There were roars in the huge square, the wind blew, the treetops rustled, and before they knew it, the night had fallen!

"This... these trees are really spirits!" Someone shouted, looking at the corpses on the ground, not daring to move forward.

"Where are Sun Qian and the others? Were they also killed by these trees?"

A student asked in a crying voice, not daring to accept such a result.

"Run first!"

Lin Mo remained calm, he knew very well that the more panicked he was at this time, the more dangerous it would be!

The ghost shadow was used, and Lin Mo's figure almost became a residual image constantly flickering on the ground.

A few minutes later, Lin Mo came to the edge of the square, and when he looked back, he saw everyone running behind him.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Mo turned back directly, rushed to the back, picked up the girl by the waist, and then brought her to the edge of the square.


After Lin Mo threw down this sentence, he continued to rush to the back, taking another person with him...

In less than five minutes, Lin Mo brought the three people closest to the strange trees to the outermost perimeter.

But when Lin Mo rushed back again to take the people away, he suddenly froze there.

All the strange trees that had been chasing him stopped, and just when everyone thought they had escaped, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Swish, swish, swish!

Countless sounds rang out, and the brown tree roots on the ground suddenly rushed out from the ground, straight up to the sky, standing there, like Optimus Prime.

The entire square was densely packed with Optimus Primes, blocking everyone's retreat!

"What should we do?!"

A group of people looked at each other, these tree roots were actually about 40 meters high, black like a tall city wall!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Mo's expression was extremely serious.

He finally understood what Yu Qian meant by everyone's death.


A slight sound came, and a powerful blood force suddenly gushed out from the wellhead in the distance.

"Everyone be careful!" Lin Mo roared, and his blood burst out. At this time, he could not care about so much, and directly activated the two states of bloodthirstiness and violent blood. At the same time, the agility attribute was also raised to the extreme!



The roar sounded, and in the night, such a sound made people's scalps numb.

The murals on the well pier were falling off bit by bit at this moment, and those strange words emitted a little light, but soon dimmed again.


A black claw poked out from the well mouth and smashed the remaining well pier into pieces!

"What on earth is...!"

A student spoke with a trembling voice.

The girl who was rescued by Lin Mo actually started crying.

"Find a way to get out first!" Lin Mo turned his head and punched the tree roots, wood chips flew, but these tree roots stood there motionless as if they were made of stone.

"Together!" Lin Mo looked at the remaining students and shouted loudly.

At this time, they reacted and used their most powerful martial arts to smash the tree roots.

Some people used sharp weapons to chop at them, but it still didn't work.


With a thunderous roar, the monster at the bottom of the well finally crawled out.


With a loud bang, the monster jumped out of the well and fell to the ground.

It was a five-meter-long crocodile. His scales were black and his mouth was full of sharp teeth. Just one look at it could make people tremble.


What was even more unacceptable was that the giant crocodile's huge body crawled very fast. The distance between everyone and it was only a little over 100 meters. At its current speed, it would be able to rush to everyone in 20 seconds at most!

"I'll find a way to hold it back, and you continue to destroy these tree roots... You can use fire!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of a solution.

Everyone also showed an excited look. No matter how powerful the strange tree was, it was just a tree after all. If you use fire attack directly, it might really work!

After Lin Mo said this, he rushed towards the giant crocodile. With the blessing of agility, he was very fast and arrived in front of the giant crocodile in a blink of an eye.

Swallow Soaring Technique!

Lin Mo's body jumped up suddenly, and then stepped on the back of the giant crocodile's head with an eagle step.

With Lin Mo's current strength, even the peak warriors can't bear this eagle step, and they may be stepped on to death directly.

Although Ju Ye's strength has reached the realm of King of Martial Arts, facing Lin Mo's eagle step, he still roared, swung his huge head and bit back!

Lin Mo jumped down, took this opportunity, rushed under the giant crocodile's head, and punched out!

Stone Breaking Fist!


Lin Mo only felt that his fist was like hitting a stone, and he couldn't shake the giant crocodile's body at all!

Instead, the vibration here aroused the giant crocodile's idea, and its huge body pressed down on Lin Mo all of a sudden!

Ghost Shadow!

Lin Mo used his body movement skills again, trying to leave here.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the giant crocodile's huge body actually rolled directly in mid-air.

Death roll!

