Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 110 Lin Mo Becomes a Disciple


Kang Zhenyu came to Lin Mo, his eyes cold and full of murderous intent, roaring!

The majestic blood and qi continued to surge, and in just a moment, Lin Mo felt that his body could not move.

Kang Zhenyu's strength was too strong, far beyond what Lin Mo could resist!

"Director Kang, you are targeting our military students like this, isn't it a bit unreasonable!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded, and then a blood and qi gushed out from behind Lin Mo!

Kang Zhenyu's face changed slightly, and the next moment he let out a scream, and the whole person flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, a figure flashed by Lin Mo and stood in the middle of the crowd.

"Old principal!"

Everyone looked at the figure in front of them, their expressions suddenly became serious, and they spoke respectfully, bowing at the same time.

Old principal?

Lin Mo glanced at the old man in front of him, and a serious look appeared on his face.

When the old man turned around, Lin Mo recognized that this was the old man who had sent him the notice in Jinling!

It turned out that he was the old president of the Military University!

Although Lin Mo had not been in the Military University for long, he was still very clear about some of the history of the Military University.

A hundred years ago, martial arts flourished, and a soldier founded the Chinese Military University with powerful force, and once pacified an abyss alone!

The old man in front of him, who looked white-haired, was actually the man at the beginning!

"Old principal!" Kang Zhenyu got up from the ground and said with his head down: "Lin Mo hurt my son, I just want justice for my son!"

"Justice?" The old principal sneered: "Your son embezzled Yu Qian's life-saving money, and after Yu Qian died, he had evil thoughts about his wife and daughter.

You say, shouldn't he die?"

After the last sentence came out, Kang Zhenyu's face changed wildly, and he knelt in front of the old principal with a plop.

"Please, old principal, let my son go. I only have this one child when I am old. If anything happens to him, I will die!"

The old principal did not speak, but walked quietly towards Kang Heng, raised his hand, and gently tapped his head.

Kang Heng groaned and fainted.

"Old principal..."

Kang Zhenyu looked at this scene, his expression changed drastically. When he wanted to go forward to check, he found that he could not move at all.

"It's just a slight punishment. If he has any bad thoughts in the future, the blood and qi I left in his head will make him live a life worse than death!

When he wakes up, you'd better give him a good warning!"

Kang Zhenyu looked at the old principal and finally nodded, then went forward to take Kang Heng away.

As for the rest of the people looking at the old principal, they stood there one by one, not even daring to breathe.

"Is this the charm of the founder of the military university!" Lin Mo was extremely shocked, and looked at the old principal with an admiring look on his face.

"Okay, all of you go down. Remember one thing. As a teacher, it is best to set an example for students.

Today is the first time in all these years that I have let people like them go, but if there is a next time, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Although the old principal is old, he pronounces clearly. When the last sentence comes out, a murderous intent continues to echo in the entire hall.

Feeling this power, a group of people lowered their heads and dared not say a word.

"Lin Mo and Feng Xuan stay, and the others can get out!" The old principal actually used the word "get out" to all the teachers. In fact, this is a very impolite behavior, but the old principal said so, which is enough to see how angry he is now!

After everyone left, the old principal suddenly straightened his clothes and clasped his fists slightly towards Lin Mo and Feng Xuan.

"Old principal, what are you doing!"

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan quickly got out of the way and hurried forward to help the people up.

"Yu Qian is my disciple. He was very talented at first, but he was so unfortunate. After his wife became ill, Yu Qian put making money first... Unfortunately..."

The old principal's eyes were red as he talked about his relationship with Yu Qian.

Lin Mo also bowed his head slightly and didn't say much.

"So, my move today is my thanks to you, so you don't have to feel that you owe me!" The old principal said with a smile.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan looked at each other and nodded together.

"Okay, let's talk about your performance in this mission!"

The old principal coughed and said, "From the reports you submitted, Lin Mo actually contributed a lot in this mission!

It is really shocking that a junior student can achieve such a terrifying killing power!"

"Thank you for the compliment, principal!" Lin Mo quickly responded, "All this is the result of the school's cultivation!"

"Okay, I'm not the principal anymore. The old principal is just the name everyone gives to this old man...

