Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 112: Qi and blood value explodes


A person sitting at the middle table raised his hand and slapped the table. The terrifying Qi and blood power spread out, and the table in front of him was broken into pieces.

"Lin Mo, who gave you the courage to kill people in front of so many of us!"

"I think you want to die!"

At this point, the Qi and blood power has already enveloped Lin Mo.

There is no doubt that this is a strong man who has stepped half a foot into the realm of martial saints. In just a moment, Lin Mo's face turned pale.

"Hua Qiang, you want to kill my disciples in front of so many people. Don't you think too much of me?"

At this time, the old principal spoke softly.

The old principal did not make any moves, and saw Hua Qiang's face turn pale. The next moment, he actually sat on the ground with a plop.

"Old principal... Lin Mo killed people in public, the nature is too bad. If he is not punished, I am afraid that future students will be difficult to manage!" Hua Qiang looked at the old principal and spoke with an ugly face.

"Difficult to manage?" The old principal chuckled: "I have handed the school over to you over the years, and I haven't seen how well you manage the school!

Besides, my disciples killed people, how do you know he killed casually?

Xie Guangkun is the leader of the support group. He is the only one who is still alive in the support group led by him after entering the village!

On the contrary, only a few people of Lin Mo's group are missing, and the others are at most injured, at least they came back alive!

And I have learned that Xie Guangkun let his team members enter the abyss in order to take the things in the abyss for himself, but he didn't expect that the whole army was wiped out!

After the accident, he even left everyone behind and left the dangerous place first with the advantage of his level!

For this kind of person, let alone Lin Mo has killed people, even if he didn't kill them, I will do it myself and clean up the school gate!"

The old principal's eyes flashed with coldness, and his eyes swept over everyone in front of him.

Many people lowered their heads, because they were one of the managers of the school. Now that the old principal spoke, it was obvious that he was very dissatisfied with their management!

"In addition, Yu Qian is dead. I won't comment on what he did, but I can't believe that a teacher in our school has no intention of helping someone at home when someone is sick. It's unbelievable!

If that's the case, what's the point of my Huaxia Military University existing?"

The old principal spoke loudly with a look of regret on his face.

At this time, many people lowered their heads.

Over the years, some of them have forgotten their dreams, drifted with the tide, and eventually lost their original intentions.

Some people can't resist power, and can only choose to be a turtle and keep themselves out of trouble.

Some people have directly become the source of evil and become one of the murderers who harmed Yu Qian.

The old principal looked at everyone's face, and the coldness in his eyes gradually dissipated: "Okay, today I'm not here to cause trouble for you, but to let you know, don't go too far, I've been watching you.

I didn't kill you personally because you haven't gone too far, otherwise..."

The murderous intent on the old principal swept through everyone, and at the same time deliberately stayed on a few of them for a moment.

Several people who were particularly concerned by the old principal had big drops of cold sweat on their foreheads. Only they themselves knew that the words the old principal had just said were warnings to them!

"Okay, let's all go!"

"Lin Mo, follow me!"

The old principal waved to Lin Mo, and then left the courtroom with his hands behind his back.

"Yes, teacher!" Lin Mo responded loudly, and then hurriedly followed.


A group of people looked at the backs of Lin Mo and the old principal leaving, and immediately started talking.

"He is really the old principal's disciple!"

"The old principal has accepted a disciple again after so many years!"

"Since the establishment of the school, the old principal has accepted only seven disciples, including Lin Mo. Now, apart from Lin Mo, which of the other six is ​​not in a high position in China?"

"Lin Mo, this kid has a bright future!"

Some people secretly felt lucky that they had not deliberately made things difficult for Lin Mo before.

Some people also looked unhappy, because just now in the court, they were biased towards Xie Guangkun, but now Xie Guangkun is dead, and Lin Mo is actually the old principal's disciple.

"Let's find a way to repair the relationship with Lin Mo!" Some people have already started to think about how to get along with Lin Mo.


"Do you know why I let you kill someone in front of so many people?"

On campus, the old principal walked in front with his hands behind his back, and Lin Mo was a little behind him.

"You want to give them a warning. In fact, if I can't kill Xie Guangkun today, you will also kill him!"

Lin Mo said his guess.

"I told you part of the reason!" The old principal smiled and said, "The reason why I watched you kill Xie Guangkun is, on the one hand, I wanted to see your strength. A warrior killed a martial artist of the King of Martial Arts... If this kind of thing gets out, it will definitely shock many people!

The second reason is what you said. Over the years, the scale of the Huaxia Military University has been growing. Some people joined the Huaxia Military University, but not because of their dreams, so there were many problems within the Huaxia Military University...

