Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 122 Encountering a missing person!

The girl in front of him was called Miss Yu, and she seemed to be very familiar with the city lord here. Lin Mo stood aside and heard a crucial piece of news, that is, they had captured several human beings!

When it comes to the human race, the first thing Lin Mo thinks of is Sun Qian and others.

But at present, the number of abyss discovered in China has reached 18. There is a possibility of human beings entering any of the abyss entrances. It is not certain that the people caught are Sun Qian and others.

"Human race? Take me to see it quickly!" Upon hearing the housekeeper's words, Miss Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and she couldn't wait to urge her, wanting to see it in person.

"Please come with me!" The butler was respectful, made an invitation gesture, and walked sideways to lead the way.

Lin Mo retracted his thoughts and followed them silently.

Here, no one can see him, so Lin Mo is not worried about being discovered.

After walking with them for about five minutes, they came to a wall in the city lord's palace.

Boom, boom, boom!

The housekeeper raised his hand and tapped his sharp nails on the wall, making a series of sounds.

Just when Lin Mo was confused, the wall in front of him suddenly began to move, and then separated in a short period of time, and a staircase appeared in front of them.

Lin Mo didn't know where the end of the stairs was, but standing at the starting point and looking inside, the entire ladder was like a dark bridge. He couldn't see the end at all, let alone what was at the end. Wait for them!

Seeing that Miss Yu and the housekeeper had already entered, Lin Mo stood at the door with a hesitant look.

First of all, Lin Mo was worried that after entering the cave entrance, he would not be able to get out!

Secondly, Lin Mo is not sure whether his current state of not being discovered by others can last forever!

It would be embarrassing if the invisibility effect suddenly expired after entering the gate!

Lin Mo stood at the entrance. When he saw that the two figures were about to disappear into the darkness, Lin Mo gritted his teeth and followed directly.

Rumble, as soon as I entered the door, there was a rumble sound behind me. After I stepped in, the door behind me was closed!

Lin Mo's face changed slightly, but he quickly calmed himself down. After taking a deep breath, he followed.

Just make peace with what you have come, Lin Mo has already entered the secret room, so there is nothing to worry about, just go all the way to the end!

Soon, Lin Mo heard the footsteps in front of him gradually stopping. He felt happy and speeded up.

Soon, he knew why Miss Yu stopped.

Because a huge stone door appeared in front of them, with an extremely ugly beast's face carved on it!

This beast's face is extremely weird, with sharp fangs, but its eyes are light blue, and its head is full of lion-like mane, but its color is cyan!

"What the hell, this can't be their totem..." Lin Mo approached the door and looked at it carefully.

The whole statue was too big. It wasn't until he got closer that Lin Mo was shocked to discover that the two lantern-sized eyes were actually made of two complete Qi-blood stones!

This discovery immediately shocked Lin Mo. If such two large pieces of Qi and blood were sold for money, it would definitely be a huge fortune. It's a pity that they were regarded as the eyes of a statue.

Yan Xiang Shu!

In the end, Lin Mo glanced around, then used the Yan Xiang technique to fly to a high place and stood on the nose of the statue!

Lin Mo fumbled around for a while, finally took out a dagger, and then stabbed it directly into the statue's eyes without saying a word!

After a lot of effort, the eyes of the statue did not loosen at all.

"Why does it feel like these eyes are really on the statue's body... they can't be one piece!" Thinking of this, Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and without saying a word, he stabbed the dagger into one of the ears!

The ears were relatively thin, so after Lin Mo struck them several times, a small piece of them was chopped off.

"Hiss! It's true!" Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the thing in his ear.

The gap was actually filled with energy and blood!

The huge beast-faced statue in front of me was actually carved entirely from blood!

"Don't these monsters know that they should use resources sparingly?" Lin Mo couldn't help complaining, and even wanted to cut off a part of the beast-faced statue and take it away himself.

It's a pity that after trying countless times, they all ended in failure!

"Oops, too focused, they both left!"

After Lin Mo got off the statue, he felt speechless because Miss Yu and the housekeeper had disappeared.

Fortunately, there was only one way in and out here, so Lin Mo used Gu Ying Meizong to speed up and catch up with them again.


Just when Lin Mo saw their backs, a huge creature suddenly came out of a quagmire not far from Lin Mo, opened its mouth and bit into Lin Mo's direction!

