Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 106 The support team has arrived!

Currently, Lin Mo has two design drawings on his body, namely Tang Dao and Boxing Gloves.

Compared with the Tang Dao, the level of the gloves was a bit low, so Lin Mo planned to use the demon elixir on the Tang Dao.

As for the gloves, after collecting the materials, Lin Mo plans to make them and sell them.

After putting away the demon pill, the flames on the other side finally rose up, and with a burst of fire jumping, the tree roots were directly ignited.

Those tree demons were quickly ignited, and the fire burned like a fire, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

When a group of people cheered and were about to ask Lin Mo to leave together, they saw the body lying on the ground, and their faces suddenly showed a look of shock.

"You...actually killed the giant crocodile!" A group of students had shocked looks on their faces.

This is a monster that is comparable to a fourth-grade Martial King. It is unbelievable that a warrior named Lin Mo can kill it!

"Since you have killed the monster, let's take this opportunity to go down into the well and have a look!" Lin Mo pondered for a moment: "But you should be careful and follow me!"

A group of people approached the ancient well cautiously. Because the well pier had been destroyed, the situation inside the well was already revealed to them when they were still some distance away from the ancient well.

"There seems to be a gate inside the well..."

"It doesn't seem like it, it's a door, a door leading to the abyss!"

"How do you know this is the gate to the abyss!"

"I entered the abyss once when I was a junior. The entrance was very similar to this one..." The senior student said slowly with a solemn look on his face: "There is an abyss entrance here. We must Report it to the school as soon as possible!”

The entrance to the abyss is likely to be the passage for monsters to invade Blue Star in the future, so the emergence of any entrance may bring huge disasters to the entire human race.

What they can do is report it when they discover an entrance, and let stronger people handle the matter.

"What should Sun Qian and the others do?" Someone couldn't help but ask: "Are we just going to watch them disappear into the abyss?"

"Our strength has entered the abyss, and there is no possibility of exploration at all. We can only bet that they will not die in the abyss!" The senior student said with an ugly face: "Believe me, I have been to that kind of place, and I know that it is better than us. It’s terrifying to imagine!”

"Lin Mo...what do you think!"

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Lin Mo.

"We have already applied for support, and we will seize the time to call them again and tell them the situation here!

The original information was wrong! "

According to Yang Gangui, they were asked to investigate whether there were signs of an abyss here, but the actual situation now is that a gate to the abyss has appeared here!

"Do as Lin Mo said!" Everyone nodded. After all, with Lin Mo's previous performance, everyone is quite convinced of Lin Mo now!

Seeing a group of people turning around and preparing to leave, Lin Mo also let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking back at the Gate of the Abyss, Lin Mo also followed.

"Take this giant crocodile with you. The cost in the canteen is so high. The corpse of this giant crocodile is enough for us to eat for many meals!" Lin Mo pointed at the corpse of the giant crocodile and said calmly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then nodded repeatedly.

They had been immersed in the emotions of the disappearance of Sun Qian and others, but after Lin Mo's words, they suddenly came to their senses.

The only reason why they cannot enter the Gate of the Abyss to search is that they are too weak.

Right now, the corpse of the giant crocodile can increase their energy and blood, which is one of the ways to become stronger.

Several people worked together to carry the giant crocodile's body and leave the square.

When they met Feng Xuan, the anxious look on Feng Xuan's face had faded a lot.

"You are finally back. I thought something happened to you!" Feng Xuan's face was still ugly, but she had recovered a lot.

"We encountered some troubles, but they were finally solved!" Lin Mo looked serious: "By the way, Senior Feng, can you still contact the supporting people now? Let them arrange for stronger people to come here. The Gate of the Abyss has already Appeared!"

"The Gate of the Abyss has appeared!" Feng Xuan's face showed a look of horror: "Are you sure?"

Lin Mo and a group of students nodded heavily, and the senior student also vividly described the difference between the abyss gate in the ancient well and what he saw at first.

Feng Xuan looked solemn, took out her mobile phone again, and made a call.

"I have just synchronized the information with the school and the support staff. The school will arrange for teachers to come soon. In addition, the support team will also notify that at least a strong person at the peak of the King of Martial Arts is required to be on site before they can approach and enter the abyss. door!

According to the news, the support team will be here in five minutes..."

Feng Xuan raised her hand and glanced at her phone. At this moment, the sound of an engine suddenly came from the distance, and then she saw a middle-aged man walking over with a group of people.

"Which one of you is Feng Xuan!" The middle-aged man said with an arrogant look on his face: "I am Xie Guangkun, the deputy leader of the support team!"

"Hello, Team Leader Xie, I'm Feng Xuan!" Feng Xuan stepped forward and stretched out her hand.

