Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 119: Take the money and run away

"Hahaha, very good, very good!"

What no one expected was that at the next moment, Fang Hua's face suddenly burst into a smile. He patted Lin Mo's shoulder with one hand and said with a big smile: "Great, congratulations Lin Mo, you are our fighter." The first person to win ten consecutive games!

Don’t worry, you will get all the rewards you deserve…”

What no one expected was that Fang Hua had a smile on his face and raised his hand to pat Lin Mo's shoulder.

Lin Mo couldn't help but frown slightly because he was injured.

"Sorry, sorry! I was so excited that I forgot that you were still injured..." Fang Hua said repeatedly, and then looked at the staff aside: "Are you stupid? Come here with two healing pills!"

The staff immediately took the healing elixir and handed it to Lin Mo respectfully.

Without any hesitation, Lin Mo took the pill and swallowed it directly.

"You've got the guts!" Fang Hua's eyes lit up, his face full of admiration.

Such a scene directly stunned the audience in the stands.

King Bai is dead, shouldn't Fang Hua be furious?

In a rage, shouldn't Lin Mo be used as a tool to vent his anger?

Shouldn't Lin Mo be killed directly by then?

Why at this time, it seems that Lin Mo has done something worthy of reward!

"I haven't been so happy in many years!" Fang Hua said with a smile: "Lin Mo, congratulations on your ten-game winning streak. This is your bonus, a total of 10 million!

In addition, this money is the money you won from this gamble, a total of thirteen million! "

"He actually won money from the bet! Now he must have bet on himself to win, right?"

"Are you too confident? If you put pressure on yourself from the beginning, you will definitely win?"

"Confidence is the sign of a strong man. Lin Mo should always have a belief in his heart that he is invincible!"

Seeing that Lin Mo actually won a sum of money, a group of people were extremely envious and started talking one after another.

"Thank you!" Lin Mo took the money and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Fang Hua suddenly said, stopping Lin Mo and Feng Xuan who were about to leave.

"Boss Fang, are you not going to let us go?" Lin Mo turned around and looked at Fang Hua with a faint smile.

Behind Lin Mo, Feng Xuan looked at Fang Hua warily and made preparations for an attack.

"Oh my God, you two young people are too sensitive. You are really too sensitive. I, Fang Hua, have a good reputation in business. Everyone knows who I am. It is your money and no one can take it away. Don't worry!" He He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "I just have something I want to discuss with you..."

"What's up?"

"I would like to ask you to stay and be the ringmaster. Of course, we can discuss the share of each match separately. In addition, I will give you enough travel expenses for each match!

If you are interested, let's find a place to talk. If you are not interested, you can take the money and leave now. Of course, you are always welcome to compete in our fighting arena in the future! "

Fang Hua had a faint smile on his face, and his words and demeanor were all appropriate.

Lin Mo turned around and glanced at Feng Xuan, who shook his head, obviously not interested in being the ringleader.

"I'm sorry, Boss Fang. I'm just here to make some money. Of course, I'll come back when I'm short of money!" Lin Mo refused with a smile, then turned and left.

"You two, walk slowly!" Fang Hua looked at Lin Mo and Feng Xuan's leaving figures, the smile on his face unchanged.

After the two left, Fang Hua waved to the audience and then left.

After he left everyone's sight, the smile on Fang Hua's face suddenly disappeared.


The precious vase was turned into powder by his slap.

Several staff members following him fell to their knees on the ground with a plop, trembling all over and lowering their heads. No one dared to look up at him!

“You bastard, lawless, this is the first time I’ve seen someone take money out of our fighting arena!

This is also the first time I see someone dare to reject me!

Come on, before dark, I want to see the heads of those two guys!

And the nearly 50 million, bring them all back to me! "

Whoosh whoosh!

Several figures appeared in front of Fang Hua. After half-kneeling to accept the order, they quickly turned and left.

Fang Hua sat in the hall with a gloomy face. After a long time, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, returning to his original indifferent look...

"Lin Mo, you are rich, hahaha, let me tell you, I bought you all this time to win, and then made nearly 25 million!

Now I can lie flat in school, and I can go in and try out wherever I want! "Feng Xuan had an excited smile on her face.

All the school's facilities rely on point redemption. Now he has more than 20 million in cash, which can be converted into points, and he has nearly 2 million points!

This is a huge amount of wealth. If you are pursuing a peaceful life, it will be enough in school!

But if you want to go one step further and buy Qi and Blood Pills and other items, that's not enough.

After all, one intermediate Qi and Blood Pill is worth 200,000 points, and two million points can only be exchanged for ten intermediate Qi and Blood Pills!

