Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 118: Ten consecutive wins!

The White King, standing opposite Lin Mo, looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"It's interesting that he can improve his aura by a large margin in such a short time!"

"It should be some special martial arts..."

The White King flashed and rushed directly to Lin Mo. He looked at Lin Mo coldly and said, "Give me this special martial arts on you, and I can spare your life!"

His voice was so loud that everyone heard this sentence.

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and the White King had no good intentions. He conveyed the news that he had this special martial arts on him.

Even if Lin Mo really won later, there would be people who wanted to attack him because they were jealous of Lin Mo's martial arts.

It must be said that the White King is a cautious man. His strength is so much stronger than Lin Mo, but he still wants to leave a back hand at this time!

Lin Mo forced his mind to calm down quickly. The spiritual world has been unfolded. The distance between the two is very close, and the White King didn't notice it at all.

"You can try it!" Lin Mo chuckled and spoke slowly.

This is a provocation. After the spiritual realm unfolded, Lin Mo did not cover Bai Wang in it all at once, but silently controlled the range.

Bai Wang is very powerful. If he is directly covered in it, he is likely to be discovered.

"Since you want to try, then try it!" Bai Wang chuckled and took a slight step forward. The cracks on the ground instantly spread to Lin Mo's feet.


The cracks suddenly exploded, and the stones collapsed all of a sudden, flying towards Lin Mo's head like bullets.

When Lin Mo wanted to perform the ghost shadow, he suddenly found that he seemed to be unable to move!

"How could this happen!" Lin Mo's body was covered with cold sweat.

Ghost shadow has always been the martial arts that Lin Mo relies on the most, but now this martial arts has failed!

"Isn't it strange, why can't I move all of a sudden?"

Bai Wang's voice sounded, he was very calm, with a faint smile on his face, he walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

At the same time, the bricks on the ground were still breaking, and those broken stones scratched Lin Mo's face like bullets and pierced Lin Mo's body.

Blood continued to flow down, and Lin Mo's face showed a look of pain.

"Look at your shocked little face!" Bai Wang stepped forward, pressed one hand on the wound on Lin Mo's chest, and then exerted a little force.

The wound began to deform due to the squeezing, and at the same time, the blood seemed to erupt, constantly spurting out!

"Lin Mo!" Feng Xuan's face showed a worried look and shouted.

"I'm fine..." Lin Mo waved his hand, but at the moment of opening his mouth, a stone flew out again and pierced his arm!

The crowd cheered all of a sudden. Such a scene seemed to stimulate their senses. Some people even stretched out their hands and wanted to catch all the blood flowing out of Lin Mo and drink it!

"Get away from me!" Feng Xuan shouted loudly, and at the same time raised his hand and slapped those who wanted to catch Lin Mo's blood to the side!

When someone was unhappy and wanted to attack Feng Xuan,

Feng Xuan directly displayed his powerful aura. In an instant, those people lowered their heads obediently and turned to walk to other places!

"Boy, I have been holding back because I don't want to see you die so young. Do you believe it? As long as I pierce your forehead with this stone, you will die?"

Bai Wang raised his hand, and a stone flew into his hand. He held the stone and gestured to Lin Mo, as if the next moment, the stone would pierce Lin Mo's head.

"So, you think you can beat me, right?"

Lin Mo looked at Bai Wang, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Bai Wang looked at Lin Mo's smile, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Spirit Realm!

The next moment, Lin Mo directly used the Spirit Realm!

Bai Wang was only in a trance for a moment, and then he came back to his senses. Looking at Lin Mo in front of him, he sneered and punched Lin Mo directly!


A muffled sound came, and the White King stared blankly at his right hand. There was a wound there, and three fingers were cut off directly as if by a knife!

"This..." The White King was shocked and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Shocked? This is just the beginning!" Lin Mo chuckled and slowly raised his hand...


As soon as the word came out, the sword formation was formed instantly!

More than a dozen short swords hung above the White King's head, and with Lin Mo's order, they all fell!

The sword light was actually, in the spiritual world, Lin Mo's sword formation was like materialization, and it could be clearly seen.

There was a look of despair on the face of the White King. He urged the blood and qi in his body to smash those swords.

But no matter how much blood and qi he used, it was like a drop in the ocean, and it dissipated instantly without a trace.

"I have reached the intermediate proficiency in the spiritual world, and I can let you continue to consume blood and qi here!" Lin Mo sneered in his heart, watching the White King consume himself there.

Puff puff puff!

