Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 125 Domineering Lin Mo

Yue Xingyun's face turned extremely red because someone pinched his throat, and his breathing suddenly became rapid.

But Lin Mo's fingers didn't loosen at all, but instead tightened more and more.

The fear of death shrouded Yue Xingyun, and there was a look of panic in his eyes, but the reserve of being a member of the Yue family still made his attitude very arrogant!

"You... do you know who I am? Our Yue family can crush you to death with just one hand!" Yue Xingyun spoke word by word. He was almost speechless due to the feeling of suffocation!

Lin Mo had a cold smile on his face, and the strength in his hands increased again: "What I don't like the most is threats. Is the Yue family strong?

So what, if I kill you, no matter how strong the Yue family is, you are already dead. When a person dies, there is nothing. Do you think that’s right?

Just like the two women just now, you can only enjoy them while you are alive. After you die, you can enjoy nothing! "

Having said this, Lin Mo's strength increased again!

Yue Xingyun's expression finally became panicked, with a pleading look on his face. He looked at Lin Mo and said, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I say, I'll say anything!"

Lin Mo let go of his hand and looked at him quietly: "Two things, first, where is Ye Qing!

The second thing, what happened! "

Yue Xingyun gasped violently, his eyes flickering, and just when he was about to think of a lie to cover up the matter, Lin Mo's voice sounded again: "You'd better think about it before you speak. Although I don't know much, as long as I find out If you lied to me, I will kill you!"

Lin Mo's voice was cold, and there was no emotion at all in his words.

Yue Xingyun's eyes flickered for a moment, and finally he said honestly: "Ye Qing is at Yue's house now and is locked up. After my limelight is over, he will go home and cook the raw rice...

As for the truth of the matter... I like Ye Qing and have chased her for a long time, but she never agreed. When I wanted to use force on her that day, I was injured by a weapon on her body.

In the end, it was us who confused right and wrong and slandered everything on Ye Qing..."

Yue Xingyun told what happened exactly as it happened.

The two students who were brought in by Lin Mo were shocked. It turned out that the truth was like this!


Lin Mo raised his foot and kicked Yue Xingyun in the stomach. The huge force made him lie on the ground like a dead dog, with a painful look on his face.

"Get up and take me to Yue's house!" Lin Mo said coldly.

Yue Xingyun's expression became a little hesitant: "How about you let me continue to lie down in the hospital, and then I call home now and ask them to release Ye Qing?

Our in-law family takes reputation very seriously. If the reputation of the in-law family is damaged, not only me but you will probably be implicated. I don’t know how many people will die in the end! "

Yue Xingyun spoke slowly. Although he said it was to plead for mercy, it was actually a threat to Lin Mo!

But what Lin Mo is least afraid of is threats!


Lin Mo's figure flickered, and when he appeared again, he was already standing in front of Yue Xingyun.


He raised his foot and stepped on Yue Xingyun's fingers, instantly deforming the entire palm of his right hand.

Yue Xingyun's screams caused the nurse to rush in. Seeing him lying on the ground, the nurse turned pale with fright: "Who are you, and why did you break into the ward without permission! Do you believe it or not..."

"Get out!" Lin Mo suddenly shouted, interrupting the nurse's words.

At this moment, Lin Mo was like a furious lion, and several nurses did not dare to approach him at all.

"Let's go!" One of the nurses suddenly said, then turned and walked outside.

Seeing this scene, Yue Xingyun was completely desperate.

"Take me to Yue's house, don't think about delaying time, I have plenty of ways to solve this matter!"

Lin Mo spoke softly and lifted Yue Xingyun's collar casually: "You are a rich second generation, you should have a car!"

Yue Xingyun nodded repeatedly and pointed to the ground: "It's in the underground garage. I'll take you over to have a look!"

He was frightened by Lin Mo. He really didn't dare to deceive Lin Mo anymore. Rather than being beaten up later for lying to offend Lin Mo, he might as well cooperate honestly now and maybe suffer less physical pain. !

"You two can report what happened today, or you can arrange for someone to stop me, but what I want to say is that next time I take action, I won't be as merciful as I am now!"

Lin Mo's voice was cold, and there was no mercy in his eyes.

He has made it very clear. If these people are still looking for death, there will be no choice but to finally help them!

"You misunderstood, we, we will definitely not do such a thing!" The two students waved their hands and left without saying a word.

Today they have seen the truth of the matter, and what they originally insisted on in their hearts has changed.

They have not yet graduated and have seen a corner of the real world. They understand that it turns out that being rich and powerful can not only enjoy a good life, but also reverse right and wrong and stand at the highest point of morality!

