"When the Huaxia Military University was established, there were not so many messy things!

But as the number of people increases, everyone starts to want different things, and they have more and more thoughts!

Some people had ideals at the beginning, but later, their hearts were controlled by interests and became what they hated most at first! "

Walking on the road, the old principal spoke slowly, with endless emotion on his face.

"The dragon-slaying warrior will eventually become a dragon?" Lin Mo murmured, uttering this sentence that is very popular on the Internet.

The old principal's eyes lit up and he repeated: "The dragon-slaying warrior will eventually become a dragon... Haha, this sentence describes it so well!"

After saying a word, both of them fell into silence, lowered their heads and walked forward.

A few minutes later, Lin Mo followed the old principal into a hall.

There are dozens of seats in the hall, and the chairs in each seat are solemn and solemn. There is also a middle-aged man sitting on the chair.

Lin Mo looked at the middle-aged people in front of him. Their expressions were dignified and serious, and they were looking at Lin Mo silently.

Lin Mo had even seen several of them on TV several times, but he didn't expect that his first meeting with them would be under such circumstances.

After the old principal brought Lin Mo there, he walked forward on his own and sat in the middle seats.

Not long after, someone sat next to the old principal, lowering his head and seemed to be talking to the old principal.

"Lin Mo, come here and show these old guys a look!" The old principal suddenly waved to Lin Mo and said with a chuckle.

"Yes, teacher!" Lin Mo immediately nodded respectfully and then stepped forward.

His voice was not loud, but after his voice fell, there was a burst of discussion in the entire hall.

"What did he just call the old principal?"

"It sounds like he's a teacher to me...has the old principal accepted a disciple?"

"It's impossible. The old principal hasn't accepted a disciple for decades. Now that he's become this old, how can he still accept a disciple?

I think it's probably because Lin Mo didn't know the old principal and thought he was a teacher..."

"I think so. No matter who the old principal is, it is impossible for him to accept Lin Mo as his teacher!"

"But Lin Mo just came in with the old principal. What if he is really the new disciple of the old principal?"

"Humph, even if you are the new disciple of the old principal, as long as you do something wrong, you must follow the rules!"

A group of people were talking in low voices. The old principal glanced at them, just chuckled, and stopped paying attention. Instead, he looked at Lin Mo, who was walking towards him step by step.


In an instant, Lin Mo suddenly felt at least three qi and blood powers descending on him.

He looked up at the people around the old principal, and when he saw that they were looking at him, he had a suspicion in his mind.

He was silently running the Thunder Breathing Technique. Qi and blood were surging in his meridians, and streaks of thunder were jumping around his body.

The pressure brought by the power of Qi and blood was indeed terrifying, but Lin Mo's expression was calm, and blue lightning was blooming in his eyes, making him look extremely tyrannical.

"What a strong boy, if the three of us join forces, even a seventh-grade warrior may not be able to resist!"

"It's just pressure, without murderous intent, it doesn't mean much!"

"You said it's meaningless. Why don't you let your favorite grandson try it? Can he withstand the same blood pressure as ours?"

Beside the old principal, three people had already begun to argue. It was obvious that they were the ones who had just put pressure on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo glanced at them quietly without saying anything, but kept their appearance in mind.

Also remembered are the expressions on their faces when they spoke.

"How about everyone, Lin Mo is a good kid, isn't he!" The old principal said with a faint smile: "You know about the mission two days ago, where he killed a giant crocodile monster by himself and saved many people... "

"Old principal, what happened at that time? I don't think we can just listen to his own words. We need to ask more people before we can make a final judgment..."

One person looked at the old principal and spoke respectfully.

However, what he said was obviously a slap in the face of the old principal.

The old principal still had a smile on his face, and he sat there happily without saying anything.

"It's almost time, old principal, everyone in charge, why don't we ask Xie Guangkun to come over and explain the specific issues!"

The host of the trial looked at the old principal respectfully.

The old principal nodded, and the time was indeed almost up.

"Please thank Guangkun for coming in!"

Along with a voice, Xie Guangkun was seen walking in with a sad face.

The moment he saw Lin Mo, Xie Guangkun's eyes immediately turned red, and he roared and rushed towards Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, give back the lives of my team members!" Xie Guangkun said, and the energy and blood in his body boiled instantly!

He rushed towards Lin Mo regardless, and he actually killed him at the very beginning!

Lin Mo's expression was cold. If he didn't understand Xie Guangkun's idea at this time, then he would be a fool!


Violent blood!

Lin Mo activated two states, squeezed his own strength to the limit, and rushed forward to face Xie Guangkun!


