Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 104: Gate of the Abyss

With a look of fear on his face, Yu Qian straightened up his chest and faced Lin Mo's dagger!


The dagger directly pierced his heart. Before he died, Yu Qian's eyes were bright. After looking at Lin Mo, he slowly closed his eyes.

"Don't worry, I keep my word!" Lin Mo said softly, he had already understood the meaning in Yu Qian's eyes!

"I have never heard of such a big thing happening in his family!" One student suddenly spoke, with anger even flowing out of his eyes: "I know who he is talking about. He is the director of our school's finance department. He just gave My children bought a car and a house!”

"That son of his is not a good person. When he was in college, he dared to drive his car onto the campus. I still remember that rampage!"

"I didn't expect that Teacher Yu has been a good person all his life, but in the end he ended up in this situation!"

After a group of people learned the truth, they felt a little sympathy for Qiandu.

Although they are all college students, in the end they are all children who have not been severely beaten by society and still maintain their pure and kind hearts.

"Teacher Yu has already said, let us escape quickly!" Lin Mo glanced at the time: "There is still half an hour before the sun sets. What are you going to do?"

So far, several students are still missing.

But if we stay in the village to search, God knows what will happen when night falls?

"We came together and we must go back together!"

"Yes, that's right, we can't leave them behind!"

Some students spoke, and eventually all students responded.

Lin Mo looked at this scene and nodded slightly, and Feng Xuan next to him also had a smile on his face.

"In that case, then everyone listen to my arrangements!" Feng Xuan said: "I will find a way to contact support now. Among the remaining people, the injured will all stay. The uninjured will go to the square in the middle of the village to watch. look!

Remember, you only have twenty minutes. If you don't find them when the time is up, you have to leave immediately!

When support arrives, we enter again!

Do you understand? "


A group of students shouted back, and then began to automatically divide into groups.

Lin Mo saw some slightly injured students standing in the uninjured team, and he followed them with a smile.

"Lin Mo, you should stay here to recover. This time you are actually just following us to learn, but you have done enough so far!" Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo and spoke seriously.

The other students also spoke out to persuade him.

"Believe it or not, with my current strength, you guys may not be my opponents!" Lin Mo said with a smile on his face: "And don't forget, I am a mind qi master. After the mental power is dispersed, I can feel everything going on around me.

Following you will only do you good and no harm!

Also, if I am really in danger, I ask myself that none of you can run away from me! "

The group of people were immediately speechless. Although what Lin Mo said didn't deserve a beating, they had to admit that what he said was true.

Judging from Lin Mo's strength in killing Yu Qian just now, even if he faces a first-grade Martial King, he has the strength to fight, and he can escape smoothly no matter what happens!

"Lin Mo is right. It's actually better for him to follow us. At worst, when danger really happens, I will risk my life to protect his safety!"

"You're right. Lin Mo has great potential. He will definitely be the pride of our Chinese Military University in the future. So Lin Mo, you will be in charge of the rear. If anything happens, you can leave at any time!"

Everyone nodded, agreeing with this approach.

Lin Mo said nothing, just glanced at Feng Xuan and pointed at Yu Qian on the ground.

"Don't worry!" Feng Xuan nodded: "Let's go!"

Following Feng Xuan's order, Lin Mo followed a dozen senior students and walked step by step towards the center of the village.

Lin Mo's mental perception has unfolded and spread to the surroundings. At the same time, his eyes are also looking around vigilantly to prevent accidents from happening.

"It feels like it's getting colder and colder. The weather is so weird!"

"That's right, isn't it summer now? Even if it's almost evening, it shouldn't be so cold!"

"Is it possible that the environment makes us feel a little cold? After all, it's a bit scary around here!"

Some students trembled and couldn't help but raise their hands and point around.

Everyone looked around and their expressions changed slightly.

The sun has set, and the sky in the distance is shrouded in black clouds. The whole village begins to darken. Looking into the distance, some houses are shrouded in mist, looking like haunted houses in the black environment!

Especially since the whole village was so quiet, not a single sound could be heard.

This kind of scene really makes my scalp numb just by looking at it!

Lin Mo didn't speak. He had been staring at the well since he arrived here.

According to the data, this village has existed for hundreds of years. The well in the village looks antique, surrounded by hexagonal well piers, and there are dark red lines on it, which look like words. But the distance was too far, and Lin Mo couldn't see clearly at all.