He is obviously a perpetrator, but in the end he can become a victim under the influence of power, but the real victim has to be locked up and continue to be harmed!

"This is the truest appearance of the world!" After a long time, one of the students said.

"I don't want to study anymore, I want to go home and farm!" Another student said slowly, with a disappointed look on his face.

Why do they practice martial arts? Is it to be a dog for these powerful people?

The two looked at each other with confused looks on their faces.

On the other side, Lin Mo and Yue Xingyun found a red sports car in the basement. After finding the key from Yue Xingyun, Lin Mo threw Yue Xingyun in the passenger seat, then kicked the accelerator to start the car!

The sports car rushed out of the basement like a meteor. When it was not far away, the security guard opened the door.

"Sure enough, the life you rich people enjoy is different from us!" Lin Mo laughed sarcastically while driving.

Thinking that Mr. Yue was still worried about Ye Qing's whereabouts, Lin Mo immediately took out his cell phone, dialed the old man's number, and told him what had happened.

"Yue family, Yue family in the capital!" Mr. Ye's voice was solemn. As the helm of the Ye family, he naturally knew how powerful the Yue family was. The final result of the collision between the Ye family and the Yue family could only be that the Ye family was destroyed, while the Yue family remained unscathed or... Minor damage!

"Lin Mo, give it a try. Even if our Ye family tries our best, we won't let you suffer, let alone let Qing'er suffer alone in the Ye family!"

Mr. Ye's voice was firm. This gave Lin Mo a lot of courage. Now that the old man has spoken, there is nothing more to say. He will fight the Yue family directly to the end!

"Don't mention it, the performance of a sports car is good, it accelerates quickly and is comfortable to drive, but it consumes a lot of fuel!"

With a smile on his face, Lin Mo spoke slowly, and at the same time, he stepped on the accelerator and stopped the car at the gate of Ye's house.

"If Mr. Lin likes it, I will give the car to you!" How could Yue Xingyun miss such a good opportunity and directly expressed that he would give the entire car to Lin Mo.

"Forget it, I don't like second-hand cars!" Lin Mo waved his hand: "Okay, you're home. You can call the door now. Of course, you can also ask them to prepare a series of things in advance. Then you can Be tough with me to the end!”

Yue Xingyun waved his hands repeatedly. He thought that since Lin Mo dared to mention it, it meant that someone wanted to ambush Lin Mo before, but failed in the end!

Thinking of this, Yue Xingyun immediately made a decision in his heart.

After knocking on the door, Yue Xingyun stood at the door.

He saw the young master of the Yue family standing at the door. Then he saw that his young master’s face and body were covered with dust. The most important thing was that his hands and fingers were almost broken!

"Master, what's wrong with you, please don't scare me!"

The old housekeeper's face was already filled with tears. He stepped forward and touched Yue Xingyun's face, as if he were meeting a child who had not been home for many years.

"It's okay, let me in quickly, I have another report to make!"

Yue Xingyun spoke repeatedly. In fact, at this time, Yue Xingyun just wanted to end this matter quickly.

Lin Mo standing behind him looked like a big devil, which made him so frightened that he didn't even have the courage to lie!

"You should be the young master's classmate. Come in with us. Remember to change into clean clothes and clean shoes at the door!"

The old housekeeper glanced at Lin Mo and began to give orders without even paying attention to Lin Mo's dress.

Yue Xingyun's face already showed a look of panic, because what the housekeeper said was so unworthy of a beating.

If Lin Mo takes his anger out on him because of this matter, he will be doomed!


In desperation, Yue Xingyun slapped the old housekeeper in the face: "You bastard, when did our family need to change their shoes when they came in!

Also, this one is my classmate. If you dare to neglect me, then wait to die! "

The old housekeeper was stunned by the slap, but he still nodded repeatedly.

Lin Mo smiled and didn't care about the old housekeeper's words at all, but since Yue Xingyun stood up for him, he could enjoy everything with peace of mind.

"Your family looks quite wealthy. This should be a single-family villa area!" Lin Mo looked around and asked with a smile.

Yue Xingyun nodded, and then said with a flattering face: "We have more than one villa. If you like it, I can give you the villa halfway up the mountain!"

A villa halfway up the mountain? !

Lin Mo looked beyond the clouds, as if he could see multiples inside the mountain!

"Good place, very nice!" Lin Mo's eyes were bright. He was not short of money now. When he gets the dividends, he could consider buying a set here!

"Xingyun, what's wrong with you?!" Just as Lin Mo was making plans in his mind, a woman's cry rang out!

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