Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 1: High Martial Arts World!

The dazzling summer light shines directly on the desks through the windows, and the sharp chirping of cicadas is disturbing.

In the classroom, a group of students covered their mouths and laughed softly, their eyes falling on the young boy lying on the table in the corner, sleeping soundly.

"Lin Mo!"

The middle-aged man standing next to the desk with an angry face slammed the book in his hand on the desk, and his stern voice sounded like thunder in the young man's ears.

Lin Mo sat upright suddenly and looked around blankly.

"Lin Mo, stand up!" The middle-aged man stared at him and said with hatred: "You stayed up all night last night, didn't you?

There are still three months left before the college entrance examination. Don't talk about taking the college entrance examination. In the future, people will not need you to work in the factory to tighten screws!

This time last year, your qi and blood level was still 1.2. How much qi and blood level do you have left this year?

Your parents scrimped and saved money to provide you with money to study. Is this how you repay them?


Lin Mo stood on his seat with his head lowered, helplessness written on his face.

A year ago, Lin Mo, who was staying up late to kill monsters, accidentally spilled happy water on his computer. After a burst of electric sparks, he came to this parallel world and replaced Lin Mo in this world.

"Do you still remember when martial arts originated?" The middle-aged man's voice sounded again, interrupting Lin Mo's thoughts.

“A hundred years ago, underground cracks appeared all over the world at the same time, countless monsters emerged, and the population of Blue Star dropped by two-thirds.

Countries united to defeat the monsters at a heavy cost and established barriers in human living areas.

In a hundred years, martial arts flourished..."

Lin Mo rubbed his temples and repeated the information in his mind.

Yes, this world is completely different from Lin Mo's original world. Because of the appearance of monsters, human beings have reappeared the prosperity of martial arts.

The middle-aged man waved his hand, asked Lin Mo to sit down, turned around and continued to introduce the method of qi and blood tempering the body.

In the evening, Lin Mo pushed open the door of his house tiredly. The first thing he saw was his father Lin Dayong sitting on the sofa with a serious face.

"Dad..." Lin Mo's heart thumped, and a bad premonition surged into his heart.

"Come here." Lin Dayong's voice was low: "Just now your class teacher, Teacher Wang, called me and said that you have been sleeping in class recently.

In the past year, every test of Qi and blood values ​​has dropped. If this continues, not only will you not be able to meet the undergraduate level, you will not even be able to meet the requirements for normal work!

What the hell happened to you? Did you stay up late playing games? "

Lin Mo lowered his head and didn't know how to respond. He had been feeling very tired since he traveled through time a year ago.

The qi and blood value also dropped from 1.2 to 0.8. You must know that normal exercise does not increase the qi and blood value by 0.2 in one year, but Lin Mo's qi and blood value dropped by 0.4 in one year!

Last year's undergraduate standard was a qi and blood value of 1.5, and the normal job requirement was a qi and blood value of 0.9. With three months left, he might not even be able to find a job after graduating from high school.

"Okay, stop talking about the child all the time. He must be anxious if his energy and blood levels are not up!" Mother Wang Ping walked out of the kitchen carrying dishes:

"Old Lin, go wash your hands and prepare to eat. Lin Mo, go and ask your sister to eat!"

Wang Ping made the arrangements between father and son clear in a few words.

"I heard that Liu Qi from your class has a blood level of 5.2 and has been admitted to Jinling Martial Arts School in advance. Is it true?" My sister Lin Ya looked up at him while cooking.

"It's not 5.2, it's 5.4." Lin Mo said without raising his head: "The test just conducted yesterday showed that his qi and blood values ​​have improved again."

"Look at other people's children!" Wang Ping sighed: "I heard that Liu Qi's father is the director of the Public Security Department, and the family must have a lot of resources."

Lin Dayong paused while picking up the vegetables, then took a few bites of rice from the bowl into his mouth, put down his chopsticks, stood up and left the house.

