Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 121: Meet the Girl Again

Huaxia Military University, inside the student dormitory.

Lin Mo sat cross-legged on the bed, with several boxes of Qi and Blood Pills in front of him.

After opening one of the boxes and swallowing a Qi and Blood Pill, Lin Mo went straight into the dream.

The game is loading...

The screen flickered, and Lin Mo appeared in the game world. According to the original plan, Lin Mo chose the dungeon he had entered before.

After consuming fifteen Qi and Blood Pills, Lin Mo entered the dungeon.

Because his strength has improved a lot, when Lin Mo was cleaning up the monsters, he finally experienced what it meant to kill them all the way!

One punch, one kick, one, Lin Mo enjoyed the joy of abusing monsters, and unknowingly came to the outside of the lord's room.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Mo went straight into the lord's room.

What disappointed him was that the girl in the lord's room was not the girl he met for the first time, but the lord.

After a battle, Lin Mo killed the lord, feeling the Qi and Blood power surging in his body, he knew that his strength should have improved a lot again.

"Could it be that the girl I met before was just an accident?" Lin Mo frowned and looked around, and found that nothing fell down.

"It's strange. Before, even after the dungeon was cleared, there would still be items falling down. Why didn't it fall down this time?

And, up to now, I have no signs of leaving the dungeon..."

He looked around, and this was indeed the lord's room, and there was no other door.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong... I always feel like someone is watching me from behind!"

Cold sweat flowed down Lin Mo's forehead. The next moment, he turned around and looked at the entrance of the lord's room before!


At the moment Lin Mo turned around, a figure flashed at the entrance!

"Someone!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he rushed directly towards the door without saying a word.

He was very fast, but standing in front of the door of the lord's room, he wanted to rush over, but found that there was an invisible barrier blocking him, so he couldn't get through at all!

"Something's wrong, can this door only be entered but not exited?" Lin Mo frowned and tried again.

Finally, he confirmed that he could not pass through the door.

His eyes swept around the lord's room and finally stopped on a huge piece of ice.


Lin Mo punched the ice and took off a piece of ice that fell.


He threw the ice directly through the door.

The ice did not encounter any resistance and went straight through!

"So, I should get into the ice and leave the room?"

Lin Mo frowned, looked at the huge ice in front of him, and started to do it.

He was very fast. A huge ice block like a ball was carved out by his fist, and then he hollowed out the inside of the ice and got in!


He punched the ground, and with the force of the recoil, the ball rolled and went straight through the door.


A powerful force hit the ball directly, and the moment Lin Mo left the ball, the ball behind him turned into powder!

"That was a close call!" Lin Mo's forehead was covered in cold sweat. If he hadn't run fast just now, he would have been crushed into powder like the ball!

However, fortunately, Lin Mo is now back in the room where the monster was.

He looked around and finally found a line of footprints left on the snow, which seemed to have passed through another door.

Lin Mo tried again, but he didn't expect that this time he didn't encounter any resistance and went straight through the door.

"The lord's room has some special restrictions, so I can't go through it, but ordinary rooms don't have this problem, so I can go straight through!" Lin Mo thought silently while running along the footprints.

After passing through several doors in succession, Lin Mo saw the figure not far away.

It was obvious that it was a girl wearing a white long skirt, and there was a sense of beauty when she ran.

"Stop!" Lin Mo yelled.

But the girl seemed not to hear it and continued to run wildly.

With the help of the ghost shadow tracking body technique, Lin Mo's speed increased wildly, and in less than five minutes, he caught up with the woman.

Just as Lin Mo guessed, the woman in front of him was the woman he met in the lord's room before!

"Stop!" Lin Mo yelled again, and stretched out his hand to grab the woman.

But his hands went straight through the woman's body!

The woman was like a projection, just nothingness!

With a puzzled look on his face, Lin Mo sped up again and blocked the girl directly.


The girl did not slow down and went straight through Lin Mo's body.

"How could this happen? Is everything an illusion, all fake?" Lin Mo frowned.

At this time, the girl slowed down.

"Huh... I was scared to death, I thought I was seen by that damn human again..." The girl patted her full chest with one hand, and spoke with lingering fear.

Lin Mo stood aside and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. What is the damn human race? Could it be that you, a woman, are not human?

He tried to stretch out his hand in front of the girl again, but the girl ignored him completely as before, and his hand was able to pass through the girl's body.

"This is strange, he must have seen me before, so he chose to run away, but why can't he see me now!" Lin Mo was puzzled.

