Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 108 Fulfilling the Promise

"Where's Xie Guangkun?"

After leaving the village, Lin Mo and Feng Xuan found the students waiting for them not far from the village.

But Xie Guangkun was the only one not seen in the crowd.

"Forget it, this coward didn't stop at all after he left the village, and ran away from here!" A student said with contempt: "This kind of person can actually become the leader of the support team!

The most important thing is that so many people died because of his arrogance!

If my energy and blood power were greater than his, I would definitely want him to look good! "

Everyone nodded repeatedly, recalling what Xie Guangkun had done, they all felt ashamed for him.

"Put Xie Guangkun's matter aside for now. Let's go back first. After we return to school, we still have reports to write." Feng Xuan said with a serious look: "Our army suffered heavy losses this time. I hope Sun Qian and the others can be safe and sound! "

Hearing this sentence, everyone's expressions also darkened a lot.

"Okay, don't be so lifeless. At least we are all alive. After we go back, we will practice hard. After graduation, we have the priority to apply for the right to explore the gate of the abyss!

I hope that by then, we can kill everyone behind the Gate of the Abyss! "

Feng Xuan's words immediately made a group of people cheer. Being able to explore the gate of the abyss and help them take revenge was something they naturally wanted!

Because of what happened to Sun Qian and others, the group was still unhappy after arriving at school. After reporting the situation to Yang Gangui, they went back to the dormitory to rest.

This time, everyone was exhausted, especially Lin Mo and Feng Xuan, who almost died there.

In the dormitory, Lin Mo lay quietly on the bed, his mind moved slightly, and the scroll he obtained from the copy appeared in his hand.

"First-grade earth-level martial arts, black ice armor!" Looking at the content on the scroll, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

It turned out to be an earth-level martial skill, and it was the rarest defensive martial skill besides body martial arts!

"Nianqi masters are good at mental power. Although mental attacks are difficult to catch, once they are close, they will inevitably become passive!

Xuanbing Armor..."

The scroll was opened, and Lin Mo began to practice according to the content recorded on it.

As the power of Qi and blood circulated, the temperature around Lin Mo's body continued to drop. In the end, a layer of cold air lingered around his body.


After a soft drink, the cold air suddenly trembled, and then it continued to condense at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The sound of water dripping sounded, and Lin Mo's clothes quickly became wet.

"It didn't condense into ice, it's different from what I imagined!"

The first attempt failed, but Lin Mo was not discouraged at all and continued to practice.

The night passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Mo, who was immersed in practice, was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Lin Mo, open the door, I'm Feng Xuan!"

When he opened the door, he saw Feng Xuan standing at the door covered in sweat: "The points awarded for this mission have come down. There are one million points in total. You account for 30%, which is 300,000 points. The other students will share these points equally. !”

"Three hundred thousand points?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. According to the exchange ratio of cash and points, the value of three hundred thousand points is three million!

"Do you have a channel to exchange points for cash?" Lin Mo suddenly asked.

"Exchange points for cash?" Feng Xuan frowned: "Everything in the school is spent in points, what do you want cash for?

Did you encounter any difficulties? "

"I promised Teacher Yu Qian that I would help his wife treat her illness. These points should be enough!"

"Then let me take out the points I got this time. I don't have many points, only about 70,000, but it can be considered a little bit of my appreciation!" Feng Xuan said with a smile: "Follow me, I know there are A place where you can quickly redeem your points for cash!”

A few minutes later, the two came to the door of a small house deep in the campus.

"What are you doing?" Two strong men stood guard at the door of the house and shouted at Lin Mo and Feng Xuan.

"Exchange for cash!" Feng Xuan shook the campus card in her hand.

The two strong men sneered and put them in directly.

"This is a place provided by Junda for everyone to trade points, but the ratio of converting them into cash is smaller. 300,000 points can only be exchanged for 2.7 million in cash!"

"The person in charge here is called Xiao Qiang, and he is said to have a good background."

Feng Xuan introduced Lin Mo in a low voice while leading Lin Mo into the room.

"Are you two here to exchange cash?" A voice sounded in the room.

At this time, the two of them discovered a middle-aged man sitting not far from the room.

He was so fat that he looked like a hill sitting there, but neither Lin Mo nor Feng Xuan noticed him when they came in!

"Very strong!" Lin Mo was shocked and his expression became much more serious.

"Mr. Xiao, let's exchange cash. This is our student card!" Feng Xuan handed over the student card respectfully.

"How much do you exchange?"

"Three hundred and seventy thousand points!" Feng Xuan responded with a smile.

"How much?" Xiao Qiang straightened up, with a surprised look on his face: "You two guys are here to entertain me, right?"

