Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 127: Re-entering the copy

"When to set off!"

At the Huaxia Military Academy, Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo expectantly.

"Three days later." Lin Mo said: "These few days, you can have a good rest here and recover from your injuries as soon as possible!"

"I know..." Ye Qing lowered her head. After a moment, she looked up at Lin Mo and smiled: "Lin Mo, thank you!"

Her smile was as bright as a flower blooming on a summer night.

For a moment, Lin Mo felt as if his heartbeat had stopped.

He turned away and pretended to start practicing.

In the room, Ye Qing sat on the bed and looked around the room.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, was sitting cross-legged on the ground, practicing silently.

There are now less than ten Qi and Blood Pills left in exchange. Lin Mo wants to improve his strength again before entering the abyss!

In the dream, Lin Mo chose the next map.

Entering the map, the first thing that catches the eye is the endless flames. In the flames, there are monks wearing robes. Their bodies are in tatters, revealing almost rotten flesh.

The unpleasant smell filled the nasal cavity, and just smelling it made people feel like vomiting.

Surrounded by broken stone pillars and collapsed halls, it was obvious that this should be the remains of a church somewhere, and these monsters in front of me should be the monks in the church!

"It's strange. I thought the dream was a far-reaching projection, so how do these monks explain it?"

Lin Mo frowned and thought silently.


At this moment, the sound of breaking wind sounded, and when he raised his head, he saw a dagger wrapped in flames shooting towards him!

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and rushed to the side, avoiding the fatal blow.

At the same time, Lin Mo had a smile on his face. The monsters in this level were very strong.

But being strong means greater gains!

Whoosh whoosh!

Lin Mo's body shuttled through the ruins, and he picked up the dagger from the ground.

A hot feeling spread throughout the body along the palm, which turned out to be a dagger made of magma.

The hot magma was imprisoned by an inexplicable force and flowed continuously, forming the shape of a dagger.

The temperature of the entire dagger can reach at least a thousand degrees. Just the moment it was touched, Lin Mo felt as if his palm was being burned!

"Let you also taste the taste of this dagger!" Lin Mo circulated his Qi and blood, so that the temperature of the dagger was isolated from the Qi and blood, and then he rushed towards one of the monsters!

With a muffled sound, the dagger stabbed directly into the rotting corpse, followed by a fishy smell.

With a pop, the monk in front of him turned into a ball of flame!

At the same time, there were daggers that burned cleanly. Lin Mo took two steps back and his eyes fell on the remaining monsters.

Ten minutes later, all the monsters in the room were cleared away. What Lin Mo didn't expect was that one of the monsters actually had items falling off of him.

Without looking to see what the fallen object was, Lin Mo passed through the levels one after another and finally arrived outside the lord's room.

"If I'm not wrong, the person here should be a monster like a bishop!"

Lin Mo took a deep breath and walked in directly.


The moment he entered the room, Lin Mo felt as if flames were rising from his body!

He glanced down and almost screamed in fright.

On his body, countless flames were beating continuously, and the most important thing was that those flames actually formed terrifying faces!

Their expressions were distorted, as if they were enduring endless pain!

Blisters appeared on Lin Mo's body one by one. The burning feeling was like being eaten by countless monsters!


Lin Mo yelled and looked around.

No one else could be seen in the entire lord's room except himself!

"How could this happen? Could it be that there is nothing in the lord's room!" Lin Mo endured the pain and continued to suppress the flames with the power of his blood.

But these flames seemed to be endless and could not dissipate at all.

"Something's wrong, something's so wrong, I...I'm not in the lord's room, I've entered someone else's spiritual realm!"

After a moment, Lin Mo finally reacted. He entered the spiritual world, just like the spiritual world of his martial arts!

"So, how to break through this spiritual world!"

Lin Mo looked around. If he wanted to break through the spiritual world, he only needed to find an unreasonable place!

After searching for a long time, Lin Mo still couldn't find anything unreasonable. The whole room looked neat and orderly, and everything was very reasonable...

"No, it's just because it's too reasonable, so it's unreasonable!" After a long time, Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he thought of this!

Everything is too reasonable, so it is unreasonable!

“The whole church is dilapidated, but this one is good!

The blisters on my body look real, but in reality, blisters don’t appear so quickly when you’re burned! "

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, he picked up a stone from the ground and placed it on top of the flames on his body!


The flame actually burned on the stone.

"This is the most unreasonable thing. It tacitly acknowledges that everything about me can be ignited..." Lin Mo spoke loudly with a smile on his face.