At the same time, he found that he could understand the girl's words and discovered a very interesting place.

There was a small hole left behind the girl's white skirt, and inside the hole, a fluffy white tail appeared!

"This..." Looking at the fist-sized tail, an animal appeared in Lin Mo's mind - rabbit!

Could it be that the girl in front of me is a rabbit that turned into a spirit?

"It's a pity that I'm not Tang San, and I have no interest in rabbits..." Lin Mo couldn't help complaining, and took two steps closer to carefully observe the girl's hair.

"There seems to be a gap between the hair, and you can vaguely see a pair of furry ears inside, but it doesn't look very big now... it should have shrunk!"

Lin Mo observed very carefully, and even this time he saw a red light flashing in the girl's eyes.

"It's certain, the girl in front of me is a rabbit turned into a spirit!" Lin Mo was basically sure of the girl's identity.

"I actually met a rabbit spirit in my dream!" Lin Mo was a little shocked.

"Damn humans, they deceived me of my martial arts skills, causing me to be scolded by my father after I returned!

But when I just saw him, why did I feel so frightened? Could it be that after being defeated by him once, a shadow formed in his heart?

Humph, if he stood in front of me, I would definitely defeat him, and then take him back to the clan to show my father and others that I have grown up and can hunt humans! "

The girl wrinkled her nose and couldn't help but speak.

Lin Mo stood in front of her. Hearing the girl's words, Lin Mo couldn't help but smile. Unfortunately, the girl couldn't see him at all!

"I went out this time under the pretext of checking out the new passage. It's been so long and I haven't even had time to check out the new passage..."

The girl said reluctantly: "According to past practice, for any newly opened passage, the human race will do their best to compete for the resources inside. If I go there now, I might be able to hunt some humans!"

The girl spoke, then continued walking forward.

"Newly opened passage?!" Lin Mo frowned and followed.

He now has an idea in his mind, but he just needs to verify it.

The girl's strength is not weak, but in the last battle, her strength was suppressed by unknown reasons, so she was defeated by Lin Mo.

So at this moment when the girl was running with all her strength, Lin Mo also used the ghost shadow movement technique to the extreme, and he could barely keep up with the girl.

After rushing a long distance in one breath, the girl showed excitement on her face: "We're finally here!"

Lin Mo looked up into the distance and was suddenly shocked.

This is a huge city, covering a large area, but the architectural style is very rough. Some houses are just a few boulders piled up to form a simple room.

In these rooms, there are some humanoid monsters sitting there. In front of them is a piece of black food. Some monsters are eating it, and some monsters are throwing the food aside with disgust on their faces.

Lin Mo noticed that the girl was walking among these monsters, and the monsters would stop and salute respectfully.

"This girl is not simple. The monster saluted her. It seems that she should be the child of a monster with a higher status!"

Lin Mo made some judgments of his own, then raised his foot and kicked a monster next to him.

Like the previous girl, Lin Mo's feet passed through the monster's body.

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. This at least proved that he was safe following the girl!

Obviously, this city should be a gathering point for monsters. Lin Mo followed the girl and walked step by step towards the tallest building in the middle of the city!

"City Lord's Mansion!"

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the plaque on the city gate turned out to be ancient Chinese characters. Although it was very different from the current characters, it was not difficult for Lin Mo to recognize these characters.

"This is actually the City Lord's Mansion. What is this girl doing in there?" Out of curiosity, Lin Mo followed him directly.

The architectural style inside the City Lord's Mansion is only slightly better than outside, but the overall architectural style is still extremely rough.

"Miss Yu, why are you here? The city lord just went out. You may have to wait a day or two to see him!" In the city lord's mansion, a steward-looking humanoid monster stood in front of the girl and spoke respectfully.

"Miss Yu?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the girl's surname was Yu!

"Why is he going out? He can't avoid me on purpose!" The girl looked at the manager with a cold expression: "You'd better go and ask your master now when he can come back. If he can't come back, then don't came back!

He doesn't want to take the position of city lord, but there are many people who want to do it! "

Miss Yu is extremely domineering, pointing at the manager and scolding her!

The person in charge could only nod respectfully.

"Someone caught a few humans who entered the passage, and the city lord is about to arrest them and torture them!" the person in charge explained quickly.

"Caught the human race? We can capture the human race through the new channel that has just been opened. How lucky are we? I want to go and have a look!" Miss Yu said loudly and excitedly.

When Lin Mo heard the news, his heart suddenly moved.

Human race? !

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