What Feng Xuan didn't expect was that Lin Mo just walked forward with his head sullenly, without any sign of excitement.

Lin Mo's steps were fast, and Ou Leng was even sweating on his forehead.

Something was obviously wrong with this scene. Feng Xuan hurriedly chased after him, looked at Lin Mo and said, "What's wrong with you kid? Are you not happy at all after winning money?"

"Come on, Fang Hua won't let us go back so easily!" Lin Mo said in a low voice.

Feng Xuan's expression changed slightly: "Impossible, Fang Hua's reputation in the fighting circle is not bad, and I have never heard of any other problems!

You must be thinking too much..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Xuan's expression changed.

He turned around suddenly and looked not far behind him. He didn't know when there were two more figures there.

One of the figures was covered in white and held a spiritual flag in his hand, while the other was covered in black and held a stick wrapped in white cloth.

Lin Mo almost laughed when he saw the images of these two people.

"What the hell is going on here? Are you two black and white?" Lin Mo pointed at the two figures in the distance and said calmly.

"Hehe, we are indeed Hei Wuchang. It's a pity that we came here today to buy your life!" Hei Wuchang had a sneer on his face and rushed over in a flash.

"Seventh-grade Martial King!" Feng Xuan's face changed slightly. She didn't expect to meet the seventh-grade Martial King!

Whether it is Lin Mo or Feng Xuan, their strength is far from this level. Now that two strong men are coming to surround them, what is the probability of their survival?

"Find a way to call for reinforcements, the two of us will try to hold him back!" Lin Mo yelled at Feng Xuan, and then rushed forward.

He was very fast, and after using Ghost Shadow, it was like an afterimage.

"Hey, in front of our black and white Wuchang, you have nowhere to hide!" Bai Wuchang's voice was cold, giving people a sense of fear of falling into hell.

"Qi-blood barrier!"

The next moment, Black and White Wuchang shouted these words at the same time.

At the same time, the power of Qi and blood in the two people began to slowly boil!

Light red blood emanated from their bodies and filled the place in the shortest possible time.

At this moment, Lin Mo's figure flickered, causing changes in the Qi-blood barrier.

Black and white Wu Chang stood back to back in the middle of the blood barrier, closing his eyes slightly and sensing everything happening around him.

"I caught you!" Bai Wuchang sneered and threw the soul-calling flag in his hand towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that the Qi-blood barrier was so sharp and could directly find Lin Mo's location.


Lin Mo dodged to the side, but Hei Wuchang was also sneering, and he waved the stick in his hand casually.


Lin Mo felt as if someone had hit him in the back of the heart.

"Lin Mo, let me save you!" Feng Xuan's voice sounded, and she rushed towards Bai Wuchang desperately.

Bai Wuchang sneered, and the mourning stick in his hand pierced Feng Xuan's chest.

"Haha, the mantis' arm is like a chariot, even the little fifth-grade Martial King dares to show off his power in front of me, and I will send you on your way!"

Bai Wuchang didn't wear makeup, but the clothes and face were extremely attractive.

At this moment, even though Bai Wuchang was angry, his expression looked perfect.


Feng Xuan was hit on the chest by a palm. He flew backwards and hit the ground hard. His face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Lin Mo, I'll hold him, you go!" Feng Xuan lowered her head and winked at Lin Mo.

Then he roared and rushed towards Hei Wuchang.

"Senior, I have told you before that I really can't do such a thing as leaving my teammates and running away!"

Seeing that Feng Xuan was approaching Hei Wuchang, the latter's face suddenly showed a mocking look: "Ant, it's really an ant!

That's how martial arts are, even if I'm only a small level away, I can completely crush you two!

What's more, the strength gap between you and us is huge! "

Hei Wuchang was very confident, standing there and giving orders to Lin Mo and Feng Xuanyi.

"No need to argue, one of you two counts as one, neither of you can escape!" A sneer sounded, and Black and White Wuchang took action at the same time.

"Hmph, if you want to touch people in our school, Fang Hua is too brave in the fighting arena!"

A voice sounded, and then an old figure appeared directly in front of Black and White Wuchang.


The figure attacked Black and White Wuchang at the same time, imprinting its fist on their chests like lightning!


Black and white Wu Chang's expression changed wildly, and he flew backwards. After a long time, he hit the ground heavily 2.


When he saw the person clearly, Lin Mo's face immediately showed a look of surprise.

With just one move, Black and White Wuchang was defeated, leaving the two of them with no power to fight back. The old principal's prestige remained as strong as before!

"What is the mission that boy Fang Hua gave you two?" The old principal nodded to Lin Mo, then walked towards the fallen Black and White Wuchang, and asked coldly.

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