Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 114 Super Strong Defensive Items

In the last dungeon, Lin Mo met the mysterious girl and got the martial arts scroll of Xuanbing Armor from her.

This time, Lin Mo entered the same dungeon again, and he had an idea that he wanted to verify.

Fighting all the way, Lin Mo wiped out the mobs in the room at an extremely fast speed and finally entered the lord's room.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the lord he met last time did not appear, but a brand new lord appeared here.

This is a black ice turtle. It is huge. Lying there, it looks like a hill. It is covered in silver ice crystal armor.


A streak of silver frost spat out from Xuan Ice Turtle's mouth and swept towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and he used the ghost shadow movement technique, and several flashes appeared behind Xuan Ice Turtle.


Lin Mo punched out. Xuan Ice Turtle's defense was amazing, and his attack had no effect!

Instead, a wave of coldness surged out and enveloped Lin Mo. If Lin Mo hadn't quickly distanced himself, he might have been frozen into a popsicle!

"What a powerful ice power!" Lin Mo praised, but there was not much nervousness on his face.

The Black Ice Turtle is very powerful, but Lin Mo is very slow to discover this thing, and his reaction ability is not very strong.

Therefore, although the Black Ice Turtle is very powerful, for Lin Mo, this copy is much simpler.

Lin Mo spent a lot of time constantly wearing down the Xuan Ice Turtle's armor with attacks. His attacks were very specific, and he kept punching at Xuan Ice Turtle's heart.


After a soft sound, a crack appeared on the Black Ice Turtle's armor, and green blood flowed out.

The Black Ice Turtle seemed to be irritated, roared, and a wind of frost suddenly formed on his body!

The terrifying cold wind formed like a tornado and enveloped Lin Mo continuously.

Lin Mo's expression remained unchanged, and his movements were extremely strange.

He was constantly jumping around, his eyes flashing with light. In this state, his mental perception was brought to its fullest.

The speed of the frost tornado began to slow down in Lin Mo's eyes.

This is the function of spiritual perception. The occurrence of this phenomenon also proves another thing, that is, Lin Mo's proficiency in this spiritual skill has improved again!

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Lin Mo gave a soft drink. Taking advantage of the moment when the tornado passed by, he rushed towards the Xuan Ice Turtle without hesitation!

He moved very quickly, and his mental power turned into a sword formation and enveloped him!

For a moment, a confused look flashed in Xuan Ice Turtle's eyes, and then Lin Mo used the White Crane Fist. His fists were like crane's beaks, splitting open the solid armor, and suddenly shattered Xuan Ice Turtle's heart!


Lin Mo's eyes flashed with excitement, the Xuan Ice Turtle's body was dissipating, and a huge force poured into his body.

"The power of Qi and blood has increased a lot. I don't know what the Lord will drop this time!"

Lin Mo looked expectantly at the direction in which the Xuan Ice Turtle dissipated. At this moment, the light converged and finally became a ball of light.

Lin Mo held the light ball in his hand and then left the dreamland.

"What exactly did the Black Ice Turtle drop?" Lin Mo took out the light ball from the storage space out of curiosity.

"This is……"

When Lin Mo took out the fallen objects from the light ball, his eyes suddenly widened.

This turned out to be a black turtle shell!

It can be seen that the turtle shell is covered with various lines, and those lines are like words, shining with a faint light.

What shocked Lin Mo the most was that there seemed to be holes on the turtle shell for humans to wear!

"This is outrageous!" Lin Mo looked at the tortoise shell and didn't know what to say for a moment!

If this thing were worn on the body in battle, would it be laughed to death?

The most important thing is, how defensive is this thing?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo left the dormitory directly with the turtle shell and headed to the martial arts field on campus.

There is a place in the martial arts arena dedicated to testing defense capabilities.

Because of Lin Mo's current status, after arriving in the test room, he did not need to queue and entered the room directly.

"First-grade Martial King's attack!"

Lin Mo directly chose the attack of the First-Rank Martial King as the starting point for the experiment.

However, Lin Mo did not use the turtle shell, but used Xuanbing Armor to form an ice armor around his body.

After spending so many Qi and Blood Pills, Lin Mo's Xuanbing Armor proficiency has been improved to the level of late elementary level.


There was a loud noise, and Lin Mo saw a huge turret appearing on the wall in the distance. Then smoke and dust flew everywhere, and the dark muzzle actually fired a shot at Lin Mo!

"I'll go, you can measure defense power in such a simple and crude way, I'm convinced!" Lin Mo had a helpless look on his face. The shot just now directly shattered the black ice armor on his body, and there was a terrifying shock. The force flew his entire body away and hit the wall straight.

