Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 124 Something happened to Ye Qing!

Speaking of helpers, a figure appeared in Lin Mo's mind.

A few minutes later, Lin Mo appeared downstairs in the senior's dormitory and dialed Feng Xuan's number.

After a while, Feng Xuan ran down the stairs with a complaint on his face.

"What's going on with you kid? You come to me every three days, and you don't want to fall in love?" Feng Xuan actually had bags under her eyes, which were dark and thick, and she seemed to be in poor spirits.

"Falling in love will only affect the speed of my punches!" Lin Mo looked him up and down and said with a smile: "You, on the other hand, don't seem to be in a good condition. Could it be that you were given a blow by some female goblin..."

Feng Xuan's face was immediately filled with embarrassment, hehehe, and said: "What do you want from me? Just tell me!"

"I have news about Sun Qian and the others!" Lin Mo said seriously: "I just went to see the teacher, and he has approved my going to the abyss. Do you want to go with me?"

Lin Mo put away his earlier joking expression and did not tell the story of how he found Sun Qian.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Feng Xuan's eyes lit up and she stared at him and said, "Is everything you said true?"

Lin Mo nodded heavily.

"I want to go!" Feng Xuan said: "When!"

"I'm still looking for someone. Once she's confirmed, we can set off!"

This time, Lin Mo planned to invite Ye Qing to join him.

Although I didn't borrow money from her last time, this opportunity to go to the abyss is very rare.

Both of them came to the capital from Jinling. With such a good opportunity, Lin Mo must help Ye Qing!

"Looking at you like this, the other person can't be a woman, right?" Feng Xuan said helplessly: "I knew how could you not be in love!"

Lin Mo didn't bother to explain. Since it was confirmed that Feng Xuan would participate, he could leave.

Time was running out, he could wait, but Sun Qian and the others couldn't wait that long.

"Just wait for my news!" After saying these words, Lin Mo stood up and left.

Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo's leaving figure, and after a moment took out her mobile phone: "I'm going to leave school these days. If I can come back alive, we'll get married after graduation!"

After hanging up the phone, Feng Xuan's expression became determined, and she walked towards the distance.

That's where the school's martial arts theater is.

Time is running out. If we really enter the abyss, the danger will be further increased. Then we will not have such good luck as we did in the small village this time!

In the final analysis, everything depends on yourself. Only when you are strong can you be fearless.

On the other side, Lin Mo and Feng Xuan left the school gate after parting ways.

After stopping a car, Lin Mo reported the name of Wuhan University in Beijing.

The last time he came to Wuhan University in Beijing, Lin Mo killed a bunch of people by himself. Now, he appeared at the door of Wuhan University in Beijing again.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Ye Qing's number again. What he didn't expect was that no one answered this time!

"Did you go out for an internship?" Lin Mo frowned. He knew that every student at Beijing Wuhan University must undergo an internship every year to ensure that they apply what they have learned.

There is a high possibility that Ye Qing is going to do an internship.

Lin Mo thought for a while and dialed Mr. Ye's phone number.

"I don't know, Qing'er didn't tell us. When you mentioned it like this, I suddenly felt that Qing'er hadn't called home for a long time..." Mr. Ye's voice was full of doubts, "Is this girl out of trouble?" What's going on?"

Lin Mo was shocked, and he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Old man, don't worry yet. I'm at Wuhan University now. Go in and look for it immediately!" Lin Mo hung up the phone and walked directly towards the campus.

As soon as he approached the school gate, Lin Mo felt something different.

The difference from the last time I came here is that there are a few more people guarding the school gate, looking at the people coming and going with serious faces.

"Stop! No one is allowed to enter the school now!" Two students guarding the school gate spoke.

There was energy and blood emanating from their bodies. Lin Mo made a rough judgment and concluded that they were probably the strength of third-grade warriors!

"What happened!" Lin Mo instinctively thought that something big had happened in the school.

Third-grade warriors, whether in school or in society, are not considered ordinary martial arts practitioners. Now, such martial arts guards are arranged at the school gate.

You can be sure that something happened inside the school!

"Who are you? Leave quickly. This is not the place you should be, nor the place you can ask!" The two students had a very bad attitude, waving their hands like they were chasing away flies, asking Lin Mo to Leave quickly.

"I'm looking for someone!" Lin Mo didn't force his way in, but mentioned Ye Qing's name: "I'm looking for Ye Qing."

"Who are you looking for?" The expressions of the two students changed slightly, and they looked at Lin Mo with shock: "Are you looking for Ye Qing?"

The two students looked at each other, and Lin Mo noticed a panic flashed in their eyes.

"What's wrong with Ye Qing?" Lin Mo's ominous premonition became more and more serious. He pressed one of them on the shoulder and spoke loudly.

"Let me go!" The person who was caught had a look of pain on his face: "If you don't let go, I will be rude to you!"