"Xiao Mo, your dad is worried about you too, don't blame him." Wang Ping gave Lin Mo a piece of chicken: "Eat more, meat can replenish qi and blood."

Lin Mo nodded, finished his meal carelessly, stood up and said, "I'm going back to the house to exercise."

After entering the bedroom, Lin Mo lay on his back on the bed and stared at the ceiling blankly.

"What's wrong with me? In the past year, I've exercised more than before. Why is my blood and energy not rising but falling instead? Where did all the lost energy and blood go..."

With his head full of questions, Lin Mo fell asleep again without realizing it.

Bang bang bang!

A knock on the door woke up Lin Mo from his deep sleep. When he opened the door, he saw Lin Dayong standing at the door.


"Take this." Lin Dayong stretched out his rough hand and handed a glass box to Lin Mo: "Get some energy!"

After saying these words, Lin Dayong turned around and returned to the room.

After closing the door, Lin Mo looked at the glass box in his hand. After thinking for a while, he raised his hand to open it.

A red pill lay inside, and a weak heat hit his face.

"First-level Qi and Blood Pill!"

Lin Mo was shocked and had no idea that his father would give him this thing.

In addition to obtaining Qi and blood through exercise, you can also use external forces.

Ordinary people can refine their weak qi and blood by eating a lot of meat, while wealthy people can improve their qi and blood through various tonics.

Qi and Blood Pill is one of these tonics.

A first-level Qi and Blood Pill contains a Qi and Blood value of 1, and the price is two hundred thousand!

As for how much you can absorb after taking it, it depends entirely on your personal ability.

Looking at the Qi and Blood Pill in his hand, Lin Mo's eyes were a little hot.

The Lin family is not rich. Two hundred thousand yuan is the only savings the family has, and now his father used it to buy a Qi and Blood Pill.

Thinking of his father Lin Dayong's calloused hands just now, Lin Mo's eyes burned.

"Teacher Zhang said that after taking the Qi and Blood Pill, ordinary people can absorb about 0.5 of the Qi and blood. Those with good conditions can absorb 0.6. Only some geniuses can absorb more than 0.7."

Looking at the Qi and Blood Pill in his hand, Lin Mo gritted his teeth: "If you want to reach last year's undergraduate level, you must absorb at least 0.7 Qi and Blood!

Otherwise, the two hundred thousand yuan will be wasted! There is no extra money at home to buy me a second Qi and Blood Pill. "

Lin Mo looked at the Qi and Blood Pill in his hand and felt extremely heavy.

"If I can't absorb 0.7 of the Qi and Blood after eating it..." Lin Mo showed a hesitant look on his face: "How about I secretly sell the Qi and Blood Pill..."

Thinking of his father's look just now, Lin Mo gritted his teeth and swallowed the Qi and Blood Pill directly into his belly.

"What am I afraid of? If the absorption capacity cannot reach 0.7, I will repay them even if I tighten screws for the rest of my life!"


A few seconds later, Lin Mo felt as if something exploded in his lower abdomen, and a surging heat instantly swept through every corner of his body.

Lin Mo quickly got up and started exercising according to the method recorded in the book.

The surging energy and blood were still increasing, and Lin Mo felt as if his body was about to explode.

"The Qi and Blood Pill is only effective for half an hour. How much you can absorb during this period depends entirely on the individual!" Lin Mo calmed down and exercised seriously.

But the next moment, the surging energy and blood in his body receded like a tide, and finally disappeared.

Lin Mo was stunned.

"How could this happen?" He exclaimed, his vision went dark, and then he fell to the ground.

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Loading successfully!

"The game is loading? What the hell?" Lin Mo opened his eyes and saw a green monster standing in front of him, holding a wooden stick and hitting him on the head!

"Fuck! Goblin?"

Lin Mo looked at the monster in front of him blankly, and at this moment

Lin Mo exclaimed, then rolled and crawled away from the stick and stood up.

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