Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 116: Underground Fighting Arena


Just after passing the gate, a cheer came.

At the same time, Lin Mo's nose was filled with a strong smell of blood, sweat and various secretions!

The room was very dark. When Lin Mo completely adapted to the light in front of him, he was stunned by everything in front of him!

Not far away was a huge fighting stage, on which two martial artists were fighting!

One of the martial artists was covered in blood, and there was a bloody wound on his chest. You could even vaguely see the beating internal organs in the wound!

The situation of the other martial artist was slightly better, but only slightly better. There were still a lot of wounds on his body. The most important thing was that those wounds were black and purple, which was obviously poisoned!

There were hundreds of spectators in the audience. They looked crazy, watching the bloody scene on the stage and cheering loudly.

Some people were too close, so when the blood on the stage splashed, it would be stained on them.

Such a scene is simply unbearable for ordinary people, but after those people were stained with blood, they became more excited, and some even stuck out their tongues to lick the blood off their faces!

"Crazy..." Lin Mo sighed.

"The meaning of the existence of the underground fighting field is that there is no absolute order here, only absolute strong people!

Under absolute force, people enjoy the most primitive joy. At this time, people can't even be called people... but beasts!"

Feng Xuan said softly: "I came here once, and then I didn't have the courage to face everything here!"

He looked at his hands and smiled bitterly: "That was my first time killing someone. I was the same age as you at that time!"

The first time killing someone?

Lin Mo smiled. When was his first time killing someone?

"Sign up!" Lin Mo didn't say much, but walked directly to the table on the side.

"Senior Feng, don't sign up, I can do it myself!" Lin Mo said directly.

Feng Xuan thought about it and finally nodded.

"Young man, you two are not here to participate in a fighting competition!" The man at the registration office looked up at Lin Mo and Feng Xuan and grinned slightly. You can see that his mouth is full of big yellow teeth, which looks very disgusting.

"I want to sign up!" Lin Mo stepped forward and took the initiative to speak.

"Oh, you want to participate in a fighting competition at such a young age?" The middle-aged man with yellow teeth pretended to be shocked and took a puff of cigarette at the same time, and spit the smoke in his mouth on Lin Mo's face.

"Hahaha, young man, go home and drink milk, this is not a place for a child like you to come!"

"Yes, young man, if you lose later, don't cry!"


The people around couldn't help but tease Lin Mo.

The yellow-toothed man just looked at Lin Mo sarcastically and didn't say anything.


Lin Mo suddenly looked cold and punched the table in front of him!

The bracelet made of fine iron was directly punched by Lin Mo with a fist mark!

And the fist mark sunk directly, a full centimeter deep!


Lin Mo's move made many people gasp.

Too strong!

This is fine iron, and Lin Mo's casual punch can leave such a deep mark on it!

The yellow-toothed man was holding a cigarette in his hand, and he was stunned there for a while, so that he didn't react until the cigarette burned his fingers in the end.

"Can you handle it for me now?" Lin Mo said lightly.

"Of course!" The yellow-toothed man is worthy of being a person who is used to the scene. After a brief shock, he quickly adjusted his mentality and picked up the pen with a light smile: "Life, age, strength!"

"Lin Mo, age 19, strength... fifth-grade warrior!"

Lin Mo told the truth.

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of gasps sounded all around.

"Fifth-rank warrior? Nineteen years old?!"

"Did I hear it right? He is so young, but he has reached this level?"

"Could it be that the rules of heaven and earth have changed, and practicing martial arts has become easier?"

Everyone looked at Lin Mo, and their expressions became more and more shocked.

Lin Mo did not speak, but just looked at them indifferently.

The yellow-toothed man smiled and wrote down Lin Mo's name, then took out a card from a drawer beside him and handed it to Lin Mo.

You are the third match of the day. There will be another match after this one. After the match, it will be your turn!

Lin Mo took the card and turned to look at the fighting stage again.


At the moment when Lin Mo turned around, a light sound came.

The man on the stage who was most seriously injured actually broke out at the critical moment. He jumped up suddenly, rushed towards another person regardless of anything, and clamped the man's neck with both hands.

Accompanied by a roar, the seriously injured man actually twisted the man's neck off!

Blood spurted out one meter high, and when it fell it was just like a rain. The people sitting in the front row were covered in blood on their bodies, faces, and hair.

They cheered and waved their hands constantly, as if they were crazy.

On the fighting stage, someone soon went up and washed the blood. The bodies were casually put on stretchers and left through the small door on the other side.

"How to deal with the bodies? Give them to their families?" Lin Mo looked at Feng Xuan on the side with some curiosity.

"Leave it to their families?" Feng Xuan sneered and said, "The corpses are usually just thrown away somewhere. Do you still want to give them to their families?"

"Sure enough, in the darkest place, you can see the truest humanity!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

At this time, when a person from the fighting arena came on stage and asked the seriously injured man if he wanted to fight next, the seriously injured man shook his head.

Soon, the staff of the fighting arena directly carried a box up and opened it in front of everyone.

It was full of cash, as much as one million!