"Cough cough cough..."

Lin Mo stood up from the ground, covering his chest and coughing desperately.

"It seems that my Xuanbing Armor can withstand the full blow of the First-Rank Martial King!

It's pretty good. If I face the King of Martial who underestimates the enemy, I can even take advantage of this opportunity to counterattack! "

For Lin Mo now, mental power is his biggest trump card.

If you can use your mental power to sneak attack at a critical moment, there is definitely a great possibility to turn the tide of the battle!

The next step is to test the defense of the tortoise shell!

Lin Mo put on the tortoise shell, and then set the range of attack power to the first-grade martial king!


The huge artillery bombarded Lin Mo, and after a loud noise disappeared, Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise.

The tortoise shell was bombarded, but there was not even a trace left!

Third-grade martial king!


Fourth-grade martial king!



Seventh-grade martial king!


After a loud noise, Lin Mo retreated one after another, and a slight crack appeared on the tortoise shell.

"The limit is the full force of the seventh-grade martial king, but from this point of view, it can withstand at least three times!

In other words, wearing the tortoise shell, I can withstand the full force of the seventh-grade martial king... three times!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. At this moment, he was wearing the tortoise shell, and his limbs stretched out from the holes on the tortoise shell. His head was on top, which looked particularly funny.

If someone saw Lin Mo like this, it would probably make Lin Mo die immediately, but Lin Mo didn't care at all at this moment!

Because compared with defense, what is this taunting?

A full-strength attack from the seventh-grade martial king!

Even the seventh-grade martial king can't withstand such a terrifying attack!

"Hmm..." Just when Lin Mo felt a little distressed about the cracks on the tortoise shell, Lin Mo noticed that there was a flash of light on the tortoise shell, and the crack was slowly recovering!

Lin Mo did not take off the tortoise shell, but quietly watched the speed of the crack recovery.

After a full hour, the crack on the tortoise shell disappeared, as if it was brand new!

"Autogenous metal, a special metal, is speculated to come from several core abysses!" Lin Mo spoke silently.

The core abysses are the first few abysses discovered.

Because they were discovered first, the exploration of those abysses must be deeper.

With the deeper exploration, the good things found in the abyss are gradually known to everyone!

Autogenous metal is one of them!

"I remember reading that self-generated metals are sold by weight..."

Lin Mo stared at the tortoise shell that weighed at least several dozen kilograms, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"According to the current price, the value of this tortoise shell is likely to be in the billions!"

Lin Mo made his own judgment as quickly as possible.

"When my strength exceeds that of the seventh-grade martial king, this recycled metal should not be used anymore. I can give it to others or simply exchange it for money myself!"

Lin Mo made a plan as quickly as possible. In the following time, he had a smile on his face, and the more he looked at the tortoise shell on his body, the more he liked it!

"In fact, the tortoise shell doesn't look that bad. Look at the five black colors. Now that I wear it on my body, I actually have a feeling of being a handsome man. This thing really suits me!"

Lin Mo actually found a mirror in the measurement room. He stood in front of the mirror and turned around a few times, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Mr. Lin, we're here to serve you tea!"

Just when Lin Mo was immersed in self-admiration, a voice sounded, and then Lin Mo's spiritual perception found that a stranger had entered the measurement room!

Looking closely, it turned out that two women in work clothes walked in.

Both of them had beautiful faces and figures that people could not forget at a glance.

One of them was holding tea, and the other was holding snacks. After coming in, when they saw Lin Mo's appearance, the smile on their faces disappeared immediately.

"Lin...Mr. Lin...I'm sorry, we came at the wrong time..."

After the two women put down the things they were holding, they turned around and left without hesitation.

"I was planning to see if I could get Mr. Lin's favor, but I didn't expect that he actually had this hobby!"

"Yeah, look at the way he smells his socks, it looks so disgusting!"

"And the things on him...Is it a tortoise shell? It's so weird, he actually wears a tortoise shell on his body..."

Even though they had walked a long distance, their words were still clearly heard by Lin Mo.

"I was misunderstood... I'm speechless!" Lin Mo was speechless. He never thought that he would be seen by others... and was complained by two women...

"Forget it, I don't want to bother with them. They can't appreciate the benefits of such a good armor. I don't blame them!" Lin Mo let out a long breath, then stood up and walked in another direction.

"Today's copy always feels a little bit wrong..." Lin Mo took off the tortoise shell and put it on while walking.

"In the same copy, the ordinary monsters and elite monsters in it are exactly the same, but in the end, the lord has changed!"

"Where is the woman at the beginning? She seems to have her own consciousness... What is going on?!"

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