Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 109 Trouble is coming!

Kang Heng's expression changed wildly, and when he looked into Lin Mo's eyes, he suddenly panicked.

"You...what are you going to do...I'm warning you, my father Kang Zhenyu is the dean of the Military University. If you offend me, be careful..."

Kang Heng pointed at Lin Mo with a sharp look, and cold sweat was already flowing down his forehead.


Lin Mo casually grabbed two of his fingers and broke them off with a little force.

Kang Heng's screams spread far away, and he kept rolling on the ground with his hands covered.

"Lin Mo, you have to be careful. Director Kang has many tricks, which may really prevent us from graduating..." Feng Xuan warned carefully.

"Are you still afraid that you won't be able to graduate?" Lin Mo smiled lightly: "Besides, believe it or not, if we leave from Military University, there will be many schools that want us!"

"What my dad said, I don't think any school in Beijing would dare to hire you!" Kang Heng covered his hands and spoke loudly, with a painful look on his face.

Lin Mo glanced at him with disgust and said calmly: "If you dare to say one more word, I will shut you up completely, believe it or not?"

Kang Heng trembled all over, then lay there obediently, covering his hands and not daring to say a word.

Lin Mo stood up and looked at the girl aside: "We are Teacher Yu's students. We are very sorry about Teacher Yu..."

Because they had discussed it in advance and everyone was on the same page, they made some changes to what the teacher had done.

"Thank you!" The girl nodded, her eyes were red, and she looked like she had been crying for a long time.

Lin Mo sighed slightly in his heart, he didn't expect Yu Qian's family to be like this.

"I remember that the school should compensate you, right?" Lin Mo thought of something. According to Yu Qian's definition of death, the school should have to compensate you a lot of money, but looking like this, their mother and daughter don't look like they are rich at all. of.

"According to regulations, Teacher Yu Qian's compensation should be about one million..." Feng Xuan said this, her eyes suddenly fell on Kang Heng: "Director Kang should be responsible for the compensation..."

Lin Mo looked at Kang Heng lying on the ground with cold eyes, and said lightly: "Where is the money!"

"Money? Why should I give you money? Yu Qian has caused such a big loss to the school. Don't you want compensation?"

He was responsible for leading the team, but as a result so many students disappeared, didn't he need to be held responsible?

I actually came here to give money, but this woman didn’t cooperate! "

Kang Heng pointed at the girl beside him, a look of disgust written on his face.

The girl's face was pale and she was biting her lip.

"Bah, even if I die, I won't ask for your money. You force my Rou'er to marry you. If Rou'er doesn't agree, you use force. You even say that if you don't agree, you won't give us the money... you What a beast!"

The woman lying on the bed spoke loudly.

At this time, Lin Mo finally knew the girl's name, Yu Rou.

This name is really consistent with her character, which is extremely weak.

But after learning what happened, Feng Xuan also had an angry look on his face.

"Kang Heng, how could you do such a thing? Teacher Yu's body is still cold..."

"Shut up!" Kang Heng stood up from the ground: "I'm warning you, Yu Qian is dead. If you two offend me, you'd better think twice..."


This time, Lin Mo didn't let him finish his words. He raised his leg and kicked him out.

Kang Heng screamed, hit the door hard, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Not to mention that, Lin Mo walked over with a cold face, took out a dagger from his body, and slowly raised it!

"Lin Mo!" Feng Xuan quickly stopped him: "Although he is a bastard, if we kill him, we will be in trouble. The lesson we taught him today should be enough. Don't forget the purpose of our visit this time. …”

Lin Mo slowly put down the dagger and nodded.

"Get out of here!" Feng Xuan kicked Kang Heng in the body and said coldly.

Kang Heng rolled down the stairs while climbing. As for the fainted one in the room, Lin Mo picked it up and threw it out of the door.

"Thank you both for your life-saving grace..." After the crisis was resolved, Yu Rou knelt down directly in front of Lin Mo and Feng Xuan with tears on her face.

The two of them quickly stepped aside, and then looked at the woman: "Master's wife, before the teacher leaves, let us give this to you..."

He took out his bank card: "This is the teacher's income from this mission. He hopes that you can cure your disease..."

The woman looked at the bank card in Lin Mo's hand and slowly shook her head: "I know this money should belong to you, so I can't take this money...

Moreover, you don’t need to comfort me, I actually know more than you!

Lao Yu...he made a mistake. He listened to those people and wanted to hurt you in this mission.

You still want to send me money now, but I can’t take this money…”

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Yu Qian's wife knew everything. He stood there holding the bank card and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Okay, take the money with you. I know my disease well. Even if I have money, it can't be cured. It's better to leave early. Then I won't drag Rou'er down, and I can accompany Lao Yu early..." The woman spoke slowly with pain on her face.

