Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 120: The Domineering Old Principal

"What is the mission that Fang Hua gave you two!" After nodding to Lin Mo, the old principal walked towards the fallen Black and White Impermanence and asked coldly.

"Old thing, you know our boss is Fang Hua, but you still dare to attack us. Who are you!" Black and White Impermanence got up from the ground and spoke sternly with gritted teeth.


The old principal's face sank, and he raised his hand and slapped Bai Wuchang in the face.

With a muffled sound, Bai Wuchang's entire head exploded, and the debris splattered everywhere, especially Hei Wuchang, who was covered in blood.

Such a scene directly frightened Hei Wuchang. Although he was dressed as Hei Wuchang and liked to kill people, it was the first time he saw such a cruel death!

"Grandpa, spare my life, I will tell you everything!" Hei Wuchang knelt directly on the ground: "Fang Hua ordered us to kill them both and take their heads and money back!"


As soon as Hei Wuchang finished speaking, the old principal slapped him in the face.

The same scene appeared, Black Wuchang and White Wuchang both turned into headless corpses, lying side by side.

"Teacher is awesome!" Lin Mo stepped forward with a smile on his face: "If the teacher hadn't come, the two of us would have died today!"

"You idiot, you still have the nerve to say that!" The old principal turned around and pointed at Lin Mo with anger on his face: "What strength do you have? You dare to run to the fighting arena to fight a game. Are you going to die!

Don't you know that the fighting arena is a place where people are eaten without spitting out bones?"

"Old principal, I took Lin Mo to the fighting arena..." Feng Xuan stood aside and couldn't help but defend Lin Mo.

"Shut up, I'll trouble you later, it's not your turn now!" The old principal fanned casually, and the power of blood and qi surged, and Feng Xuan was swept up with a gust of wind and flew to the side.

Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo with embarrassment on his face.

"Tell me, why did you come here to compete!" The old principal looked at Lin Mo and asked loudly.

"I'm short of money, I want to get some money to buy Qi and Blood Pills..." Lin Mo said a little embarrassed.

"How many Qi and Blood Pills do you want? I have some authorization, it must be enough for you!" The old principal said.

Feng Xuan, who was standing by, widened his eyes after hearing this, and looked at Lin Mo with envy.

The old principal is eligible to receive 30 Qi and Blood Pills every year, and now he wants to give them all to Lin Mo.

It's really annoying to compare with others!

"I want 70 or 80..." Lin Mo said a little embarrassed.

"What? How many do you want? 80? Do you want to eat them like rice?" The old principal was so scared that his voice changed, looking at Lin Mo with disbelief: "Why do you want so many Qi and Blood Pills?

Let me tell you, cultivation is a step-by-step process, and it's not good to force growth!"

The old principal looked at Lin Mo nervously. Among all the disciples, he valued Lin Mo the most.

If Lin Mo couldn't think straight and took the step of using drugs to improve his level, he would be very disappointed!

"Please rest assured, teacher. I know my limits. I have earned enough money. I can leave now!" Lin Mo looked at the old principal and spoke seriously.

The old principal stared at Lin Mo's eyes, and after a long time, he sighed slightly and said, "Forget it, forget it. Everyone has their own way of cultivation. I won't force it..."

Lin Mo smiled and said, "Thank you, teacher. I will help you go back to school!"

After that, he was about to help the old principal.

"Who told you I was going back?" The old principal said lightly, "You sent someone to kill my students. Do you really think this matter is over so easily?"

The old principal waved his hands and hooked his fingers at the two corpses at his feet.

The corpse immediately turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the ring in the old principal's hand.

"Storage ring, the void attribute material obtained from the abyss that year, only made this storage ring."

There are void attribute materials in the abyss?

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan's eyes lit up, and they were suddenly full of interest in the abyss.

You know, the two of them have the qualifications to explore the abyss in the village. If they are lucky, they can get a small piece of abyss-attribute materials, and they will be rich!

The reason why storage equipment is so precious is that there are too few materials with void attributes!

If the two can find a ball...

The picture is too beautiful, I dare not continue to imagine it...

The two followed the old principal and returned to the fighting field step by step.

"Why are these two back again?"

The audience in the fighting field saw Lin Mo and Feng Xuan, and they talked about it for a while.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan stepped forward and told everything that happened at that time.

"You don't have to guess, we are here to make trouble!" Lin Mo suddenly sneered and spoke loudly.


The old principal smashed the cane in his hand to the ground fiercely, accompanied by a loud bang, and the whole fighting field seemed to be shaking.

"Old principal, I haven't seen you for a long time. What wind blew you here!"

A chuckle sounded, and Fang Hua walked out slowly with several staff members.

Bang bang!

