Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 128 The Ye Family's Decision

The bathroom door was half open, and a faint steam was overflowing, giving the whole room a hazy feeling.

Ye Qing was wrapped in a pink bath towel, with only a pair of jade feet exposed underneath. As for the upper body, her collarbone was exposed in front of Lin Mo, and even below the collarbone, a shallow ravine could be vaguely seen.

She was tall, and when she was wrapped in a bath towel, her perfect figure was outlined. Just one look was unforgettable.

Ye Qing was stunned when she saw Lin Mo standing at the door, carrying a large bag of food.

She was still holding a towel in her hand, wiping the water droplets on her hair. At this moment, her hands were still moving woodenly, but her eyes were already stunned.

"Are you taking a bath? Is the water temperature suitable?"

After a long time, Lin Mo raised his hand and smiled at Ye Qing.


Ye Qing screamed and threw the towel in her hand towards Lin Mo without hesitation!

Due to the large movement, the bath towel on her body suddenly loosened and almost fell off!


She went straight into the bathroom, and when she came out again, she had changed into loose clothes, and the beautiful scenery before was completely blocked!

"Why did you come back so soon?" Ye Qing blushed, and she tried her best to make her voice normal, but Lin Mo could clearly feel the trembling in her voice.

"I think I came back at the right time!" Lin Mo smiled: "I bought you some food, you probably didn't eat well during this period!"

Lin Mo put the food he brought back in front of Ye Qing, opened the package, and a fragrance spread immediately.

Ye Qing's eyes lit up immediately. During this time at the Ye family, she really didn't eat well. Now that she was out of danger and smelled the fragrance of food again, she suddenly had an appetite.

Ye Qing finished five fist-sized buns in one breath!

Braised pork with rice, also finished three full bowls!

The sauce-red soup was poured on the white rice, and the fragrance was overflowing. Ye Qing ate without caring about her image, and there was even oil and water left at the corners of her mouth.

"Your mouth is greasy!" Lin Mo smiled, took out a tissue from the table beside him, and gently wiped the corners of Ye Qing's mouth.

Ye Qing blushed, smiled embarrassedly, and stiffened her body, waiting for Lin Mo to clean her body.

This was the first time she had such an intimate action with a man. Lin Mo's face was close to her, and his breath sprayed on her face, and a unique male breath came to her face.

This feeling was very wonderful. Ye Qing felt her heartbeat speeding up and her breathing became messy... It was a bad feeling, but not annoying!

"Okay, I'm full!" Ye Qing put down the empty bowl in her hand, then quickly cleaned up the table, got up and went into the kitchen to wash.

Lin Mo smiled, got up and prepared to go back to the house to practice.


At this moment, the phone rang, and I took a look at the contact. It was an unfamiliar phone number.

"Who is this?"

"Is it Lin Mo? I'm Zhu Xie from the Academic Affairs Office of the Military University. I've received a message that someone has complained that you kidnapped his granddaughter. Please stay in the dormitory immediately and don't leave. We will be there soon!"

The voice of a middle-aged man came from the phone. His tone was stern and even a little reproachful!

"Kidnapped someone else's granddaughter?" Lin Mo glanced at Ye Qing who was busy in the kitchen and fell into deep thought.

"Ye Qing, stop working!" Lin Mo walked into the kitchen and looked at Ye Qing: "Someone said I kidnapped you!

And from the tone of the voice, that person should be from your Ye family!"

Ye Qing put down the dishes in her hand and looked at Lin Mo: "Ye family? What do you mean!"

When Lin Mo was about to explain, there was a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, he saw a middle-aged man standing at the door, and behind him stood two men, one of whom was wearing a kung fu robe and looked about forty years old.

The other man was wearing a black suit and looked like a bodyguard.

"Fourth Uncle, why are you here!" Ye Qing looked at the middle-aged man in a Kung Fu robe, with a look of surprise on her face, and walked out of the kitchen: "I remembered that you were in Beijing for business during this period, and I didn't have the chance to treat you to a meal!"

Ye Qing had a smile on her face. It can be seen that she should have a good relationship with the fourth uncle in front of her. As soon as she came up, she held his arm and looked intimate.

When Lin Mo cooperated with the Ye family, he knew something about the Ye family. The man in front of him, who was called the fourth uncle, was called Ye An. He was the fourth son of the old man of the Ye family. He was not very strong, but he was very good at doing business and was called the God of Wealth of the Ye family.

"Qing'er, Fourth Uncle finally found you. When I received the call from Dad, I was so worried. Fortunately, you are fine!"