Xie Guangkun glanced at him lightly and walked towards the square minding his own business.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Feng Xuan's face, but in the end she said nothing.

"Why are you so arrogant? It's only now!" Some students complained dissatisfiedly.

After Feng Xuan stopped him with her eyes, she caught up with Xie Guangkun.

Because he had just been injured, these few steps directly made Feng Xuan cough violently again.

"Tsk tsk, have the quality of students become so poor now? You just ran a few steps and you are coughing like this. If you were to train like we did back then, you would all be trained to death!

The Huaxia Military University is also true. It is best to leave such professional matters to our professional people. You little brats, after you come here, what else can you do besides causing trouble!

In the end, don’t you want our support team to wipe your ass? "

He led a group of support team members towards the direction of the ancient well.

The rest of the team members also had teasing looks on their faces, and did not take Feng Xuan and the others seriously at all.

Lin Mo turned around and glanced at the others, his eyes flickering.

"Team Leader Xie, there is something I need to synchronize with you. Before you guys came, something happened in the ancient well. A giant crocodile has been killed. As for the tree demons, they should have been eliminated...

But the Gate of the Abyss appeared in the ancient well..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo heard the sharp sound of leather shoes rubbing against the ground.

"What did you say? The Gate of the Abyss appeared here?!" Xie Guangkun's face showed a look of surprise, and then the smile on his face became deeper and deeper.

"Hahaha, great! Where is the Gate of the Abyss? Take me there quickly!"

Xie Guangkun looked at Lin Mo with an impatient look on his face.

"It's very dangerous. There is a monster coming out of it, and its strength has reached the level of a fourth-grade Martial King!

"So what? You think I can't deal with the monsters you can't defeat?" Xie Guangkun's face was full of disdain: "All of you are trash, but I, Xie Guangkun, am not!"

With an arrogant look on his face, he greeted a few people and then walked towards the ancient well.

Lin Mo pulled Feng Xuan: "Why does Xie Guangkun look so happy?"

“That’s because there are usually a lot of blood stones and demon elixirs from monsters inside the newly discovered Gate of the Abyss!

For the first batch of people to enter, although the risk factor increases, the benefits obtained are also terrifying!

There was a person who got a fist-sized Qi-Blood Stone in a newly discovered abyss. If he sold such a big Qi-Blood Stone, he would basically be able to live in peace for the rest of his life!

The newly discovered door to the abyss is an opportunity, but it is also a danger!

Captain Xie, you'd better be careful!

I have already notified the support team and arranged for some experts to come over. This way the safety factor will be much higher! "

"Boy, you broke the rules, do you know?" Xie Guangkun's face suddenly turned ferocious when he heard that Feng Xuan had synchronized the situation here to the headquarters of the Chinese Military University and the support group. "You have informed me, so the abyss The door has nothing to do with other people!”

With a gloomy expression on his face, he turned around and waved to the team members: "Time is running out, let's hurry up and enter the entrance of the abyss. Once we find something, we will make a fortune!"

A group of team members were as if they had been injected with blood. Although there was still some fear in their eyes, basically none of them had too much worry.

"Let's go in first!" Xie Guangkun raised his hand and said to a few people who had a good relationship with him: "You guys go down first. Once you find danger, pull the rope and I will directly rescue you!"

Several people nodded, tied safety ropes on their bodies, and then followed the entrance of the gate into the abyss.

After a few minutes, there was still no response from the safety rope. Some people at the scene showed anxious expressions and couldn't help but look at Xie Guangkun.

"Keep your hearts in your stomach, if I say nothing will happen, then nothing will happen!

No one knows the Gate of the Abyss better than me! "

He is very confident and thinks he is the best!

But after another ten minutes, there was still no movement from the safety rope in his hand. Xie Guangkun's eyes finally showed a solemn look.

"How about we go down and look for a few people?" He looked at the support team members behind him and asked softly.

At this time, a group of support team members shook their heads repeatedly. Although they were from the support team, it did not mean that there was something wrong with their minds.

They are definitely not willing to participate in something like this that has a high probability of death!

At this moment, the rope in Xie Guangkun's hand suddenly shook violently.

Seeing this scene, Xie Guangkun had an excited look on his face: "Did you see that the rope has moved? Pull it quickly! Pull it quickly!"

A group of people were also greatly encouraged and pulled the rope desperately.

Compared with before, the weight of the rope has increased many times. Some people raised questions and felt that the rope was too heavy.

But he was immediately refuted: "They must have dug up something good. If they come back with the good stuff, it will definitely be a lot heavier..."

"Now I'm rich!"

A group of people with bright eyes are dreaming of their own dreams of getting rich.

Seeing that the rope was almost reaching the end, the smiles on everyone's faces suddenly faded.

At the end of the rope, there was actually a dark, furry paw!

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