Two muffled sounds were heard, and the old principal threw the bodies directly at Fang Hua!

Fang Hua's eyes turned cold, and his blood burst out, and he tore the two bodies into pieces!

"What is the old principal doing?" Fang Hua asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's interesting, you are playing crazy with me, right! It doesn't matter, I always do what I want..."


After the words fell, the old principal slapped Fang Hua on the shoulder. Fang Hua's body shrank visibly, and he stared at the old principal with an ugly face.

"If you look at me like this again, I will dig out your eyes!" The old principal said lightly.

Fang Hua's eyes flashed with anger, but he finally lowered his head honestly.

"Go back and tell the people behind you that as long as I am alive, the school is not his!

In addition, one day, he will pay the price for what he did!"

The old principal spoke softly, and then looked at Lin Mo and Feng Xuan: "Lin Mo is my disciple, Feng Xuan is my student, who gave you the courage to touch them!

If there is a next time, you will all wait for death!"

After that, he turned around and left.

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, the audience was silent.

"Today's fighting competition ends here!" After a few minutes, Fang Hua finally recovered from the state he had just been in. He shouted to the audience, "I hope everyone can give me a face and keep it secret today!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Fang Hua left with a cold face, and the rest of the audience also left with nervous faces.

They would never dare to tell anyone about what happened today...

"Teacher, do you know Fang Hua?" On the way back, Lin Mo looked at the old principal and couldn't help asking.

"Of course I know him. This person is another senior member of the school, responsible for collecting money. He usually does a lot of extraordinary things, but rarely causes trouble, so I can't do it.

This time, I just took the opportunity to give them a good beating!"

The old principal explained patiently, and Feng Xuan's heartbeat on the side increased wildly. This is a big secret.

"So your position is very embarrassing now!" Lin Mo is a straightforward person, and he said what he should say at that time.

The old principal's face turned red, he glared at Lin Mo, and coughed lightly, saying, "Ahem, what you said is not unreasonable, but I am different from them. With my reputation, I can completely set up a school again in the shortest time!

But what's the use? The root is broken. If the root is not solved, it will never grow up!" The old principal shook his head and spoke with a vicissitudes of life.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan did not speak, but silently accompanied the old principal back to the military university.

"What are you going to do next?" Feng Xuan stood beside Lin Mo. Originally, he still had some idol baggage as a senior, but after today, he faced Lin Mo and completely put himself into the role of Lin Mo's younger brother.

After all, following Lin Mo, he has made a lot of money, a full 25 million. If he doesn't spend it recklessly in the second half of his life, he will basically live a rich life!

"Buy Qi and Blood Pills..." Lin Mo looked at Feng Xuan: "Please take me to a place where I can buy a large number of Qi and Blood Pills at one time!"

A few minutes later, the two came to the transaction place. After Lin Mo swiped his card, he received a VIP notification.

A tall lady soon came to Lin Mo.

"Hello, brothers. My name is Mi Mi. I am very happy to meet you. I would like to ask what you two want to buy?"

The beautiful shopping guide named Mi Mi said with a smile on her face.

"We need to buy a batch of Qi and Blood Pills. I would like to ask how much inventory we have here?" Lin Mo asked politely.

"Qi and Blood Pills? How much inventory?" Mi Mi's face changed slightly, and said: "Sorry, sir, this is our company's secret. If you really need so many Qi and Blood Pills urgently, you can buy them through various channels..."

Mi Mi spoke lightly. Compared with before, her attitude seemed to have changed a lot.

"Do you think I don't have money?" Lin Mo was a little unhappy and took out all the cash on him: "Here is 20 million, I want to buy all of it for Qi and Blood Pills!"

Two thousand, according to the current exchange rate, you should be able to buy Qi and Blood Pills at a 30% discount. With this calculation, you should be able to exchange about 140 pills!

Mi Mi's original disdainful look turned into a look of respect and admiration after seeing the series of zeros in Lin Mo's bank card.

"Mr. Lin, please forgive my previous rudeness. To be honest, when I saw you before, I thought you were too young and might not have the corresponding purchasing power..." Mi Mi was about to explain when she was interrupted by Lin Mo.

"I want to change people, I need another more professional person to help me choose!" Lin Mo raised his hand to stop her from continuing.

Mi Mi's face was ugly and she turned and left.

Not long after, Lin Mo, led by another shopping guide, spent 20 million and directly bought 150 Qi and Blood Pills.

There was no way to find the original price. Lin Mo could only buy 142 pills. The extra eight Qi and Blood Pills were given by the shopping guide to express his gratitude to Lin Mo!

Lin Mo took these Qi and Blood Pills and showed excitement on his face.

After returning, he can explore the mystery of the copy in the dream!

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