However, a series of light noises were heard, and more than a dozen blood holes appeared on the White King's body in an instant!

After those swords pierced through his body, blood surged!

The White King screamed, staring at Lin Mo with his eyes fixed: "No, this is not the level that your strength can reach at all!

I have only seen the art of sword control in a few sects. It is impossible for you to master this kind of martial arts at such a young age! "

King Bai looked around, while his figure kept flashing, he was avoiding the unknown sword!

However, this is the spiritual world, and Lin Mo is the king here!

With a thought, everything in the spiritual world changed again!

Whoosh whoosh!

Hundreds of swords suddenly condensed and hung in front of Lin Mo.


Lin Mo spit out a word, and the sword immediately moved forward to kill!

Seeing this scene, King Bai was about to collapse.

"This is impossible, this is impossible..." King Bai shook his head desperately: "I have watched all your previous competitions, and there is no way you can master this powerful martial art!

You can't possibly..."

However, he still didn't finish speaking these words.

Along with a series of muffled sounds, hundreds of blood holes appeared on King Bai's body!

"I...I actually lost..." King Bai looked at the blood holes on his body and murmured.

"No, no... How could I lose? It must be because of some means you used... It must be like this! are the Qi Master, and where I am now is your spiritual world! "

King Bai finally reacted at this time, this is the spiritual world!

"You are indeed very strong, and very cautious. Even before you compete with me, you have to watch all my previous games!

With your current strength, you should know my strength well after watching so many games of mine!

I think you should also have all the impressions of me...

You are very confident and think you can kill me, so when you fight with me, everything goes at your own pace!

The steps on your feet are very strong and can restrain my ghost shadow. I think this should be the tactic you specified in advance!

You are confident that every step you take is right, so even if something exceeds your expectations, you still won't take it seriously!

I took advantage of this characteristic of yours to design this spiritual world! "

After Lin Mo raised his hand and canceled the spiritual realm, King Bai stood in front of Lin Mo as if he was stupid, motionless!

"What's the situation? Why doesn't King Bai fight? He's just one step away from the last step. Why doesn't he fight?"

"King Bai, what the hell are you doing? Are you pretending to be stupid and trying to fake the game?!"

A group of people looked at King Bai and were immediately unhappy. They had spent a lot of money on King Bai. If King Bai lost.

Then their money will be completely gone!

So when I saw King Bai standing still, I instinctively suspected that he was letting off steam.

"Stop shouting, he is already dead!" Lin Mo said lightly, while covering the wound on his chest, he walked towards King Bai step by step.

Standing in front of King Bai, Lin Mo stretched out his hand and gave it a gentle push!

With a plop, King Bai's body hit the ground heavily!

puff! puff!

The moment he fell to the ground, the blood began to spurt out crazily.

The clothes on King Bai also turned blood red in a short period of time.

"Hey...what's going on!"

"Something's wrong. I didn't even see how they fought. Why did they lose!"

"Could it be poisoning? King Bai was poisoned by Lin Mo..." Someone suddenly spoke with an open mind.

At this time, I heard a series of footsteps, and a middle-aged man slowly walked onto the fighting stage.

"It's... Fang Hua, the master of the fighting arena!"

"King Bai is Fang Hua's favorite general. Over the years, he has helped the fighting field earn countless small goals. Now he dies in the hands of Lin Mo. Lin Mo will definitely be miserable!"

"Yes, the most important thing is that Lin Mo also used despicable means to win the fight... I think Boss Fang may just find a way to kill him!"

A group of people looked at Fang Hua standing on the stage and talked in low voices.

Fang Hua glanced at everyone, and although he didn't speak, everyone immediately shut their mouths.

It's like those eyes can kill!

After Fang Hua saw everyone shut up, he slowly squatted down and checked King Bai's body.

"Trash, he's really dead!"

Fang Hua uttered these words, and then waved his hand towards the darkness.

Several people immediately rushed forward and carried the body away, leaving only Lin Mo standing on the fighting stage.

"Your name is Lin Mo?" Fang Hua looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo didn't speak, but nodded lightly.

He could feel that Fang Hua was very strong, especially the aura emanating from his body was ridiculously strong!

But Lin Mo didn't show any fear.

"Hahaha, very good, very good!"

What no one expected was that at the next moment, Fang Hua's face suddenly burst out with a smile. He patted Lin Mo's shoulder with one hand and laughed: "Great, congratulations to Lin Mo, you are our fighter." The first person to win ten consecutive games!

Don’t worry, you will get all the rewards you deserve…”

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