Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 130 You are so vicious!

"Qing'er, I'll give you one last chance. Do you want to go back to Ye's house with me or stay here with Lin Mo?

You have to think carefully, if you stay here with Lin Mo, then from now on, you are no longer a member of my Ye family! "

The old man had a look of hatred on his face. Maybe he didn't achieve his goal today, which made him angry!

Ye Qing's face was covered with tears, and she looked at the old man with great sadness!

"Grandpa, do you really want to do this?"

There was no crying in Ye Qing's voice, but when she finished speaking, tears were already falling down her cheeks.

Lin Mo stood aside quietly, without speaking or making any movement.

This is Ye Qing's crossroads. She needs to make her own choice. What Lin Mo can do is to be her firm support after she makes her choice!

"I am doing it for your own good too!" Mr. Ye said softly: "Also, as a direct descendant of the Ye family, it is natural for you to devote your life to the family!"

Ye Qing did not speak, but just looked at Mr. Ye blankly. After a long time, a smile appeared on her face, and in the next few seconds, the smile suddenly spread and became more exaggerated.

"Hahaha, for my own good! For the Ye family, all the direct descendants of the Ye family must devote their lives?!

Ridiculous, really ridiculous!

I thought I was different, at least in your eyes!

You taught me how to refine elixirs when I was three years old. When I refined the first elixir, you smiled more than me!

You said that I was the future head of the Ye family, and you also said that I was a rare genius in the Ye family over the years!

You said that I can fall in love freely and choose the person I love...

Are all these things you said farts? "

The last sentence can be said to be disrespectful. He actually said such words to his own grandfather.

But Ye Qing still said it, and when she said these words, her face was full of ridicule.

"Shut up!" Mr. Ye's face changed wildly, as if it was a very embarrassing thing for his granddaughter to say that in front of everyone.

"Grandpa..." Ye Qing opened her mouth and finally shouted these two words.

"I don't have a granddaughter like you!" Mr. Ye said loudly, as if he didn't want to forgive her at all.

"Mr. Ye!" A sad smile appeared on Ye Qing's face, but she was extremely stubborn when she spoke: "And everyone in the Ye family, from now on, I, Ye Qing, voluntarily leave the Ye family. The rest of my life will be life or death. "Whether you are poor or humble, miserable or happy, it has nothing to do with the Ye family!"

Ye Qing's last words were so decisive that everyone present stared at her blankly.

This was obviously a woman, but when she said these words, her body seemed to be filled with light!

Lin Mo stood aside and sighed slightly in his heart.

This result was what he expected, but he didn't expect Ye Qing to be more decisive than she imagined!

"Nie Zhan, you actually said such rebellious words. Believe it or not, I will slap you to death!" Mr. Ye blew his beard and glared angrily. He raised his hand and slapped Ye Qing on the body!

"When our Chinese army goes wild, does that mean our army is desolate?"

The old principal shouted and pointed at Mr. Ye from a distance.

Suddenly his body trembled, and the palm he had just raised fell down feebly.

"Thank you teacher for taking the initiative, and please leave this matter to Qing'er to handle on her own!

In addition, because Qing'er has left the Ye family, from now on, the recipe for the primary Qi and Blood Pill will no longer be provided to the Ye family!

Of course, with the current size of the Ye family, they should not care about this pill recipe!

But I can tell other pill families about the recipe for Qi and Blood Pill!

When the time comes, everyone uses the same recipe, what do you think the final result will be! "

"Hmph, so what if you reveal the elixir recipe? The elixir they refine needs to be explored for a long time, and they may eventually come up with a more suitable elixir recipe!

but we……"

Before Mr. Ye could finish his words, he heard footsteps in the distance.

"I heard that someone was going to leak the recipe for the Qi-Blood Pill. I was very interested and came here to take a look!"

"Boy, since you leaked the recipe, it must be an improved recipe, right? Our Chicheng Company is willing to offer three million to purchase it!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, have you improved the recipe? If there is an improved version, I am willing to offer 30 million!"

"I'm willing to bid 50 million!"

For a while, everyone started bidding, and in the blink of an eye, the price had reached 200 million!

Mr. Ye could still keep his normal mind at first, but when they heard that Lin Mo might have developed a new Qi and Blood Pill, their eyes immediately turned red!

Especially after hearing that the cost of the improved Qi Blood Pill was likely to be reduced, their screams became even louder!

"Lin Mo, I am willing to give you 30% of the profit, as long as you sell the Qi and Blood Pill recipe to me for use!"

Mr. Ye spoke directly and offered 30% of the profit.

