The bodies on the ground were slowly disappearing, and the blood had already dissipated.

Looking around, the scenery of the square disappeared, replaced by a row of houses.

Looking into the distance, the square was still in front of them, at least five minutes away from them.

"This..." Yu Qian panted and looked at everyone in surprise.

At this moment, the students who were originally killed by him were standing in front of him, but the expressions on the faces of these students were different.

Some people looked at Yu Qian with disgust on their faces, and some looked at Yu Qian with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Feng Xuan stood in the front of the students, and among them sat a young man, Lin Mo!

At this moment, his eyes were slightly closed, and his face was also pale and frightening.

"Is it strange?" Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes and chuckled, "The little Qi Master in your eyes just laid down the spiritual realm, and you happened to enter it!

What you saw just now was an illusion, all fake..."

At this point, Lin Mo paused, with a strong mocking look on his face: "Of course, only one thing is true... The Qi and blood you consumed in the spiritual realm are real!

Rampage of rocks through the air, what a powerful martial art, it has been used for five minutes in a row, the Qi and blood consumed should not be small!

Senior Feng will leave it to you, leave two people to guard me..."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he took out an intermediate Qi and Blood Pill from his body and swallowed it.

"This kid is really shocking. He actually trapped a third-grade martial king in the second-grade warrior realm!

If this matter gets out, it will definitely cause a sensation!

You guys guard him, and the rest of you follow me!" Feng Xuan spoke loudly, and then rushed towards Yu Qian with his students!

At the same time, after Lin Mo swallowed the Qi and Blood Pill, he directly entered the game interface.

"I consumed an intermediate Qi and Blood Pill. I haven't played a dungeon for a long time..."

Lin Mo directly selected the next dungeon, and a prompt for consuming Qi and Blood Pills appeared in his mind.

"Consume an intermediate Qi and Blood Pill x 1!"

"Oh my god!" Lin Mo looked at this prompt and felt his heart twitch. He had already consumed an intermediate Qi and Blood Pill when entering the game interface, and now he consumed another intermediate Qi and Blood Pill when entering the dungeon. Isn't this a scam!


While thinking about it, a roar suddenly sounded in Lin Mo's ears!

It was a tiger covered with frost, roaring and rushing towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo used Ghost Shadow to dodge directly, and at the same time punched out!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The tiger bent its waist, and the frost on its back instantly turned into an ice blade and shot forward!

Lin Mo was flexible and kept moving.

"Such a strong ability, but it's still not good enough in front of me!" Lin Mo sneered. In his previous life, he was known as the king of map brushing. Facing this kind of copy, Lin Mo was at ease!

Time passed, Lin Mo rushed all the way, and finally came to the lord level.

Unlike before, the lord level flashed, and Lin Mo found that he could go in directly!

"Could it be that the effect of consuming two intermediate blood pills is to directly open the lord level!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up and rushed in directly!


As soon as he entered the lord's room, Lin Mo heard the space around him tremble.

Suddenly, an ominous premonition arose in his heart.


Lin Mo didn't think about it and jumped to the side.


There was a loud bang, and stones and ice fell from the sky, just where Lin Mo was!

"Hehehe, you actually dodged it!" A voice sounded not far away.

Lin Mo looked at the lord in the room and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It looked like a woman, with two rabbit ears on her head. The skin exposed was azure blue, with some ice crystals embedded on it.

"Accept the baptism of the storm!" The lord didn't care about Lin Mo's gaze at all. He screamed and raised the staff in his hand.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and then thunder struck down!

"Mage?" Lin Mo was a little surprised. While escaping with the ghost shadow, he directly turned on the bloodthirsty mode of the Wolf King Fist!

Bang bang bang!

In the bloodthirsty state, Lin Mo's attack power doubled directly.

Stone-breaking fist, tiger fist, leopard fist...

Lin Mo stretched out all the boxing techniques he mastered and blasted them on the lord.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the lord was covered with a layer of frost!

The fist hit it, but it didn't work at all!

"What a strong defense!" Lin Mo's eyes were cold. In the bloodthirsty state, it was impossible to break its defense!


Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he directly activated the next state of the Wolf King Fist!


In an instant, the remaining blood and qi in Lin Mo's body began to gather frantically, and finally formed a ball of blood and qi, and then exploded!

Tiger Fist!

White Crane Fist!

Lin Mo used these two fists and killed forward!

In the haze, the blood and qi formed two phantoms on Lin Mo's left and right hands!

It was a white crane and a tiger!



In a trance, two sounds rang out.


The White Crane Fist directly broke through the lord's defense, and at the same time the Tiger Fist burst out with a powerful attack!


Half of the lord's body was blasted into ice chips by Lin Mo's punch!

Bang bang bang!

Seeing that the lord's defense was broken, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he waved his fists, hitting the lord's body one after another.

After one attack, the lord's body exploded!

The terrifying impact of the explosion caused Lin Mo's body to retreat wildly, and after falling to the ground, a look of shock appeared on his face.