After taking a few steps forward, Lin Mo finally saw what was above.

Those turned out to be bloody runes!

Lin Mo once had a certain understanding of Taoism, and he could tell at a glance that what was carved on the well pier turned out to be the Suppressing Evil Talisman!

"Be careful, there is definitely something wrong with that well!" Lin Mo warned loudly.

A group of people immediately got up and were on alert.

It has to be said that Lin Mo's previous actions have left a certain place in everyone's hearts. Otherwise, with their arrogant personalities, they would not take Lin Mo's command seriously.

"Look at the shoes by the well, are they Sun Qian's?" Someone in the crowd pointed to the distance and spoke loudly.

Everyone looked and saw that they were black high-heeled shoes, and there was a card falling next to the shoes.

A student stepped forward and picked up the card: "It's Sun Qian's student card!"

"Could it be that Sun Qian was really thrown into the well?"

"Would you like to go down and take a look?"

A group of people stood next to the ancient well, looking at the things left on the ground, and couldn't help but speak.

"Let's take a look first!" Lin Mo's mental power has already explored the wellhead and a position about three meters deep from the wellhead. There is really no problem with the wellhead so far.

"You all stand back and let me take a look now!" A student said and walked up directly.

A group of students remained silent. They knew that the student who had just spoken was currently the strongest among them and could already be called a Half-Step Martial King.

Let him step forward and take a look to ensure maximum safety!

The student stepped forward, gritted his teeth, and looked into the well.

Everyone held their breath for fear of accidentally shocking the creatures at the bottom of the well.

"Nothing at all!"

At this moment, the student said: "This is just a dry well. There is nothing. It is only about five meters deep..."

"There are a lot of dead leaves inside, and you can't see anything else!" the student added.

"Impossible!" Everyone gathered around, and after someone took the lead, they looked at the bottom of the well one by one.

As this student said, the bottom of the well is full of dead branches and leaves, and not a single person can be seen!

"Could it be buried under the dead leaves?"

Some students laughed and muttered.

"That makes sense! Let's go down and take a look!"

When someone said this, they climbed onto the well pier and jumped down.

What everyone didn't expect was that they stepped directly onto the ground at the bottom of the well. When they peeled away the dead leaves, a rotten smell came out, but there was nothing underneath the well.

"It seems that we have really overthought it. They are not in the well. Let's continue to look for them separately!"

A student spoke. As soon as many students heard this sentence, they immediately began to search around.

At this moment, Lin Mo's cell phone rang. He had set an alarm clock for himself before coming. Now that the time was up, he needed to bring them all back safely.

"The time is up, we can go back!" Lin Mo said, and at the same time raised his phone to show everyone.

"Lin Mo, we can't leave. When the rescue team comes, they will definitely die. We can't just watch our classmates die here!"

"Yes! We have to keep looking!"

Faced with this situation, Lin Mo can only say that fate has its way, time has come, and they have no time to wait any longer!

Since everyone now chooses to continue searching and is unwilling to give up, Lin Mo can only risk his life to accompany Junzi.

"The square is not big. We are divided into three teams to search. The current search scope is limited to the square. Remember that no one can leave without authorization. Finally...if they really die, I hope everyone can express their condolences!"

Lin Mo spoke loudly, and then walked in one of the directions.

Not long after, there were five or six students following behind him, and one of them was looking around a crooked-neck tree.

"Look at what this tree is doing. This thing can't be a monster..."

Lin Mo said with a wry smile, but after the words fell, his expression suddenly changed: "Get away from those trees quickly!"

Lin Mo's voice was very loud. In order to let everyone hear his voice, he directly used Tiger Roar Impact.

The few people standing next to the tree were stunned for a moment, and then immediately ran away into the distance.

However, some people did not leave in time because they were a little slow to respond.

Just when Lin Mo was about to step forward and pull the man away, all the treetops in the entire square began to shake. Then the wind became stronger and stronger, and the branches swayed violently.


After a muffled sound, the person who was walking slower was killed directly!

The earthy brown tree roots pierced the student's body like a spear, and blood dripped down the branches bit by bit.


The roar sounded, and everyone was surprised to find that all the trees seemed to come alive and were gathering towards them!

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