The moment he approached Xie Guangkun, Lin Mo directly used his body and martial arts skills and disappeared directly from him!


Xie Guangkun stepped on the spot where Lin Mo was standing, causing sand and rocks to fly and the floor tiles suddenly turned into powder!

One can imagine the horrific consequences if this kick fell on Lin Mo.

Fortunately, Lin Mo was well prepared and escaped from there as soon as possible.

Gravel punch!

Lin Mo punched out. At this moment, he was behind Xie Guangkun. The attack power of this punch suddenly exploded due to the two states!

"Be careful!" Someone in the crowd warned.

Xie Guangkun immediately turned around and kicked Lin Mo without hesitation.


Lin Mo's fist came into contact with Xie Guangkun's foot, and a huge force caused Lin Mo to fly backwards and fall to the ground.


The moment Lin Mo fell to the ground, the cup in front of the old principal suddenly flew up and hit the face of the person who had warned him before.

The man screamed, and there was blood on his face, clothes and hands. He looked extremely embarrassed!

"Xie Guangkun is stronger than Lin Mo. It would indeed be embarrassing if Lin Mo accidentally attacked him, but after your reminder, he will be even more embarrassed...

Also, who allowed you to stand up in front of me? "

The old principal was obviously angry, and the energy and blood from his body spurted out, scaring a group of people who lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

"You two can continue. Of course, I want to remind you that no one will interfere in the next battle, but if there are casualties, you will be unlucky!"

The old principal's words made Xie Guangkun's face change slightly.

Because after the fight just now, he clearly felt that although Lin Mo's level was not as good as his, under that special situation, he could actually cause a lot of damage to him with a sneak attack.

In this case, he really might die!

"Hmph, I'm here just to seek justice for my team members, so this battle is cancelled!" Xie Guangkun spoke sternly.

"Who do you think you are? You start when you say you want to start, and you cancel when you say you want to cancel?" Lin Mo looked at Xie Guangkun and said coldly: "You kill me without saying a word, and now you say cancel?"

Lin Mo didn't say a word, but the aura on his body became stronger. By the end, the aura on Lin Mo's body was extremely powerful.

"This kid... something's not right. His current aura has surpassed that of many eighth-grade warriors, but the data shows that he is only as strong as a second-grade warrior at most!"

Some people looked at the old principal and didn't understand the mystery of Lin Mo's weird fighting method.

The old principal just smiled. The aura on Lin Mo's body suddenly changed at that moment. The average King of Martial Arts could not feel it, but he was about to enter the realm of Martial Saint and could feel some of the differences.

"This kid is more complicated than I thought. He holds a lot of secrets... But this is also a good thing... Maybe the human race will have one more possibility in the future!"

The old principal had a pleased smile on his face and nodded slowly.

"Lin Mo, what do you want?" Xie Guangkun looked ugly. He didn't expect Lin Mo to be so difficult to deal with. He no longer planned to pursue it, but he was unwilling to let him go!

"I said, since you started the fight first, then keep fighting!" Lin Mo sneered: "Your level is higher than mine, don't you dare to continue the fight!"

"Lin Mo, you are forcing me to kill you!" Xie Guangkun said coldly.

"You're right. Since I killed those team members, you can now take revenge! Take revenge with your own hands!" Lin Mo said word for word: "I'll count to three. If you don't take action, I will take action directly." Got... one!


three! "

As soon as the three words were spoken, Lin Mo's body disappeared.

The spiritual world!

Lin Mo used his spiritual martial arts, and it enveloped him in an instant!

Spiritual sword formation!

In the spiritual realm, before Xie Guangkun could react, he saw a dozen daggers hanging in front of him!

"Damn Lin Mo, what are you doing!" Xie Guangkun suddenly panicked. In order to improve his level, he had not practiced any special mental power, so his mental power was not very strong.

Now he suddenly entered Lin Mo's spiritual world. Facing the attack of the sword array, there was no way he could do anything!


There was a soft sound, and the dagger directly penetrated his body like a stream of light.

Xie Guangkun screamed and collapsed to the ground. At this time, Lin Mo also directly canceled the spiritual realm.

Tiger punch!

Leopard punch!

Lin Mo made fist seals with both hands and charged forward to kill!

Behind him, the power of energy and blood condensed into the shapes of leopards and tigers, and let out an earth-shattering roar!

Click! Click!

The soft noises continued, and Xie Guangkun suddenly stopped struggling, lying there without any breath!

Xie Guangkun is dead!


Everyone present couldn't help but feel numb. This kid was so courageous that he actually killed someone in front of the judges!

This matter...is a big deal!

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