"Mr. Xiao can verify it first..."

Xiao Qiang coughed lightly, placed his student card on the machine nearby, looked at the numbers displayed on it, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"I underestimated you two..." Xiao Qiang said leisurely: "According to the current price, 370,000 points, I can only give you 3.3 million cash!

In addition, I need to know the purpose of your cash exchange!"

"Save people!" Lin Mo said lightly.

"Save people?" Xiao Qiang raised his eyebrows and touched his bald head: "Okay, I'll exchange it for you!"

A few minutes later, Lin Mo's account had 3.3 million cash added. After thanking them, the two prepared to leave.

"Are you two one of the guys who came back from the mission yesterday?" Xiao Qiang's voice sounded behind them.

The two paused and nodded.

"Remind you, you two may be in trouble recently, be careful!"

"Thank you for the reminder!"

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan nodded and left here.

"Come in from outside!" Xiao Qiang shouted.

The two strong men guarding the door quickly opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Xiao..."

The two fierce strong men were so respectful in front of Xiao Qiang.

"Help me investigate what they did with the money!" Xiao Qiang said calmly: "If they really used it for the right purpose, I don't mind helping you once!

If you dare to lie to me, I will make you two regret it!"


"What is the trouble Xiao Qiang just mentioned?"

Leaving the exchange office, Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo: "Remind both of us at the same time. I guess this matter should be related to the previous task."

Lin Mo nodded, and a face suddenly appeared in his mind: "I think this matter is probably related to Xie Guangkun. I hope I am not overthinking it...

Let's go to Teacher Yu's house first. Do you know the address?"

Feng Xuan nodded, and after leaving the school gate, he took Lin Mo to a G-Class.

"Is this your car?" Lin Mo looked at the wild car model and couldn't help asking.

"You don't have a car yet?" Feng Xuan was speechless: "We may perform solo missions in the later stage. It is inconvenient without a car in many cases!

I forgot to tell you that points can also be used to buy vehicles... The 300,000 points you exchanged today can actually buy one!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. It would be better to have a car.

The car started, and half an hour later, the two came to a residential building.

"Teacher Yu lives here?" Lin Mo frowned as he looked at the dilapidated residential building in front of him.

Yu Qian's position in the school is the field survival classroom, and he is also a strong man at the level of the fourth-grade martial king. Logically, he should not be short of money, but he lives in such a place.

"Teacher Yu's house may have been sold, and this should be a rented house!" Feng Xuan's face was not good either: "Let's go in and take a look first!"

After the two entered the residential building, they went up the stairs all the way and finally stopped at the top floor.

Just as they were about to knock on the door, they heard a cry for help from inside the house.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan's faces changed drastically, and they kicked the door open with their legs.

In the room, a woman with a sallow complexion was lying on the ground with tears on her face.

Two young men were standing next to a table not far away. One of them was holding a girl's arms, and the other was about to untie his belt with a sinister smile on his face.

The woman's clothes had been torn open for the most part, and she had a look of despair on her face. There was a slap mark on her pretty face, and it was obvious that she had just been slapped.

"Kang Heng, what are you doing!" Feng Xuan pointed at the young man and shouted, "Teacher Yu just got into trouble, and you came here to bully them mother and son, are you still a human being?"

"Feng Xuan, this is none of your business, get out of here quickly, otherwise, I will go back and tell my dad, and then I will give you a random reason to prevent you from graduating, believe it or not!"


Without waiting for Feng Xuan to respond, Lin Mo had already rushed out.

"Master, be careful!" The young man who was holding the girl's hands exclaimed, and then rushed towards Lin Mo.

A fifth-rank warrior?

Lin Mo sensed the strength of the young man, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Stone-breaking Fist!

With a punch, the young man screamed and smashed directly into the wall, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his head tilted and he fainted.

After dealing with the young man, Lin Mo did not slow down, raised his hand and slapped Kang Heng in the face.


Several teeth spit out, and half of his face soon swelled up.

"You... you dare to hit me?!"

Kang Heng pointed at Lin Mo with anger on his face.

Lin Mo didn't even look at him, and directly unbuttoned his coat and put it on the girl.

"Auntie, are you okay?" Lin Mo stepped forward again and helped the woman up.

He noticed that the woman's legs had shrunk, and various spots appeared on her skin.

It was obvious that the woman was seriously ill and her body was in a terrible state.

"Feng Xuan, you two are in the same group, right? I tell you, neither of you can escape today, and you will both be in trouble, especially you, who dared to hit me. Wait, I will deal with you two, but I will still get this woman!

Can you save them temporarily, but can you save them forever?"

Lin Mo turned around and glanced at him calmly: "So, you are reminding me to cut the grass and root it out, right?"

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