Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 2 This dream is too real!

The goblin raised a wooden stick, drooling, and screamed at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo frowned as he looked at the approaching goblin in front of him, but heard footsteps behind him.

Turning around, he saw another goblin holding a stick and smashing it on his head.

The severe pain made Lin Mo scream, and he hid aside with his head covered.

Although it was a dream, the pain was too real!

The two goblins smiled on their ugly faces, raised their wooden sticks and pointed at Lin Mo to show off.

"Isn't this a dungeon?! I actually entered the game copy in my dream?! And it's so real!" Lin Mo covered his head and finally reacted.

At this time, two howling goblins had already rushed over!

"Damn it, I was electrocuted in my last life while clearing a map, and after traveling through time, my strength plummeted and I was ridiculed. I finally got a blood and qi pill, but I fell asleep before I could absorb it!

I was so miserable, and I was mocked by you monsters in my dream!"

Being hit with a stick for no reason, and being mocked by the goblins, Lin Mo's pent-up depression suddenly burst out.

"Die for me!" Lin Mo picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it on the head of one of the goblins. Instantly, the goblin's head melted and green juice came out.

After knocking down a goblin, Lin Mo bent down and picked up the wooden stick that fell on the ground and rushed towards the remaining goblin.


Lin Mo imitated the skills of clearing maps in his last life and hit the goblin's chin with a stick.

The goblin screamed and cursed as he raised the stick and smashed it towards Lin Mo's head.

Lin Mo laughed, raised his stick and jumped up, then smashed the goblin's head hard.


The goblin's brain burst and fell to the ground.


At the same time, the two fallen goblins turned into a faint green light and flowed into Lin Mo's body.

A warm current flowed into his dantian, and Lin Mo felt that the physical strength consumed in the battle was instantly replenished.

Lin Mo looked around with the stick in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on a glowing stone door not far away.

"According to the routine, the next room is through the stone door." Lin Mo grinned: "Today I will kill people in my dream!"

Lin Mo did not hesitate at all and went straight through the stone door into the next room.

There were still two goblins in the room. When they saw someone breaking in, they screamed and raised their wooden sticks to greet them.

Lin Mo hit them on the head with a stick without hesitation. After the two goblins fell, they once again turned into green light and sank into Lin Mo's dantian.

"Great!" Lin Mo laughed and went straight into the next room.

"There's an intruder!"

This time, Lin Mo heard a sharp cry. It was a brown-green goblin, much taller than the other two goblins beside it, and looked even more ferocious.

It held a bone knife in its hand and rushed towards Lin Mo with two goblins.

"Elite monster!" Lin Mo was not afraid and rushed forward with a wooden stick.

The bone knife came forward and Lin Mo raised the wooden stick to block it.

There was a click, the wooden stick broke, and the bone knife fell towards Lin Mo's head.

Lin Mo was scared and broke into a cold sweat. If this knife had hit the body, he would have been almost crippled.

He went around the other two goblins at the fastest speed, raised the half of the wooden stick and stabbed it hard at the back of the goblin.

With a puff.

The half stick pierced the goblin's body directly. Lin Mo pulled out the stick and stabbed another goblin.

After dealing with two ordinary goblins, Lin Mo absorbed two green lights again.

This time, he felt that the power in his body seemed to be much stronger. He picked up the two sticks on the ground and attacked the elite goblin from left to right!

Elite goblins are far superior to ordinary goblins in both strength and intelligence. Lin Mo held two sticks and kept moving around.

Lin Mo's strength is not as good as it, but with the experience of killing monsters in the previous life, Lin Mo used his body skills and techniques to consume the elite goblin's physical strength bit by bit.

Finally, Lin Mo seized a flaw, shouted loudly, raised the stick and smashed it down.

The two sticks became extremely flexible in Lin Mo's hands, and smashed at the elite goblin one after another.

Screams rang out, and Lin Mo smashed more than ten times in one breath before being forced back by the bone knife.

At this time, the elite goblin entered a rampage state because of the injury. The bone knife in his hand swung quickly, forming a series of afterimages around his body.

Lin Mo kept jumping and dodging. The elite goblin's rampage time was limited, and it was now at the end of its strength. As long as it could survive this period of time, Lin Mo could easily defeat it!

Sure enough, in less than ten seconds, the speed of the elite goblin's knife swinging gradually slowed down, and in the end it completely stopped.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you.

Without saying a word, Lin Mo rushed up with a wooden stick.

The biggest weakness of the goblin is the head, and the stick in Lin Mo's hand smashed down like a rainstorm.

"Huh... I'm exhausted!"

After smashing for nearly a minute, the elite goblin fell to the ground with a bang.

Lin Mo let out a long breath, and at this time, the elite goblin's body disappeared, turning into green light and pouring into his dantian.

"Awesome! So awesome!"

Lin Mo's face was filled with joy. Although it was a dream, the feeling of being full of energy was very real.

"That bone knife just now is good. Pick it up quickly and use it in the next room." According to Lin Mo's calculation, after the elite monster, he should be the lord of the copy.

Facing the lord, using a wooden stick is simply seeking death.

Only the bone knife can be used for a while.

But when Lin Mo lowered his head to find the bone knife, he was stunned.

There were no traces of bone knives on the ground. Instead, there was a shimmering object where the elite goblin had fallen.

"What is it?" Lin Mo reached out to pick it up in confusion, and the item information immediately appeared in his mind:

"Qi-blood grass x 3"

"This dream is too real. Defeat the elite monsters and there will be rewards!"

Lin Mo chuckled. Qi-blood grass is a necessary material for refining Qi-blood pills, and it is very expensive. If these three Qi-blood grasses were sold in reality, they would sell for at least 210,000!

"It's a pity that it's just a dream!" Lin Mo sighed regretfully and looked at the red light-emitting stone door: "Without a bone knife, it seems that I can only use a wooden stick to fight!"

Lin Mo shouted and rushed towards the door.

There was a bang.

What was different from before was that this time Lin Mo failed to pass through the door. Instead, he seemed to have hit the transparent glass, and his whole body was bounced back.

"It hurts!"

Lin Mo exclaimed and opened his eyes suddenly.

The dungeon disappeared. Lin Mo woke up from his dream and found himself lying on the ground.

"How long have I been asleep?" Lin Mo glanced at the time and his heart suddenly sank. It was already noon the next day!

The effect of the Qi and Blood Pill expired, and he didn't even have time to temper it and absorb it. He was asleep during the entire process!

Two hundred thousand dollars wasted...

Thinking of his father's earnest eyes and calloused hands before, Lin Mo felt unspeakably guilty.

Lin Mo's expression was extremely ugly and he didn't know how to face his parents.

Bang bang bang!

"How long will you continue to sleep?!"

At this time, Lin Ya's voice sounded outside the door.

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