"I received a call and your grandfather gave me a very clear order to take you back!

In addition, your grandfather seems to have agreed to something... which is a lifelong event for you!

You come back to Jinling with me this time, and don’t come back again if it’s not necessary!

Understand? "

Ye An said these words slowly with a solemn look on his face!

"I don't understand!" Ye Qing's face suddenly turned extremely pale. She slowly took two steps back and looked at Ye An with a complex expression: "Grandpa loves me the most. It is impossible to make such a decision, nor Maybe you can say something like this!

He told me before that I have the right to make choices about my own marriage!

He has no power..."

With a faint smile on his face, Ye An watched quietly as Ye Qing kept speaking to vent his emotions.

He didn't say anything, but the smile on his face was like the deepest mockery.

Ye Qing suddenly stopped talking. Looking at the smile on Ye An's face, she suddenly felt powerless.

"She won't go back with you!" Lin Mo said lightly, while taking two steps forward with red eyes!

The energy and blood that fell on him weighed at least a thousand kilograms. If such a weight had fallen on an ordinary person, it would have crushed him into a pulp.

But Lin Mo has been practicing for such a long time, and while the Thunder Breathing Technique is increasing his blood value, it is also strengthening Lin Mo's physical body.

Such a powerful body can still be fine even if it endures such terrifying pressure!

"Boy, you have no place to speak here! Fourth brother, kill him!"

With a mocking look on his face, Ye An gave orders to his bodyguards.


After receiving the order, the powerful bodyguard let out a roar.

At this time, Lin Mo discovered that the bodyguard's tongue had been cut out, and now he was roaring like a wild beast.

"Spiritual Realm!"

Lin Mo used the spiritual realm, but the next moment the spiritual realm was directly impacted and turned into pieces!

The bodyguard's height had an absolute advantage. With the terrifying force of the collision, no matter what boxing skills Lin Mo used, he could only leave him with a slight trauma in the end.


There was a muffled sound, followed by Lin Mo's scream.

The bodyguard punched Lin Mo in the lower abdomen, causing his stomach to churn and almost vomited out bile!


The bodyguard rushed towards Lin Mo again.

The huge body suddenly jumped upward when he was still a few meters away from Lin Mo, and then stepped on Lin Mo's chest with his two feet together!

Mount Tai is overwhelming!

The bodyguard roared angrily, and all his energy and blood burst out, trying to completely eliminate Lin Mo!


Lin Mo's eyes flashed and he used all his strength to cast the ghost shadow and move his body sideways!

"It's my turn to fight back!"

After dodging, Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he directly used Yan Xiang Technique and Eagle Step to fly into the air, and at the same time stepped on the bodyguard's back!

The bodyguard was very strong. Even though he had practiced martial arts, it was obvious that he had not let go of his mental power. Therefore, when Lin Mo attacked with his mental power, he was able to detect it and dodge it in the shortest possible time!

But at this moment, Lin Mo's movements were too fast, and his martial arts skills from top to bottom were even more unimaginable.


The bodyguard roared angrily, turned around, crossed his hands on his chest, and prepared for a full-scale confrontation with Ying Tiao!


There was a loud noise, and the bodyguard's palms were all covered with open wounds, and blood was constantly flowing out. It looked very miserable!

On Lin Mo's side, one of his hands dropped weakly, and his face became extremely pale.

"There is simply a dividing line between the sixth-grade Martial King and the fifth-grade Martial King. After becoming a sixth-grade Martial King, you are too powerful!"

Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

On the other hand, the bodyguard opposite also had a look of shock on his face.

He didn't expect that a samurai could hurt him to this extent!

"What a scary martial arts boy!" The bodyguard finally said: "But this is still not good enough. If you are not strong enough, it will not be shameful even if you lose! After all, you are still young. Listen to me, just take this matter seriously. It’s a dream, it’s time to wake up and forget all about it!”

The bodyguard's expression was sincere and not condescending at all.

Lin Mo smiled and shook his head, took out the dagger from his body, and placed it in front of him: "Come on, let me see how strong you are!"

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, the bodyguard's face showed excitement, and the next moment he headed directly towards Lin Mocong.

Lin Mo looked serious, and at the same time he was fully prepared, ready to fight with all his strength!


A ringtone rang, and Zhu Xie, who was lying on the ground, slowly stood up. After answering the phone, he looked at Lin Mo with a mocking tone: "I just received news that Mr. Ye and Mrs. Yue are coming to our place!

You probably never thought that you would end up like this when you obviously did good things, right?

Let me tell you, this is all about the jungle of the jungle..."