After saying so much nonsense, let's get to the point!"

Hearing the old principal say that he wanted to get to the point, Lin Mo and Feng Xuan's faces immediately became serious.

"After this mission, the support team has entered the abyss. What I want to say is that the abyss you discovered this time has a lot of materials and medicinal herbs!

Even though there are many monsters in it, there are not many truly powerful monsters!

Hunting those monsters can improve our knowledge and theory, and it can also hone ourselves!

As a reward, I have applied for an opportunity for you two to enter the abyss training, so I hope you can cherish this opportunity! "

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan looked at each other with surprise looks on their faces.

According to what the old principal said, the two of them can get various materials and medicinal herbs in the abyss!

Lin Mo had already planned to refine his Tang Dao this time, and now he just took this opportunity to enter the abyss to see what was needed to refine the Tang Dao!

"Thank you, old principal!" Lin Mo and Feng Xuan said with smiles on their faces.

The old principal nodded, stepped forward and patted Lin Mo on the shoulder: "It doesn't matter even if they are really dead. The main thing is that their life and death have not yet been determined. We can only wait until their people or bodies are found. Say this!"

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan were stunned for a moment and realized that they should be the people missing in the village that the old principal said.

"Feng Xuan, you can go!" The old principal looked at Feng Xuan and said again: "Let me tell you that I am actively fighting for them to enter the abyss. This time, I am deeply moved by your deeds. I will definitely It will send you into the abyss!”

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan nodded. Just when they thought that today's conversation was over, the old principal asked Feng Xuan to leave first, but he wanted to stay.

"Old principal, do you have anything else?" Lin Mo looked at the old principal and asked cautiously.

"Are you willing to be my disciple?" The old principal asked after being silent for a long time.

Lin Mo thought for a while and made no decision.

"Sun Qian is my disciple. She was attracted by your strength when she was in the genius training camp. She called me many times and asked me to take you in!

It's a pity that you launched the camp later. I was a little sorry at first, but I didn't expect that you actually played a bigger role on a bigger stage! "

After being silent for a long time, the old principal finally smiled and said: "Fortunately, you finally entered the Military University!

After paying attention to you during this period, I feel that you can become my disciple. Now the question is left to you, are you willing to be my disciple? "

The expression on Lin Mo's face became serious. He naturally knew that the disciple mentioned by the old principal was not an ordinary teacher-student relationship, but the ancient master-disciple relationship!

According to ancient sayings, this master-disciple relationship is closer than a biological son!

But once you really become a master, if you want to become a master later, it will be an act of betrayal of the master. According to the rules of the master, the rest of your life will basically be ruined!

"In all my years, you are the first person who has kept me waiting for so long. Even when I made such requests, to be honest, for a moment, I wanted to give you a slap in the face.

But now I give up!

Becoming a disciple is not a trivial matter, but you will never regret becoming a disciple of me! "

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Lin Mo looked at the back of the old principal and finally said nothing.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. When you were performing the mission, didn't you call the support team? Now Xie Guangkun has written in the report that it was you who discovered the danger in the ancient well, but you concealed it!

Also, what we have lost are the top combat forces of the younger generation. According to Xie Guangkun, you must bear full responsibility for this matter! "

Xie Guangkun is slanderous!

Lin Mo simply said: "Thank you teacher for reminding me!"

"What did you call me?"

The old principal was stunned for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"I call you teacher!"

"Call me again?"

"Teacher, my disciple Lin Mo bows down!" Lin Mo simply knelt down in front of the old principal and kowtowed three times respectfully.

"Hahaha, okay, very good!" A smile appeared on the old principal's face, as if he hadn't smiled so happily in many years: "Okay, there should be a meeting headed by Xie Guangkun later to discuss what you have done. Submit a review.

Don't worry when the time comes, no one dares to touch my disciples! "

The old principal said this directly with a domineering look on his face!

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face. The reason why he chose to become a disciple this time was because the old principal had an unusual status. It was an honor for Lin Mo to become his disciple.

Then, if Lin Mo doesn't become a disciple, will there be other troubles waiting for him in the future?

It's better to become a disciple directly and get another cheap master!

"Okay, come with me. Before the hearing begins, I will introduce you to the people attending the hearing!"

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