"The lord was not killed, but he was rewarded with Qi and blood. This is so cool!"

Feeling the Qi and blood surging in his body, Lin Mo smiled.

This time he gained a lot. Not only did his Qi and blood power improve, but he also got a defensive martial art and a Qi and blood stone.

"The Qi and blood stone can just replenish the Qi and blood power I consumed. What's the name of that defensive martial art..."

Lin Mo's face was full of curiosity. He slowly opened his eyes and got out of that state.


As soon as he opened his eyes, a loud bang came to his ears.

Feng Xuan screamed, and his chest was directly pierced by a punch, and blood was dripping.

The opposite Yu Qian's state was not much better. His body was covered with wounds, which looked very bloody.

What shocked Lin Mo was that there were many students lying on the ground. They were obviously seriously injured. Some people's Qi and blood were dry and they were about to lose their vitality.

"Lin Mo, you're awake!" The students who were guarding Lin Mo smiled when they saw Lin Mo wake up: "Find a chance to leave, we're going to help them!"

These people have been guarding Lin Mo and have not left since the battle. Now that he has woken up, they are going to fight side by side with their classmates!

"Wait a minute!" Lin Mo was silent for a moment, and pretended to fumble around on his body for a while, and took out the blood stone in his mind: "Distribute it to them!"

Lin Mo pointed at the students whose blood and qi were dry, and then silently urged the blood and qi in his body, staring at Yu Qian.

"Hehe, kid, you're finally awake, come on, let me kill you myself!" Yu Qian noticed Lin Mo's gaze, and his face showed an extremely angry look.

If Lin Mo hadn't taken action before, his plan would have been perfect, and all the students would have died here!

But Lin Mo used his mental power to consume a lot of his blood and qi, making him extremely passive now.

Now seeing Lin Mo wake up, he wanted to rush up and kill Lin Mo immediately!

"Lin Mo, find a chance to leave here and avenge us!" Feng Xuan couldn't help but look back when she heard Yu Qian's voice, with a relieved smile on her face.

"Don't worry, none of you can escape, you will all die!" Yu Qian's voice was cold, bloodthirsty and cruel.

The blood hole on Feng Xuan's body was bleeding, but his eyes were full of determination.

"Whirlwind Kick!"

He urged the remaining blood and energy in his body to perform the strongest martial arts he could perform!

He stood up sideways, and his legs kept kicking in the air like a whirlwind. His speed was so fast that his legs almost kicked out countless afterimages in the air!

"Trivial tricks!" Yu Qian looked contemptuous, mobilized the blood and energy in his body, and then swung his fists.

It can be seen that a layer of earthy yellow light was covered on his fists.

"Yellow Earth Shield!" It was also a defensive martial arts. He intertwined his fists to form a shield to resist the attack from Feng Xuan.

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, good opportunity!

Spiritual Sword Formation!

Spiritual perception!

Lin Mo performed two spiritual martial arts at the same time, and his spiritual power covered forward like a wave.

At the same time, the spiritual sword was formed and hung in the air. Under Lin Mo's control, it shot out towards Yu Qian!

Yu Qian's face was indifferent, and he said lightly: "I have suffered a loss once, do you think I will be fooled again?!"

"The reason why the King of Martial Arts is called the King of Martial Arts is that they also master part of the spiritual power. In order to prevent being attacked by you mind masters, the first spiritual martial arts I practiced was the skill of spiritual defense!"

Yu Qian sneered, and a light blue barrier actually formed around his body.

This barrier is not very thick, but it is constructed by spiritual power.

When the spiritual sword formation enveloped it, it issued a series of fluctuations, and finally broke into pieces!

"Hahaha, kid, you should be considered to be at your wit's end. Wait a minute, when I solve them, I will personally send you on your way!"

Yu Qian sneered, and at this time Feng Xuan's attack had also reached its end!


Yu Qian swung his fist. At this time, his blood and qi were not much left, but his attack power was amazing!

Feng Xuan was hit again, leaving a terrible wound.

Ghostly trace!

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he rushed up directly.



Lin Mo activated the Wolf King Fist, unfolding two states at the same time, and the blood and qi exploded to the extreme in an instant!


He swung his fist and smashed forward with the sound of air explosion!

But Yu Qian's figure was very fast, and his dodging speed was unparalleled. Lin Mo made consecutive moves, but failed in the end.

"Boy, although I don't have much blood and qi left, it's still easy to deal with you. The most important thing is, can you touch the corner of my clothes?"

He was mocking Lin Mo. A low-level warrior actually tried to cross a major realm to challenge the King of Martial Arts!

It was a big joke!

Lin Mo didn't say anything. He was thinking. Yu Qian's figure was indeed very fast. He needed some agility to catch up with him with the Ghost Shadow Body Movement...

"Agility..." Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of the insights he had gained when he used the Leopard Fist.