Not far away, where the lord originally stood, there was now a girl lying there quietly.

The girl was completely clean, with no clothes visible.

The originally blue skin has turned snow-white, looking crystal clear and perfect!


Lin Mo couldn't help but gulped, this girl was so attractive!

"Is it a human?" Lin Mo said softly, while cautiously preparing to approach.

In this state, Lin Mo didn't know whether the lord was actually killed by him.

Because if the lord is dead, he should be able to get feedback from the power of blood, but so far, there is no feedback at all.

"I can't kill him again. I really can't do it with this look!" Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and his eyes fell on the staff beside him.

The top of the staff is inlaid with a blue gem.

Perhaps due to frequent polishing, the entire gem is extremely smooth. The most important thing is that the top of the gem is extremely sharp and should be used as a murder weapon!

Lin Mo picked up the staff and walked towards the girl step by step.

Just when Lin Mo was about to take action, the girl opened her eyes!

The girl's eyes flashed with blue luster. The moment she saw Lin Mo, the girl stood up and stood there in the air!

Lin Mo's eyes narrowed and he saw the girl's heart beating wildly!

Because the power of Qi and blood in the girl is too violent!

The reason why she can stand in the air now is entirely because of the surging energy and blood!

"Human race?" The girl looked at Lin Mo, her blue eyes flashing with anger: "The despicable human race dares to hold my scepter and look at my body with your eyes!"

The girl was so angry that she raised her hand and pointed forward!

Suddenly there was a layer of snowflakes dancing wildly in the whole room, making it impossible to open one's eyes.

Spiritual perception!

Lin Mo used spiritual perception to prevent danger.

Soon, the white snow dispersed, and a layer of armor made of ice and snow appeared on the originally clean girl.

There is energy and blood flowing on the armor, and you can tell at a glance that it has a strong defensive power!

"Give me back the scepter!" The girl stretched out her hand towards Lin Mo.

At the same time, Lin Mo's eyes changed wildly, because the scepter in his hand was trembling as if it was about to fly out of his hand at any time!

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and hugged the scepter tightly, retreating desperately.

He looked at the exit of the room and wanted to try to leave from here with the scepter.

"Want to leave?!" The girl's blue eyes flashed, and as she raised her hand, the power of blood pulled the surrounding frost to condense, forming a spear of frost in front of her!


The Frost Spear burst out instantly!

Lin Mo's face changed wildly. This blow had exceeded the realm of King Wu, and Lin Mo couldn't bear it at all!


At this moment, lines suddenly appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes. Those lines intertwined to form a large net, blocking the Frost Spear!

There was a puzzled look on the girl's face, and the next moment more Frost Spears appeared in front of her, and then as she raised her hand to push, dozens of Frost Spears covered Lin Mo!

Such a scene made people feel numb. Lin Mo sighed helplessly. There was no need to escape at this time.

He tried to use the spiritual sword to bombard those frost spears, but it had no effect at all!

Just when Lin Mo was desperate, the net appeared again!

The Frost Spear kept hitting the net, making a loud noise, and then burst into pieces!

Lin Mo's eyes flickered as he looked at the net in front of him.

"What's going on with this thing? Is it protecting me? Why didn't this net appear when there was danger before?" Lin Mo was thinking in his mind.

The girl's attack stopped immediately, and she looked at Lin Mo with cold eyes: "You are very weak, but the big net in front of you is weird, what on earth is it!"

Lin Mo didn't speak. He was also studying this net like the girl.

But soon the network disappeared.

"Give me back the scepter!" The girl stretched out her hand towards Lin Mo.

"Of course I have to keep such a good thing for myself!" Lin Mo shook his head and refused. Based on his previous experience, he definitely couldn't take this thing out!

But Lin Mo would not give it back to the girl in front of him so easily.

First of all, although the girl is just a character in the dream, Lin Mo always feels that the girl in front of him may meet again in the future.

The second thing is that he is interested in the armor on the girl. This method of solidifying the armor should be a martial skill. If he can get it, it will definitely increase his combat power by a lot!

"Despicable human beings..." the girl said softly: "Tell me your conditions!"

"I want the armor on your body, and I want to learn how to condense the armor!" Lin Mo said his request without hesitation.

"Okay! I'll satisfy you!" The girl groped for a moment and then threw a scroll directly towards Lin Mo.

After the scroll was thrown out, it turned into a ball of light and hung in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. The light ball looked like an item dropped by the lord. From this point of view, this thing should be taken out!

Lin Mo took the ball of light in his hand, and then said: "I was scared by you, I need something to restore my blood and qi..."

"Despicable villain!" The girl showed an angry look on her face, but still threw out a thumb-sized thing.

"Blood stone!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, this thing is not bad, at least it's a profit!

After putting the things away, Lin Mo threw the scepter directly out.

The girl grabbed the scepter, looked at Lin Mo deeply, and then disappeared directly!

At the moment the girl disappeared, another ball of light appeared in front of her eyes, and at the same time all the frost in the room exploded, and a warm current flowed into Lin Mo's body!

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