"What nonsense are you talking to him? Just kill the person quickly and throw it into the trash can. I still have things to do!" Ye An had an impatient look on his face. He just wanted this matter to end.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded, it was Mr. Ye, the current head of the Ye family!

As for the person behind him, he should be the deputy city lord of the capital, Feng Zheng!

"Mr. Ye, what do you mean?" Lin Mo looked at Mr. Ye and said calmly.

"Lin Mo, I have no better choice!

In fact, our Ye family has given you many opportunities, but you missed them every time!

Now, the Yue family has given us a better choice!

As long as Qing'er is married to Yue Xingyun, our Ye family and Yue family will become an alliance from now on, and our future prospects are limitless!

Qing'er can also get better resources from the Yue family!

What can you bring to Qing'er? "

The old man had a deeply tired look on his face, as if he had gone through an annoying struggle.

"So I still became a victim of the Ye family, and I was eventually asked to exchange for benefits?"

Ye Qing's eyes suddenly turned red.

She had never cried in the many days at Yue's house. When Lin Mo saved her, she was so moved that she cried. But now she is crying sadly and desperately!

My beloved grandfather actually wanted to sell her directly to the Yue family as an item, in order to give the Ye family a good future!

"Qing'er, this is your obligation as a child of the Ye family!" Mr. Ye said: "The entire Ye family will remember everything you do!"

"Old man, shut up!" Lin Mo suddenly said: "If you want Qing'er to marry Yue Xingyun, you'd better get through me first!

Now I ask the Ye family to return the formula I provided. I will give the qi and blood elixir formula to other elixir families in a short time!

Then I want to see how much respect your Ye family has! "

Lin Mo's face was full of ridicule. The prescription of Qi and Blood Pill was simply too important to the Ye family.

Now Lin Mo directly used this as a weight for threats.

"Haha, of course I'm not afraid. With the Yue family in charge, my business will get better and better!"

Mr. Ye had a smile on his face. Ye Qing hadn't even married Yue Xingyun yet. He had already begun to dream about living peacefully at home!

"Qing'er, now you have to make a choice. Do you want to stay with me or go back to the Ye family?"

Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing and said in a solemn voice: "As long as you choose me, I will use all means to keep you by my side!"

Ye Qing's eyes lit up and looked at Lin Mo, but soon dimmed again.

"How can you... be a match for the strong men of the Ye family!"

Ye Qing was worried that Lin Mo would be injured, so she never dared to speak.


At this moment, a loud noise sounded, and a strong man beside Lin Mo appeared there at some unknown time.

"Kill him!" Mr. Ye looked at the strong man and said calmly.

"Yes!" The strong man nodded, looked at Lin Mo and said: "I'm sorry, I wouldn't agree to it originally, but this time I take action, the favor I owe to the Ye family will be paid off!"

Hearing these words, Mr. Ye had a look of regret on his face.

The favor of this strong man is not cheap, now it's better, just for this kind of thing, let the favor disappear!

"Boy, go to hell..."

The strong man spoke and blew a breath at Lin Mo at the same time!

"Old man, if you come to my territory to kill my disciples, do you think I don't exist anymore?"

At this moment, the old principal's voice sounded, and then Lin Mo's master was seen standing next to Lin Mo in silver armor.


The old principal mercilessly slapped the strong man, and at the same time, a huge force spread out from the center of their collision to the surroundings!

Lin Mo's face turned pale because he felt this terrifying repulsive force!

He flew backwards and hit the wall hard!

At this time, the strange and powerful man was probably not strong enough and was directly pinned to the ground.

The old principal's martial arts competition was entirely in a rough style. At this moment, he punched the strong man in the face one after another.

Several times the strong man tried to lift the cloak off his face, but Lin Mo destroyed it with his hands!

In other words, this strong man is no match for Lin Mo!

"When will I reach this level?" Lin Mo couldn't help but ask as he looked at the scene of the two fighting in the distance.


It was at this time that the result of the battle between the two appeared!

The strong man was completely defeated. The old principal put a hand on his shoulder and smiled faintly, "When you are old, you should rest at home. Why do you have to wade in muddy water!"

The strong man didn't say anything, turned around and left here.

Seeing that all the strong men he could invite lost, Mr. Ye's face was filled with despair!

At the end, the old man looked at Ye Qing: "Qing'er, I'll give you one last chance, do you want to go back to Ye's house with me or stay here with Lin Mo!

You have to think carefully, if you stay here with Lin Mo, then from now on, you are no longer a member of my Ye family! "

The old man had a look of hatred on his face. Maybe he didn't achieve his goal today, which made him angry!

Ye Qing's face was filled with tears and she looked at the old man with great sadness!

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