Lin Mo was startled by this monster. When he wanted to avoid it, he found that the big mouth had passed directly over Lin Mo and bit a huge crocodile not far behind!

"It scared me to death. It seems that my invisibility effect has not disappeared!" Lin Mo looked at the huge monster flying over his head with an exploratory look on his face.

"I wonder if there is anything good in the monster's lair!"

Lin Mo looked at the monster charging not far away, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Let's go check out his lair first. If there's anything good, we'll make a fortune!" Lin Mo walked towards the quagmire in the distance.

Standing around the quagmire, Lin Mo saw a lot of footprints, which proved that the monsters in the distance should live near this quagmire!

"It should be in the quagmire!" Lin Mo looked at the smelly quagmire in front of him with a look of disgust on his face. Even if he was told that there was a peerless treasure in this place, Lin Mo would definitely not go for it!

"Forget it, I'd better go down and take a look. Maybe there's something really worth the money!" Lin Mo finally decided to go into the quagmire to have a look. Maybe he could actually find something good!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo didn't hesitate at all. He stood on the edge of the quagmire, took a deep breath and jumped in!

A foul smell came, and many bones appeared in the quagmire. Some of these bones seemed to have human shapes, and they must be monsters such as gorillas.

"This is!" Soon, Lin Mo's speech flashed, and his heartbeat slowed down for half a beat. He saw a human skull with dense gums on it.

"It looks like they were killed not long ago...could it really be Sun Qian and the others!" Lin Mo had an ugly look on his face. If it was really Sun Qian and the others, the loss would be great!

Lin Mo couldn't think much at the moment. After taking another breath, Lin Mo dived directly into the quagmire!

When Lin Mo opened his eyes, everything in front of him changed. There was no blue sea and no plain!

"What the hell is this place!" As soon as Lin Mo said this, he was attracted by the things placed on a wooden table in the distance!

It was a black table about 1.5 meters tall, and I could smell this special fragrance from a long distance away.

There is no doubt that this is a sacrificial table. The sacrifices on it are placed on the plate, including flat peaches the size of a human head and blueberries the size of a fist...

It was also the first time for Lin Mo to see these things, and the smile on his face never broke.

There is no doubt that these are good things, and Lin Mo even saw a Qi Blood Stone in one of the plates!

But when he wanted to reach out and take the thing in his hand, he found that he couldn't touch it at all!

Like the previous statues, Lin Mo found nothing in the end!

Sighing slightly, Lin Mo looked at Miss Yu who had gone away, and followed her again.

After continuing to move forward, Lin Mo's eyes became brighter because he saw something incredible.

There is a row of weapons not far away, and some of them have definitely reached the level above the earth level!

In the end, Lin Mo tested it and found to his disappointment that he couldn't take these things away either!

"Maybe this is a dream. I think about it every day and dream about it at night..." Lin Mo said with a smile, comforting himself with such words!

"just in front!"

At this time, the housekeeper who had been on his way suddenly pointed to the door in the distance and said, "Do you want to go in directly, or should I report it to you?"

"Please help me report it!" Miss Yu nodded.

Soon, the housekeeper came forward and knocked on the door. After getting the owner's permission, Miss Yu slowly walked in.

Lin Mo quickly followed, and the moment the door closed, Lin Mo rushed in.

Seeing everything in the room, Lin Mo took a breath of air again.

There are actually all processed weapons and blood stones here!

"Something's wrong. All the divine power in the blood stone has disappeared, and these weapons are also incomplete!"

Finally, Lin Mo discovered something was wrong.

However, this was of no great significance to Lin Mo. All he wanted to do was to see who the captured humans were!

Just when Lin Mo felt a little impatient, Lin Mo heard a series of scolding sounds.

"Sun Qian!" One of the voices sounded very familiar to Lin Mo. It was Sun Qian!

"It's really them!" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face and quickly followed him.

Here, Lin Mo saw a dozen people who had disappeared from the school before. During this period, they had been tortured to a terrible extent!

Everyone's body was covered with scars, and Sun Qian was the most serious among them. Her clothes were messy, and it looked like something irreversible had happened!

"Damn you bunch of beasts, I will destroy you sooner or later!"

Lin Mo looked at Sun Qian and finally couldn't help but speak.

It's a pity that Lin Mo can't save them, because this is a dream and he has no idea where they are now!

"Bring them to my office!" At this moment, a voice sounded from inside.

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, the owner of this voice must be the so-called city lord!

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