Ye An smiled and looked at Zhu Xie from the Academic Affairs Office. His expression suddenly became serious: "Mr. Zhu, the Military University is one of the best martial arts universities in China, but there are students who dare to kidnap the son of my Ye family. It's really shocking!

Our Ye family will definitely investigate this matter. I hope your school can give us an explanation!"

He spoke in a sonorous tone, with an angry look on his face. One hand pointed at Lin Mo, and the other hand kept slapping the wall, as if venting his anger.

Lin Mo stood quietly aside, looking at Ye An and Zhu Xie. He now understood that these two people were coming for him.

As for who is behind the scenes, it is obvious!

"Lin Mo, get out of here. You have made such a big mistake. How can you stand there without saying a word!"

Zhu Xie looked at Lin Mo, and an angry look flashed across his face. He pointed at Lin Mo and cursed.

Lin Mo looked Zhu Xie up and down, silently feeling the other party's strength.

"First-grade martial king?!" After a long time, Lin Mo smiled, and when he looked at Zhu Xie, he was already full of teasing.

Lin Mo really didn't take the first-grade martial king seriously.

"I'm talking to you. Are you deaf or can't hear at all? Believe it or not, I'll slap you now and teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents!"

Zhu Xie's curse was very unpleasant. After the last word came out, Lin Mo's face had sunk.


His body flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of Zhu Xie.

"You bastard, what are you going to do..." Zhu Xie was startled by the black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him.

At the critical moment, he actually forgot to dodge and could only point at Lin Mo and curse.


Lin Mo raised his hand and slapped him in the face, which made him stunned.


Zhu Xie raised his finger and pointed at Lin Mo with an unbelievable look on his face.




Before Zhu Xie finished questioning, Lin Mo slapped him three more times in a row.

"Shut your dog mouth, if you dare to say another word, I will kill you! Let you see what it means to be truly uneducated!"

Lin Mo's voice was cold, and at the same time, a light flashed in his hand, and a dagger appeared in Lin Mo's hand.

It was a strange light purple all over, and a faint red appeared near the hilt, which looked extremely charming.

The moment this dagger was taken out, the temperature of the whole room seemed to drop a lot.

"Good sword!"

Even though he was standing on the opposite side of Lin Mo, the bodyguard beside Ye An couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lin Mo just smiled, raised his foot and kicked Zhu Xie directly, and at the same time, he placed the dagger across his shoulder: "If you dare to move again, my sword will chop off your head!"

A faint light burst out from the dagger, and these lights cut his skin like a dagger.

Zhu Xie was completely stunned. Are the students nowadays so fierce that they want to kill the teacher for a disagreement?

When did teachers become a high-risk profession? !

So many ideas suddenly popped up in his mind, but at this time, he really didn't dare to say a word.

"Student Lin Mo, don't be impulsive. The teacher is just doing things according to the rules. Someone complained and reflected the problem. I must solve it here, right?

You can't solve the problem by pointing a sword at me, right?"

Zhu Xie smiled and spoke slowly.

Lin Mo did not move the dagger in his hand, but his eyes fell on Ye An beside him.

The bodyguard beside him stepped forward and blocked Ye An behind him.

"What a powerful bodyguard!" Lin Mo praised in his heart. The bodyguard in front of him could find the most correct position to stand there in the shortest time.

Standing in that position, Lin Mo's attack could not hurt Ye An anyway!

"Fourth Uncle, what does the teacher mean?" Ye Qing is not a fool. After hearing Zhu Xie's words, he immediately realized the problem.

"Qing'er, you stand behind Fourth Uncle now, don't worry, Fourth Uncle will seek justice for you!" Ye An looked at Ye Qing and smiled.

At the same time, the bodyguard in front of him also walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

The blood and qi power on the bodyguard's body spread out, and with every step he took, the momentum on his body pressed towards Lin Mo.

"Sixth-grade Martial King!"

In just a moment, Lin Mo had already felt his strength.

This kind of strength is not something that Lin Mo can contend with at present!

Lin Mo's expression was solemn, and he silently activated the two states of blood-thirsty and blood-thirsty, and his eyes suddenly turned red!

"Stop! Fourth uncle, order him to stop now!" Ye Qing was anxious. Although her strength was not as high as Lin Mo's, she could also feel that the bodyguard in front of her was very powerful.

"Qing'er, this is not what I mean, this is what your grandfather means!"

"I received a call, and your grandfather clearly ordered me to take you back!

In addition, your grandfather seems to have agreed to something... It is considered to be your lifelong event!

You come back to Jinling with me this time, and don't come back if there is no need in the future!

Do you understand?"

Ye An's face was solemn, and he slowly said these words!

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