I want to solve it completely, but the Huaxia Military University is too sick. If you want to cure it completely, you have to open the scar and cut off the rotten meat with fresh meat, and then there is a possibility of recovery!

I am older and may not be able to do this..."

"Teacher, are you going to leave this matter to me?" Lin Mo was not a fool, and he immediately understood what the old principal meant.

The strength of Huaxia Military University far exceeds that of Beijing Wuhan University. If the entire school is handed over to Lin Mo now, it will be like rushing to the shelves. The final result can only be the complete decline of the school!

"I have this plan, but not so soon..." The old principal shook his head: "And if you are sitting in the principal's position with your current strength, wouldn't it be harmful to you?"

Lin Mo nodded repeatedly. If he became the principal with his current strength, he might be killed casually one day!

"However, although I can't hand over the position of principal to you now, I can still hand over something to you in advance..."

The old principal muttered: "The student union president of Military University is not very good now. The election of the new student union president will be held in a month. I hope you can become the new student union president!"

"Become the president of the student union?" Lin Mo's eyes widened. Unexpectedly, the old principal asked him to compete for this position.

"How can a freshman become the president of the student union!"

Lin Mo shook his head. Over the years at Huaxia Military University, the president of the student union must be at least a junior. On the contrary, many sophomores have become vice presidents.

Lin Mo has just entered the freshman year. If he becomes the president of the student union, what will other people think?

"Just do it if you are asked to do it. China Military University has never been a place that emphasizes seniority. If you are strong enough and can convince everyone, then you will be the president!

If you can't convince them, then use your fists to defeat them! "

The old principal was extremely domineering and spoke directly.

Lin Mo silently calculated in his mind that with his current strength, the possibility of defeating all those who ran for student union president was actually not very high.

He defeated Xie Guangkun entirely because this guy only focused on cultivating the power of qi and blood, but ignored the cultivation of mental power, so that Lin Mo directly restrained him with mental power!

In fact, there are not a few people who choose not to practice spiritual power in the realm of King Wu.

These people mainly study and practice the power of qi and blood, and when they need to advance, they use pills to enhance their mental power to forcibly improve it.

As one of the top martial arts universities, Huaxia Military University must have people with strong mental abilities.

"Teacher, what you said makes sense. If they are dissatisfied, I will beat them with my fists... But, as you can see, Teacher, my current strength is not high, and I don't have any suitable weapons or martial arts... So if you lose then, your face will be disgraced...right?"

After hearing what Lin Mo said, the old principal's eyes suddenly widened: "You kid, you've got your abacus on me, right?"

"Teacher, what you said is wrong. You are my master. It is common sense to give me two apprenticeship gifts!" Lin Mo chuckled and stretched out his hand directly to the old principal.

"I suddenly regret accepting you as my disciple..." The old principal looked helpless and groped for a while, finally took out a scroll and placed it in front of Lin Mo.

"If you take this thing, it will be of great benefit to you. Remember, you are not allowed to pass it on to anyone without my permission!"

"Yes! Thank you teacher!"

Lin Mo looked at the scroll in his hand with a happy smile on his face.

After saying goodbye to the old principal, Lin Mo happened to pass by the measurement room.

"It's been a long time since I measured my energy, blood, and attack power. It's time to measure it!"

After Lin Mo entered the measurement room, he took out his student card and swiped it.

"You have one hundred thousand points left!"

After swiping the card, the electronic sound sounded. Lin Mo was stunned for a moment when he heard what was left in the card.

He has been in school for such a long time, but these points have not moved!

"One hundred thousand points?!"

"Let me go, is there a system failure? Someone can actually get 100,000 points!"

A group of people rushed forward and looked through the glass door of the measurement room to see what the people inside looked like.

Lin Mo could only ignore everyone. The door to the measurement room was locked anyway, and no matter how many people were watching, they couldn't get in.

He raised his hand and placed it on the measuring device.

Soon, the measurement results came out, the blood and qi values——


"Breaking 500 qi and blood?!"

Looking at the health value on the screen, Lin Mo was stunned for a long time.

The last time he was measured, his qi and blood value was only over 200. How long has passed, his qi and blood value has doubled!

This is absolutely terrifying!

However, after the shock, Lin Mo was filled with only ecstasy!

What does this increase in blood value mean? This shows that the speed at which Lin Mo’s level is now being improved will be terrifying!

"Perhaps, in another year, I can half-step into the realm of King Wu!

Maybe one day, I can become a Martial Saint like the old principal! "

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's eyes lit up, as if he had seen himself standing at the pinnacle of martial arts!

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