The people present cheered immediately. The seriously injured man picked up the box, turned around and walked off the fighting stage step by step.

Lin Mo noticed that after the seriously injured person left, two people followed him sneakily.

"They are going to..." Lin Mo pointed at the two sneaky people and spoke softly.

"It's just what you think. You can make money from here, and you have to have the ability to take the money back... That person doesn't know if he came alone. If he came by himself, he should be in danger..."

Feng Xuan shook his head. Things like this often happen here. Some people make money in the fighting ring, but they are unable to keep the money. Instead, they lose their lives!

Not long after, Lin Mo heard screams coming from the small door, and then saw two people who had followed out walking back with smiles on their faces. Both of them had blood on their bodies and were carrying a box in their hands.

"The second game is between the Dark Warrior and the Blood Hunter!

The two of them are of equal strength, and both have the cultivation level of a sixth-grade warrior... Now let us welcome the arrival of the two of them with cheers! "

The staff howled, and the entire audience cheered.

The sound waves came one after another, and two figures came out of the shadows.

One of them was wearing red armor, and the other was wearing a black cloak.

"Dark Warrior!"

"Come on blood hunting!"

The audience cheered and waved pieces of paper in their hands presumably to buy the winner of a certain contestant.

"Game start!"

After the staff on the stage shouted, they jumped off the stage.


Two roars sounded, and the two men rushed towards each other at the same time.

The battle between sixth-grade warriors is very simple, it is a fist-to-fist confrontation, with fists touching the flesh and fists drawing blood!

Such a scene is extremely bloody but full of beauty.

"Bloodlight Fist!"

Hunter Xue roared and punched out. You can see that there was blood on his fist, and the wind from the fist was like thunder!

"Hmph, you're just a little skilled, look at my mountain palm!"

The dark warrior also took action, and he greeted it with his right palm, extremely domineering.


After a muffled sound, the two quickly separated, and then in a very short period of time, they came together again!

Bang bang bang!

Both of their attacks were deadly, so every punch was filled with blood, and every palm could break the opponent's ribs!

Lin Mo stood at the edge of the stands, his mental energy spread out and enveloped the stage.

The movements of the two people slowed down in his field of vision, and Lin Mo carefully analyzed their martial arts skills.

"It seems that the Dark Warrior is going to win!" Lin Mo gave his own judgment.

"Why? Blood Hunter is very famous in the underground fighting arena. He once had a record of three consecutive victories!" Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo and asked with some confusion.

"All this time, the Dark Warrior has not used his full strength. The power he used with one palm before was estimated to be only half of that of Hunting Blood. Despite this, Hunting Blood's attack was still restrained!" Lin Mo gave his own analysis: " The Dark Warrior should be paralyzing the enemy!"

Sure enough, a few seconds after Lin Mo's words fell, the dark warrior roared and used his leg martial arts. In an instant, he kicked the blood hunter at least ten times!

Blood began to flow from the corners of Xue Xue's mouth and he fell directly to the ground.


The Dark Warrior didn't give Hunter Blood a chance to stand up, he rushed forward, raised his hand and hit him on the head with a palm!

In an instant, blood dripped, and Xue Xue's entire head was blown open!

The dark warrior roared around, causing the audience to cheer again!

The body was quickly dragged away, and the staff came to the stage to ask the Dark Warrior if they wanted to play the next game.

"No matter what enemy is in front of me, I will kill him with one palm!" The dark warrior spoke loudly, and at the same time spat fiercely at the audience.

No one was angry, but instead cheered and cursed.

"Let's proceed to the third game...the dark warrior versus Lin Mo..."

The staff spoke loudly again, but after the voice fell, the audience did not cheer, but looked around with disappointment, as if looking for Lin Mo's condor.

"Why are you not cheering? Is it because I don't have enough cards?" Lin Mo said helplessly, and then walked towards the fighting stage step by step.

When he appeared under the spotlight, the audience saw Lin Mo's appearance.


There were boos and a group of people looked at Lin Mo with disappointed looks on their faces.

"What's the situation? Why do you just let a child come on stage!"

"What's the point of this? Just stop betting and just choose the dark warrior to win!"

Looking at Lin Mo on the platform, a group of people were extremely disappointed.

Because from his appearance, Lin Mo is too young to fight at all.

"Lin Mo, a fifth-grade warrior!" The staff announced Lin Mo's strength loudly.

"Fifth-grade warrior? My God! Such a terrifying strength at such a young age?!"

"Is he cheating? He is also said to be a genius secretly cultivated by a family?!"

"I don't know, but with the fifth-grade strength, I bet he can last for ten minutes!"

"Ten minutes? Why do you look down on people so much? I bet he can last for half an hour!"

After hearing Lin Mo's cultivation, everyone present had a different view of Lin Mo, but no one still thought that Lin Mo could win.

Instead, Feng Xuan ran to the place where the winner was guessed and bet all the one million on Lin Mo to win!

"Now I declare that the game begins!"

On the stage, the staff spoke loudly.



A roar sounded, followed by a muffled sound.

By the time everyone reacted, the dark warrior had already fallen straight to the ground! !

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