Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 115: Lin Mo is short of money

Lin Mo frowned. At this time, he had already discovered some differences. There were too many questions about the copy in the dream.

"I should enter the dream again, enter the copy, and look at all the places where I have questions!"

Finally, Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he thought of a way.

But soon a huge problem appeared in front of Lin Mo, that is, insufficient Qi and Blood Pills!

After a crazy night of brushing the map, Lin Mo's Qi and Blood Pills in stock were insufficient.

At this moment, Lin Mo had less than 90,000 points left. If he exchanged Qi and Blood Pills, it might not be enough to consume...

"Lack of money, lack of points..." Lin Mo said helplessly with a bitter face.

If others heard this, they would definitely collapse. Sitting on 90,000 points, he actually said that he didn't have enough points. What is this if not Versailles?

But considering the speed at which Lin Mo consumed Qi and Blood Pills, it was true that he didn't have enough points.

"It would be great if I could take out a loan..." Lin Mo sighed, took out his mobile phone, found Ye Qing's number and dialed it.

Calculating the time, it will take half a month to get the new share, so Lin Mo plans to ask Ye Qing to withdraw some in advance.

"If it doesn't work, I can only use the beauty trap. I can only sacrifice a little of my beauty..." Lin Mo thought silently in his heart.

However, the phone rang for a long time, and no one answered.

After confirming that the number was correct, Lin Mo called Ye Qing again.

Still no one answered.

"This girl doesn't know that I want to borrow money, so she simply doesn't answer the phone!" Lin Mo was a little helpless. This way was not feasible, and he could only think of other ways.

Finally, Lin Mo thought of someone, so he got up and walked outside.

"Brother Feng, where are you?" Lin Mo called Feng Xuan.

After getting the specific location, Lin Mo soon saw him in the fighting field.

Feng Xuan's fighting power is still very strong. At this moment on the fighting stage, he was fighting against two third-grade martial king-level strongmen.

Feng Xuan is good at leg and palm techniques. At this moment, his legs flew up sideways like a shadow, and he attacked the stomachs of the two people.

It must be said that such attack power is really strong. After a moment, the two fell directly to the ground.

Feng Xuan leaned forward and slapped his palm forward.

The two admitted defeat directly.

"Senior, what's wrong with you? Do you think your strength has improved a lot?!"

"Yes, I could last more than half an hour under you before, but now it's good, I can't even last five minutes!"

The two students stood up from the ground and complained with bitter faces.

"This time I went through the life and death pass, and I have gained a little." Feng Xuan nodded and spoke slowly.

At the same time, he gave some instructions to the two, and then his eyes saw Lin Mo standing aside.

"You two should take a rest first, I have something to do." After giving instructions, Feng Xuan immediately jumped off the stage and walked in front of Lin Mo.

The two students stood on the stage and looked in the direction where Feng Xuan left, and their eyes also fell on Lin Mo.

"That person seems to be Lin Mo!"

"He is Lin Mo, the freshman who showed off his skills in the village?"

"It's him. I have to say, he is really strong!"

"Who knows if someone deliberately spread the story. I don't believe that someone can achieve such a terrifying fighting power in the freshman year!"

A group of people looked at Lin Mo and Feng Xuan and talked in a low voice.

A group of people surrounded them and pointed at Lin Mo from a distance.

"You kid has caused a sensation as soon as you came here. Look, you are just like a star. You are the only one in the whole school who has such a big show!"

Feng Xuan said with a smile.

"Senior Feng, please stop laughing at me." Lin Mo smiled bitterly and shook his head: "However, I want to congratulate you on your great strength!

It seems that this trip to the small village has greatly helped you improve your cultivation!"

Feng Xuan smiled, without explaining too much, but looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "I heard that after you came back, you were either in the dormitory or in the martial arts field.

How did you have time to come to me?"

"I must have something I want to ask you for help!" Lin Mo said: "Senior, can you lend me some money... or give me some Qi and Blood Pills."

Lin Mo's current 90,000 points should be able to exchange for about six Qi and Blood Pills, but this amount of Qi and Blood Pills is not enough.

Lin Mo roughly estimated that he would need at least 10 million cash to buy enough Qi and Blood Pills.

"How much money, I happen to have a lot of cash on hand..." Feng Xuan smiled and nodded, and at the same time reached out to touch his pocket, which contained a bank card: "I have done a lot of tasks during this period, and I have accumulated about 100..."

"I want 10 million..."

Lin Mo spoke directly.

Feng Xuan stopped moving his hands and asked stutteringly: "How much money do you want to borrow?"

"Ten million!" Lin Mo asked again: "How much money do you have now, senior?"

"I have no money!" Feng Xuan simply took his hand back and said helplessly: "Why did you need so much money? Did you do something bad? Did you keep a woman outside?"

"Keeping a woman?" Lin Mo was speechless: "I have an urgent matter and need a lot of Qi and Blood Pills..."

