time, he did not have a spiritual puppet from the Taiyi True Immortal Realm, and the highest level of the spiritual puppet was only the Golden Immortal Realm.

The army of spirit puppets in the Golden Fairyland is no match for Yisuishan. Facing such a behemoth as Yisuishan, they can only wait for death.

But, things are different now!

A spirit puppet with a total of 400,000 yuan in the Taiyi True Immortal Realm, what do you mean to me about being submissive?

Sorry, Lin Yu really doesn't know the word "submit soft" now...

"Oh? You mean, the Black Mountain Ancestor will not interfere in the disputes and duels between the tribes in the Black Mountain Ridge?"

Lin Yu's eyes lit up.

"That's right!"

Bazel nodded.

Why did he feel that Lin Yu didn't think of anything good in his heart?

What do you want to do by asking these questions?

Is it possible that he still wants to offend other tribes?

"You should have told me earlier!"

Lin Yu burst out laughing.

Bazel is confused?

What's so funny about this?

"If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't be so worried at all!"

Lin Yu smiled lightly.

Originally, the Demon Puppet Sect, which was only half as powerful as Yi Suishan, was not afraid of the opponent to the point of submission, but it was not easy to deal with Yi Suishan. It could only be said that it could achieve complete self-defense in its own territory.

But the situation is different now!

Since the ancestors of Heishan will not care about the battles between surrounding tribes, then!

He has every opportunity to directly attack other tribes and steal the spirit puppet forging materials!

Three days are enough for him to harvest another 400,000 spirit puppet forging materials!

At that time, with an army of 800,000 spirit puppets, he will be able to truly not be afraid of Yisuishan at all!

Just do it, and the next second, Bazel received the order to attack the surrounding tribes and annex the surrounding tribes.

At first, Bazel looked shocked and thought he had heard wrongly. After confirming that it was true, he became even more depressed.

Is Lin Yu crazy?

But when the war really starts, he will know!

He was wrong!

In front of him was an army of more than 100,000 Taiyi True Immortal early stage spirit puppets!

This huge army is now the best scythe to harvest forces!

What small surrounding tribes?

This group of Taiyi True Immortals, who had a tribe of tens of thousands at most, surrendered instantly when faced with the army of spirit puppets, and were defeated step by step!

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