Yu Rou started crying and threw herself directly on the woman.

"It doesn't matter if I die. In fact, the one I worry about the most is Rou'er. You have also seen that Kang Heng is uneasy and kind to Rou'er...

I want to ask you something..."

When the woman said this, she struggled to stand up.

"Master, please don't move. If you have anything to say, please tell me!" Lin Mo and Feng Xuan spoke quickly.

"After I die, you will help me take care of Rou'er..." The woman directly stated her wish.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan nodded: "Don't worry, we will definitely take good care of her!"

The woman nodded, and her expression became much better: "You two go out first, I have something to say to Rou'er..."

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan looked at each other with sad expressions on their faces.

They finally reacted at this time, and the woman finally came back to her senses.

The serious illness and Yu Qian's death have destroyed the woman's body. If it weren't for her daughter's failure to make arrangements, she might have died long ago!

Now that Lin Mo and Feng Xuan have agreed to take care of Yu Rou, the woman's last wish is gone. The breath in her body has been released, and naturally there is no life left...

"Maybe this is good, at least you won't suffer!" Lin Mo sighed and spoke slowly.

Feng Xuan nodded and said nothing. Both of them felt a little heavy.

At this moment, a heartbreaking cry came from the room.

After the two pushed the door open and entered, they saw that the woman had closed her eyes.

Seeing this scene, the two of them felt a little sad. Lin Mo stepped forward and patted Yu Rou on the shoulder: "Master's wife just went to accompany the teacher. Don't worry, we will take good care of you!"

Yu Rou didn't respond, she just kept crying.

Yu Rou was the only one left in the Yu family, so Lin Mo and Feng Xuan helped with the funeral arrangements.

The two discussed it, contacted Yang Gangui, and arranged a house for Yu Rou in the school.

When Lin Mo and Yu Rou returned to school, Yang Gangui was waiting for them at the gate.

His face was solemn. After seeing Lin Mo, he stepped forward and said, "Leave Yu Rou to me. You two go to the teaching office..."

"Remember, no matter what the situation, don't be impulsive!"

Before taking Yu Rou away, Yang Gangui added another sentence.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan looked at each other and already had some premonitions in their hearts.

The two came to the teaching office and saw Kang Heng standing there with a look of hatred on his face from a long distance away.

In front of him, there were several middle-aged men standing. One of them looked somewhat similar to Kang Heng. He should be his father Kang Zhenyu.

As for the remaining few, they should be senior officials in the school.

"You two are finally back!" Kang Zhenyu saw Lin Mo, a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes: "Who is Lin Mo?!"

"You know Feng Xuan, so why bother asking who Lin Mo is?" Lin Mo sneered: "It's unnecessary!"

"Hahaha, very good, you have the guts!" Kang Zhenyu sneered: "In that case, I won't talk nonsense. You broke two of my son's fingers, and I won't bully you and let my son break your limbs. , this matter is over!”

"Why don't you ask me why I broke your son's fingers?"

“No matter what my son has done, it’s not your turn to take action against my son!

What are you! Kang Zhenyu sneered: "Okay, don't waste time, Kang Heng takes action!" "

Kang Heng sneered, a ring flashed on his finger, and an iron rod appeared in his hand: "This is the iron rod I bought specially.

This thing feels good in hand but has low attack power, so it will cause more pain to people. I will slowly break your limbs bit by bit, and I want to watch you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo kicked him out like lightning.

Kang Zhenyu didn't expect that Lin Mo would dare to beat his son in front of him, so he didn't have time to stop him!

And Kang Heng didn't expect that Lin Mo would dare to hit him in front of his father, so he fell to the ground without any precautions and was extremely embarrassed!

"Damn it!" Kang Zhenyu's face was cold, and his blood boiled all of a sudden!

"Lin Mo, be careful! Director Kang's strength has reached the level of fifth-grade Martial King!"

Feng Xuan warned, while running her energy and blood, she stood in front of Lin Mo: "Director Kang, don't be impulsive. If you have anything to say, say it properly!"


Kang Zhenyu shouted coldly, punched out, and Feng Xuan's body flew out like a kite with its string broken.

"Die to me!"

After Kang Zhenyu dealt with Feng Xuan, he raised his hand and slapped Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, and his mental power surged out instantly!

The spiritual world!

Spiritual sword formation!

Lin Mo attacked with mental power, trying to block it for a while.

"It's a little trick, I'm the King of Martial Arts, and I'm much stronger than you. This little trick is... ridiculous!"

Kang Zhenyu sneered, his breath flowed, and all his mental power was shattered.


Kang Zhenyu came to Lin Mo, his eyes were cold and he shouted with murderous intent!

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