"The benefit that the leopard can bring me should be agility!" He smiled. At this moment, all the essence of the Leopard Fist was completely mastered by Lin Mo!

Ghost Shadow!

Leopard Fist!

Lin Mo tried to combine the two martial arts!


In an instant, Lin Mo felt that his figure had improved a lot!

"The gain of Leopard Fist is indeed agility!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he felt the feeling of improved agility.

In particular, the ghost shadow became very terrifying with the blessing of agility. His speed and flexibility doubled!


Lin Mo used his boxing skills again, and with a muffled sound, Yu Qian was punched in the left ribs!

With a pop, Yu Qian spat out a large mouthful of blood, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Why do you become so fast!"

He couldn't accept this result. A little low-level samurai actually surpassed him in speed and broke his ribs with low-level martial arts!

Bang bang bang!

Lin Mo didn't speak. He gritted his teeth and held his breath. The time for bloodshed was limited, so he couldn't waste it on this!

Muffled sounds came one after another, and Lin Mo punched Yu Qian's body one after another.

After a few minutes, Lin Mo's movements slowed down, and Yu Qian's whole person had changed.

He originally had wounds on his body, but now they are even more miserable. It can be seen that half of his body was almost penetrated by Lin Mo, and the broken ribs were exposed from the flesh on both sides, which looked extremely terrifying.

Lin Mo stood there panting heavily and swallowed the remaining blood stone the size of a fingernail.

The negative effects of the violent blood began to subside, but the feeling of weakness and severe pain still made him almost fall to the ground.

A pair of hands stretched out from behind to support Lin Mo.

Turning around and looking, it was those students who had dried up their energy and blood before, who were now standing behind Lin Mo, and together they stretched out their hands to drag him down!

"This kid actually won the hearts of so many people at once!" From a distance, Feng Xuan also let out a long breath, with an envious and gratified smile on his face.

"The students in the inner courtyard of the Huaxia Military University are all arrogant. There are really not many people who can convince them so wholeheartedly!" Feng Xuan's eyes lit up: "However, in this way, there are many candidates for this year's student union president. Found...

But if this kid really becomes the president, can he do it in next year’s National President Exchange Competition? "

The student president is usually a senior student. If Lin Mo really becomes the student president, he will be the first person in Huaxia Military University in many years to become the student president in his sophomore year or even in the first half of the freshman year!

This will shock countless schools.

"Be cautious, but this is indeed a good suggestion. Discuss this idea with the school leaders when you get back!" Feng Xuan covered her wound and walked towards them step by step: "I said... who of you can Come and help me, judging from the injuries, it’s obvious that I’m more serious..."

Only then did a group of people react and quickly supported Feng Xuan.

"I have a healing elixir here. You should take it first!"

"I still have one remaining intermediate Qi and Blood Pill here..."

Some students took out various elixirs from their bodies and handed them to Feng Xuan. In the battle just now, he was the main force and attracted almost all the firepower, so they didn't die directly.

Otherwise, they would not have been able to wait for Lin Mo's rescue, so everyone was no less grateful to Feng Xuan than to Lin Mo!

While everyone was treating Feng Xuan, Lin Mo walked towards Yu Qian step by step.

Yu Qian was completely lying on the ground at this moment, and the wounds all over his body were still bleeding. The blood was no longer visible on his face, and blood foam was spitting out from his mouth.

This has injured the internal organs and basically means he will not be able to survive.

"Hehe...are you very proud of yourself? That you saved everyone and solved the problem here?" Yu Qian looked at Lin Mo walking towards him and smiled: "I tell you, it's useless. , your ending is already determined!

Do you really think you can get out of this village?

When night falls, all of you will become the monster's meal! "

He laughed crazily, not caring about the blood foam that kept pouring out of his mouth.

"Why?" Lin Mo looked at Yu Qian with a complicated expression and couldn't help but ask.

"Why?" Yu Qian had a sarcastic look on his face: "My wife is sick and needs money urgently. The doctor said that as long as there is enough money, her disease can be completely cured.

But just because I have no money, I have to watch my wife die!

I begged the school leaders of China Military University, but while they said they had no money, they used the school money to buy cars and houses for their children!

But my wife has to lie in the corridor of the hospital, suffering pain, feeling death approaching step by step!


So, as long as I can save my wife, what does it matter if a few people die?

This world is inherently unfair, they are unfair to me, and I can be unfair to you..."

Yu Qian looked crazy and roared loudly.

Lin Mo didn't speak. What could he say in the face of this situation?

This is the last thing a husband can do for his wife!

"After you die, I will find a way to cure your wife!" Lin Mo said lightly, then picked up the dropped dagger, raised it high, and pointed it at Yu Qian's heart!

"Thank you. In return, I will tell you something...Run away! Run away now!"

After dark, there won't be any living things in the whole village! "

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