"Let me ask you, where is Ye Qing!"

Lin Mo did not let go. Instead, the power of Qi and blood in his body surged and enveloped the person in front of him.

The student in front of him felt cold all over, and looked at Lin Mo as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

After a long time, he said, "You... you let me go first, I'll tell you everything!"


Lin Mo used a little force and broke the student's shoulder blade.

"Next time, it won't just be your shoulder blade that'll be broken!" Lin Mo took his hand away and spoke coldly.

The student's face was covered with cold sweat, but he could only endure it and didn't dare to complain.

"Ye Qing... she fell in love with Yue Xingyun, but it was a pity that Yue Xingyun, a student who was about to graduate from college, had no interest in her.

In anger, Ye Qing actually attacked Yue Xingyun and almost killed him!

The Yue family has a lot of power in the capital, so after knowing this, they sent people to arrest Ye Qing!"

"What did you say!" Lin Mo's eyes immediately burst into anger: "The Yue family arrested Ye Qing?

Where did they catch her!

And where is the person called Yue Xingyun you mentioned! Take me to see him!"

At this moment, Lin Mo was like a killing god, standing there and speaking loudly.

The two students were frightened by Lin Mo and lowered their heads, not daring to say a word.

"It seems that you really want me to do something serious..." Lin Mo said lightly.

This sentence directly made the people who were unwilling to speak before tremble all over, and said: "I'll tell you everything!

Yue Xingyun is the strongest person among the senior students of this year!

In school, I don't know how many women want to be his girlfriend, but Yue Xingyun has always been chaste.

Although Ye Qing is good-looking, Yue Xingyun can't possibly like her. It must be that Ye Qing hates because of love..."


Lin Mo slapped him in the face and said coldly: "Did you see all this with your own eyes?"

Lin Mo knew Ye Qing's character very well, and he didn't believe that Ye Qing would hate because of love for someone.

"Also, you said Yue Xingyun is very powerful and the strongest person in the school. Then I want to ask you, Ye Qing's strength is the strongest among the freshmen.

So can she compare with Yue Xingyun?

If she can't compare with Yue Xingyun, then how could she almost kill Yue Xingyun!"

The two students were speechless by Lin Mo's question, standing there, with panic on their faces and unable to speak!

Lin Mo snorted coldly: "Take me to see Yue Xingyun now!"

"We two still have the task of guarding the gate..." The two looked hesitant.

"If you don't go, you will die!" Lin Mo punched the wall, leaving cracks on it.

This was a random blow without using martial arts.

The two looked at this scene and were so scared that they almost cried out.

"We will take you there now!"

The two endured the pain on their bodies and trotted in front to lead the way.

"After Yue Xingyun was injured, he was recuperating in the school hospital. It is said that Yue Xingyun was seriously ill, so he refused to be visited by anyone unless there were special circumstances!"

"Which room!"

"It seems to be in Ward 888..." The two whispered.

Lin Mo's mental power spread out, covering the entire hospital in a very short time.

Not long after, Lin Mo locked the location of Ward 888.

When the mental power found Room 888, his face obviously changed, but he still silently withdrew his mental power.

"Didn't you say that Yue Xingyun was seriously injured and was about to die! Seeing is believing, I will take you to see what he said was seriously injured!"

Lin Mo directly carried the two of them and performed the Yan Xiang technique!

Yan Xiang technique is only a yellow-level martial art, and Lin Mo has now practiced it to a high level of proficiency.

With the powerful ability of Yan Xiang technique, Lin Mo carried the two people and jumped directly onto the balcony of Ward 888!

"Open your eyes and take a good look. This is the Yue Xingyun you all call a self-disciplined person!" Lin Mo pointed to the window and spoke to the two students.

The two looked into the ward and were immediately shocked!

In the ward, Yue Xingyun, who was supposed to be recuperating, was madly attacking two girls!

The most important thing is that one of the two girls is one of the school beauties!

"Self-disciplined? Seriously injured and dying?"

Lin Mo's face was full of ridicule. The next moment, he kicked the glass door of the balcony.

With a loud click, the glass door turned into powder, and the glass fragments shot out and splashed on the two girls and Yue Xingyun.

A bloody wound appeared. Yue Xingyun was attacking on it. Suddenly, he was stunned by this change. When he saw Lin Mo standing in the room, he trembled all over.

"Where is Ye Qing!" Lin Mo ignored the screaming girl and stared at Yue Xingyun.

"You... who are you! That bitch Ye Qing tried to kill me..."


Lin Mo's figure flashed and he came directly in front of Yue Xingyun, punching him in the chest. The huge force made him fly backwards and hit the wall.

Without waiting for Yue Xingyun to shout, Lin Mo stepped forward again and grabbed his throat with one hand: "I ask again, where is Ye Qing!"

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