Lin Mo just smiled and said nothing.

"Lin Mo, do you really have a recipe for improving Qi and Blood Pills?" After listening to everyone's words, the old principal standing aside couldn't help but said: "If there is such a recipe, I am willing to give 50% of the profits Give it to you!”

Fifty percent!

At this moment, everyone had shocked looks on their faces, and even Lin Mo couldn't help but take a deep look at the old principal.

"What are you looking at? You are a shameless apprentice. You have such a good elixir recipe. Why don't you tell the teacher that as your master, I can still take advantage of you!"

The old principal blew his beard angrily and stared, obviously unhappy.

"Teacher, don't be angry!" Lin Mo quickly apologized and said with a smile: "I improved the previous recipe twice. After the first improvement, the production efficiency of the recipe doubled!

The second time improved by another 20% based on the first time!

In other words, according to the improved elixir recipe, up to six elixirs can be produced the first time, and eight elixirs can be produced the second time!

And the second improved recipe has reduced the cost! "

Lin Mo spoke slowly, with a confident smile on his face.

After listening to Lin Mo's introduction, everyone couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. What is horror? This is called horror!

The first pill recipe was actually able to produce six Qi-blood pills using three Qi-blood grasses!

As for the second elixir recipe, eight elixirs can be refined at one time, and the cost is slightly reduced!

"Mr. Lin, give me the recipe after the second improvement!"

"Mr. Lin, I am willing to pay for it!"

"Mr. Lin..."

A group of people rushed to speak, fearing that such a good recipe would be snatched away!

Mr. Ye stood in the crowd, looking at the expectant looks on everyone's faces, and couldn't help but look livid with anger.

"Hmph, it's really ridiculous. Do you really think others will believe you casually? Three Qi-blood grasses refined eight Qi-blood pills. It's simply a joke!

This is completely against the rules! "

Mr. Ye spoke with a mocking look on his face.

Lin Mo smiled, turned back to the room, took out a pill furnace, and asked his classmates to help get some materials for refining Qi and Blood Pills!

Not long after, a student brought three Qi Blood Grasses to Lin Mo.

"The efficacy of the medicine is not bad. You are good at selecting medicinal materials. Do you want to consider becoming a medicinal material selector in the future?" Lin Mo looked at the classmates in front of him and said with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment, senior, I'm willing to do it!" The student stood there with an excited look on his face, looking at Lin Mo eagerly.

Lin Mo was speechless for a while. This was the first time he was called a senior. The most important thing is that he is also a freshman!

However, he didn’t want to make his students look too bad in front of so many people, so he nodded gently, lit the flame under the alchemy furnace and started to refine the alchemy!

In front of everyone, Lin Mo's alchemy speed became faster and faster. In the end, almost all Lin Mo's movements turned into afterimages!

Such a scene is simply surprising to the extreme!

"Humph, it's just a show off! It has no effect on alchemy at all!" Ye An spoke slowly with a look of disdain on his face.

Mr. Ye glanced at his son and couldn't help curling his lips, but still didn't say anything else.

"We have to succeed first. I read some records and found that many people took Lin Mo's path, but failed in the end!

So even if you move quickly, it’s of no use, you will still fail when it’s time to fail…”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo took the alchemy furnace directly off the table and held it in his hand. The power of Qi and blood flowed towards the alchemy furnace crazily!

In this case, Lin Mo directly opened the alchemy furnace with one palm, and a scent of medicine suddenly hit his face!

Lin Mo felt the fragrance and slowly poured out the elixir inside.


Everyone looked at Lin Mo's movements and stretched their necks to see him pour out all the pills one by one!

"Eight! It's really eight! It's too scary. This is really not something ordinary people can play!"

"Actually, there's nothing special here, you just need to study a little and you'll be fine!

But you have to forgive me, because I will not give the last recipe to everyone!

As long as everyone else comes to the scene, they can keep the recipe in their hearts!

The other thing is that the Ye family doesn’t want Xu to use the elixir!

If the true recipe is leaked, we hope the company can be held accountable! "

Lin Mo said everything he could think of!

"Lin Mo, you've gone too far!" Mr. Ye pointed at Lin Mo with an angry look on his face.

Lin Mo did this just to trick the Ye family. By then, everyone will use the most advanced production technology, and only the Ye family will still use the original technology. The consequence of this is that the Ye family's elixirs are expensive, and others are not. By lowering the price, replace the Ye family!

If things continue like this, the Ye family will definitely be doomed!

Lin Mo's hand was too poisonous!

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