A crisp sound sounded, and everything around was collapsing rapidly.

Lin Mo was very alert and looked around. He knew that when everything around him disappeared, it would be his time to face the lord alone!


The sound of breaking wind sounded. When Lin Mo was ready to defend himself, a monk in a red bishop's robe was standing in front of him!


He held a dagger in his hand and stabbed Lin Mo's heart without hesitation!

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, and the ghost shadow body method was implemented. He jumped directly to the side.

At the same time, the Five Beast Fist was performed, and the two states of violent blood and bloodthirstiness were activated at the same time!

Facing the monster in front of him, Lin Mo was almost certain that this was a mind master with extremely strong mental power.

Faced with this situation, Lin Mo could only rely on his flexible body to continue to triumph with him!

The whole process of killing the lord was actually the process of grinding away the lord's blood volume bit by bit!

Nearly an hour later, Lin Mo finally found a flaw with great difficulty, and went up and punched the lord!

With a puff!

With a muffled sound, a huge hole appeared in the lord's heart.


The blood power was swallowed and spit out, and the terrifying blood power on Lin Mo's fist exploded, and the lord's whole body exploded instantly!

A warm current rushed into Lin Mo's body. Needless to say, his blood power has increased a lot!


Two light sounds came, and two glowing spheres appeared in front of Lin Mo.

"I'm rich, this lord actually dropped two things!" Lin Mo said excitedly.

The monster in front has dropped a light ball, and now something has dropped in the lord's room. Although it is not known what good thing has fallen, it goes without saying that it is definitely a good thing!

Waking up from his sleep, Lin Mo stood up excitedly.

"I'm rich!"

He couldn't help but shouting, and at the same time made a celebratory gesture.

"Are you... talking in your sleep?" A slight voice came from the side, and at this time, Lin Mo remembered that there was another person in the room.

He looked at Ye Qing awkwardly, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I just had a dream. I dreamed that I became rich and had countless assets!"

Lin Mo said casually, then thought for a while and said: "It's too late, wait for me here for a while, I'll buy you some food!"

The school provides free student meals, but Ye Qing is not a student here, so only Lin Mo can bring the food back for him!

After leaving the door, Lin Mo let out a long sigh.

"Fortunately, she doesn't know what I'm doing!" Lin Mo smiled and said, and at the same time remembered another purpose of coming out this time!

Finding a corner where no one was, Lin Mo moved his mind slightly, and a ball of light appeared in front of him.

This is something dropped by the monster, and you can vaguely see that there seems to be a small blue bottle inside.

Take out the bottle, look at the item information on it, Lin Mo almost screamed.

"The Essence Enhancement Pill!"

"It can permanently increase a person's mental power by 5-10 points. The effect is one-time. If it is used again in the future, it will lose its effect!

And after taking it, some people become idiots because their mental power increases too much all of a sudden!"

After reading the introduction of the medicine, Lin Mo fell into helplessness: "Permanently increase 5-10 points of mental power, this is really tempting. After all, if you are lucky, this thing can permanently increase mental power by ten points at once!

This number is already very large!"

"Good stuff, it is very useful to me, but if it is sold, the price should be terrible!"

After putting the things away, Lin Mo took out the second light ball.

"Oh my God, I'm rich, this time I'm really rich!"

When he opened the second light ball, the things inside made Lin Mo gasp: "It turned out to be a Xuan-level ninth-grade weapon, and it was a short sword!"

The name of the short sword is the Sword of Flame, which is extremely powerful. When you hold it in your hand, you can feel the hot airflow constantly washing around!

The ninth grade of the Xuan class, this level has surpassed all the weapons on Lin Mo's body!

The short sword is the most cost-effective weapon among all the weapons!

"Good stuff, good stuff!!" Looking at the short sword in his hand, Lin Mo praised it endlessly.

"And there is one more..." Opening the last light ball and looking at the things inside, Lin Mo's eyes lit up again.

This turned out to be a scroll. After opening it, the content inside was very simple, which was the prescription and refining precautions of the primary essence-enhancing pill!

"The primary essence-enhancing pill can permanently improve a little mental power, and the primary essence-enhancing pill can only work once. If you take it again, it will lose its effect!"

After reading the instructions, Lin Mo's face was full of smiles.

"I'm really rich, and I got so many good things!" Lin Mo ran to the cafeteria in one breath to buy a lot of food, and then trotted back to his dormitory.

When he opened the door, the sound of the door opening was heard in the room.

Looking up, Ye Qing was walking out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel.

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