Lin Mo had seen the methods used by crocodiles to hunt animals in the animal world, and the death roll was one of them. This action can suffocate and cripple the prey in the shortest time!

At this moment, the giant crocodile's huge body rolled over, causing the surrounding air to form turbulence. Coupled with the violent blood and qi power that was escaping wildly, a strong pulling force was formed in the space of ten meters around the giant crocodile!


After a muffled sound, Lin Mo's chest had a deep wound that could be seen to the bone.

Blood flowed, and in just a few seconds, black pus began to appear on Lin Mo's wound.


The claws of the giant crocodile were actually poisonous!

Lin Mo squinted his eyes and looked at the giant crocodile in front of him, and at the same time took this opportunity to quickly distance himself from it.

On the other side, a group of students hurriedly began to light a fire to light the tree roots, but they had limited items on them and could not light them at all.

"Take off your clothes, take off all the clothes you can, and then gather together to light the tree roots! Lin Mo can't hold on for long!"

Someone took a look at the battle between the giant crocodile and Lin Mo, and cold sweat broke out on his back. The giant crocodile in front of him was at least the strength of a fourth-grade martial king, but Lin Mo was able to fight with it.

But with such a strong strength, Lin Mo couldn't hold on for too long!

When everyone heard this, they didn't dare to delay at all, and took off their clothes in a hurry and piled them together.

"Set all the clothes on fire!" A student yelled, lit the lighter on his body, and threw it into the pile of clothes.

The rest of the people who had a source of fire in their hands lit them one by one and threw them on the pile of clothes.

The flames rose several meters high and rushed to the roots of the tree.


At this time, the tree monsters finally had some reactions. They roared and kept shaking the treetops. Some trees even came in the direction of these students.

"Prepare to defend against the enemy! We can't let Lin Mo be distracted anymore!" The senior students spoke loudly and stood in front of the junior students.

Such a scene inspired everyone, and everyone took a posture to defend against the enemy and prepared to fight to the end!

"The strength of the fourth-grade martial king is too strong, but it is not completely impossible to win..."

Lin Mo fought with the giant crocodile, and his brain was constantly working during the battle.

The giant crocodile is very strong, but it is obvious that its IQ is not very high.

"Spiritual power should be able to restrain it!" Lin Mo thought about it and directly used the spiritual sword formation!

The spiritual sword enveloped the front and went directly to the huge head!


The giant crocodile also sensed the danger and roared, seeming to be extremely painful!

Lin Mo smiled. It was indeed useful to use this method against these monsters. If these monsters want to cultivate spiritual power, they must at least reach the peak of the martial king!

"Spirit Realm!"

Lin Mo saw that the mental attack was effective, so he didn't waste any words and directly used the mental realm to pull the giant crocodile in!

A roar sounded, and Lin Mo and the giant crocodile appeared in the mental realm at the same time.

Here, all mental attacks were materialized. You can see flying swords hanging beside Lin Mo. With a gesture, all the flying swords shot out!

Such a scene can be said to be extremely spectacular. In just a moment, those flying swords have arrived in front of the giant crocodile!

Swish, swish, swish!

Muffled sounds continued, and Lin Mo's mental sword directly pierced the giant crocodile's body.

Accompanied by a roar, Lin Mo saw the giant crocodile lying on the ground unwillingly.

At this time, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes.

The originally violent giant crocodile was already lying on the ground. There was no wound on its body, but it had no breath.

"The killing method of the mind master is really terrifying. People are dead before they know it!" Lin Mo summed up, and then couldn't help but take two steps towards the body of the giant crocodile.

"Will there be a demon pill in its body?" Lin Mo took out a dagger from his body and stabbed it into the giant crocodile's body fiercely.

Blood spurted out all of a sudden, accompanied by a fishy smell. Lin Mo directly opened the wound and exposed the internal organs.

"I remember it should be in this place!" Lin Mo muttered softly, and even used the dagger to constantly search for something in the giant crocodile's belly.

"Found it!" Finally, Lin Mo's eyes lit up, because he found what he wanted!

He took his hand out of the wound, and there was a black demon pill in Lin Mo's hand!

"This is a good thing, just in time, my boxing gloves should be ready to make..." Lin Mo's eyes lit up, this thing is really useful to him!

If the demon pill is added when refining weapons, then the special functions of the weapons will be increased!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo couldn't wait!

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