"I do have a way to make some money, but you need too much money. Ten million can buy fifty Qi and Blood Pills. What do you need so many Qi and Blood Pills for?

Eat it as a meal? "

Lin Mo did not answer, but looked at him expectantly: "What method are you talking about?"

"Have you heard of underground fighting arenas?" Feng Xuan hesitated and said: "There are several underground fighting arenas in Beijing, where martial artists fight on stage, and the winners receive certain rewards.

The reward ratio of some fighting arenas has reached one million per game!

So as long as you win ten games, you can earn one million...

However, I haven't heard of anyone who can win ten games there! "

"Ten games?" Lin Mo frowned: "What level of strength do my opponents have?"

"Your current strength is a fifth-grade warrior, so the opponent fighting with you should be between a fifth-grade warrior and a third-grade martial king!

Under special circumstances, they will even let the martial king with higher cultivation suppress part of his cultivation and fight with you!

They are also third-grade martial kings, and the third-grade martial king who suppresses his cultivation is several times stronger than the normal third-grade martial king! "

Lin Mo nodded, he knew what Feng Xuan meant.

If the ninth-grade martial king suppressed his cultivation to the level of the third-grade martial king, then it means that although his cultivation is only the third grade, his combat awareness and combat experience are the ninth grade!

"Take me, I want to try!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up slightly. At this time, he was no longer just making money.

If a martial artist wants to become stronger, actual combat is indispensable. All along, Lin Mo has not had many actual combats.

He has not experienced many life-and-death battles.

This is not acceptable for a martial artist.

"Lin Mo, are you sure?" Feng Xuan said hesitantly: "Before the competition, a life-and-death contract will be signed. I have heard that many seniors died on the fighting stage.

If you die, there will be no compensation!

And the mortality rate of the fighting stage is too high. Many times, in order to get the audience of the manufacturer to bet, the contestants will even deliberately make it very bloody..."

"Senior, take me to see it, I just want to see this kind of scene! "

Looking at Lin Mo's determined eyes, Feng Xuan could only sigh and nodded.

As mentioned before, Huaxia Military University does not have many restrictions on students. After the two packed up their things, they left the school directly.

What Lin Mo did not expect was that the fighting arena was actually located in the downtown area.

"It is the capital after all, it is really lively!" Lin Mo looked at the tall buildings in front of him and couldn't help but sighed.

Although Jinling is also a big city, it is still a little worse than the capital.

"Come in!" Feng Xuan took Lin Mo to the door of an extremely gorgeous building and pushed open the door.

"The fighting arena is here?" Looking at the scenery in front of him, Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock.

In the downtown area, the largest and most luxurious place is actually the entrance to the underground fighting arena?

"You will know if you come with me. In fact, this kind of place is almost all open things. People above know the existence of the underground fighting arena, but they don't care at all! "

The two walked through the luxurious luxury goods sales area and then passed the bar.

Lin Mo was handsome, so when he passed the bar, many girls came up and wanted Lin Mo to have a drink with him.

The girls were all heavily made-up and dressed very hotly.

Lin Mo refused directly. How many girls in such a place were clean?

After passing the bar, the two stood in front of a big door.

There were two men in black guarding the door in front of them. They were wearing black suits and sunglasses on their faces, staring at the guests coming and going.

"Stop!" Looking at Lin Mo and Feng Xuan who were walking over, several men in black spoke at the same time.

There was a faint blood and qi power emanating from them. Just by sensing it, Lin Mo felt that the strength of these people was at least above the third-grade warrior!

The gatekeeper had actually reached the third-grade warrior!

"It's really the capital city. The strength of the gatekeeper is so high!" Lin Mo sighed.

"We are here to participate in the fighting competition! "Feng Xuan said lightly.

"You two are participating in a fighting competition?" The black-clothed man guarding the gate looked up and down at Lin Mo and Feng Xuan, and sneered: "You are so young, you really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. This is not the place for you to go crazy, go back quickly!"

"I said, we are here to participate in a fighting competition..." Feng Xuan took a step forward, and at the same time, the blood and qi power on his body began to spread, covering the black-clothed men in front of him.

Feeling the surging blood and qi power, the faces of the two black-clothed men changed wildly.

"King Wu!" Several people looked at each other and saw shocked expressions in each other's eyes.

Feng Xuan is not very old, and Lin Mo is even younger, but they didn't expect that Feng Xuan's strength would completely crush them!

"Are we two qualified to enter and try now?" Feng Xuan's expression was cold and he said lightly.

"Of course, of course, gentlemen, please come in! "The leading black-clad man spoke quickly, and his colleague bent over to open the door, and made a gesture of invitation, inviting Lin Mo and Feng Xuan to come in.

Feng Xuan sneered and walked towards the door with Lin Mo.


Just after passing the door, a cheer came.

At the same time, Lin Mo's nose was filled with a strong smell of blood, sweat and various secretions!

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