Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 134: The Lord's Weakness

In the room, Lin Mo stood in midair with the Yan Xiang technique, and the sword of fire in his hand exhaled sword energy, cutting off the remaining four claws of the lord!

At this moment, the lord in midair roared, and actually fell straight down, about to fall from midair!

And Lin Mo felt that the blood and qi of the whole room were gathering again, forming traces of eight claws around the lord!

"Can his claws be restored?!"

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and he made such a guess!

"I can never give you such an opportunity!" Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and he used the Yan Xiang technique again, and the whole person jumped above the lord!

"Die for me!" Lin Mo held the sword in both hands and stabbed at the lord's head from top to bottom!

However, countless black circles suddenly appeared on the lord's head. Looking from the top to bottom, it was like countless pairs of eyes!

"Does this ghost thing have thousands of eyes?" Lin Mo's face was full of doubts. Looking at so many eyes, the whole person seemed to be about to collapse!

"The eyes of the octopus have some kind of illusion-like martial arts, which can make people dazed in a short time!"

Lin Mo bit the tip of his tongue to wake himself up.

At this time, he was still in the process of falling from top to bottom. With the stinging pain, he woke up and then saw a horrible scene.

The original eyes disappeared and turned into terrifying fangs!

And at this moment, those fangs were slowly opening and closing. As long as Lin Mo fell, he would be torn to pieces by the fangs in an instant!

"Die for me!"

Lin Mo roared and directly turned on the two states of bloodthirstiness and blood violence!

In an instant, Lin Mo's strength was raised to the extreme. At this moment, he was in his strongest state!

The Flame Sword also seemed to be twisted. That was the energy fluctuating!


The moment the Flame Sword fell, it smashed the fangs with a strong airflow!

And Lin Mo jumped up again through the Yanxiang technique with the help of the recoil force!

This time, Lin Mo didn't fall into the lord's mouth foolishly, but fled to the side.

At this time, the octopus lord had already fallen to the ground.

Because the process of recovering claws was interrupted, it was now completely bald like a huge sponge ball!

The pair of red eyes were watching, and the breath of anger almost rushed to his face!

Lin Mo smiled. Through the previous battle process, he seemed to have gained something and found the weakness of the lord in front of him!

"Try again!"

Lin Mo waved the sword at the lord again, and the breath on the sword of fire gushed out.

There is no doubt that the sword of fire has the attribute of fire. At this moment, Lin Mo infused it with the power of blood and qi, and the fire attribute exploded instantly!

Chi chi!

A slight sound came, which sounded like the sound of fire falling on ice!

The lord screamed, and Lin Mo even noticed that the breath of the sword of fire dissipated, which actually caused great damage to the lord.

"Sure enough, this lord in front of me is afraid of things with fire attributes..." Looking at the lord in front of him, Lin Mo made his own guess!


The roar sounded again, and the lord's body actually flew towards the wall of the room. At the same time, cold liquid began to flow out of its body and mixed with the wall.

Just a few seconds later, the lord's body actually grew together with the wall!

"Something is wrong, why does the lord in front of me look a little familiar..." Looking at the lord in front of him who had grown into one with the wall, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of the city lord in the abyss where the small village was located!

That city lord, like the lord in front of him, grew in the wall!

"This... can't be the same one!" Lin Mo looked at the lord in front of him in doubt, and couldn't help frowning.

Putting the doubt aside, the breath of the sword of fire in Lin Mo's hand was swallowed and exhaled. Lin Mo held the sword of fire and bombarded the lord's body with a burning breath.

To be honest, the lord in front of him was very powerful, but Lin Mo, with the blessing of the Sword of Flame, was able to kill the lords faster than many previous copies!

"This is a bit unbelievable..." Lin Mo's face was filled with surprise. The lord in front of him was actually killed directly by him in this way!

The warm breath filled the entire Dantian. Lin Mo knew very well that this was a sign that the blood power was growing!

However, this time Lin Mo felt that his blood power seemed to have increased more!

"Something is wrong. I have to find time to measure my blood power!"

When Lin Mo measured it before, the blood power was stuck above 500 points, which can be called a fifth-grade warrior.

Now that some time has passed, the blood power should have increased enough!

After all, a lot of blood pills have been eaten!


At this time, the lord's body disappeared. Lin Mo came back to his senses and looked at the two light balls that appeared in front of him with a smile on his face.

"The lord dropped two light balls, and the elite monster dropped one light ball. This dungeon trip is so lucky!"

In the student dormitory of Huaxia Military University, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

With a thought, Lin Mo took out the items dropped by the elite monster first.

"Golden Octopus Brother's medicine jar."

Take out the things in the light ball, Lin Mo took out a white jade jar the size of a wine bottle, and after opening it, a medicinal fragrance immediately filled the air.

"It all smells like Qi and Blood Pills, and there are actually quite a few intermediate Qi and Blood Pills, I'm rich!"

Lin Mo was very excited, his Qi and Blood Pills were almost used up again, just when he was about to buy again, Qi and Blood Pills were delivered to his door!

After counting carefully twice, there were 53 primary Qi and Blood Pills in the medicine jar, and the number of intermediate Qi and Blood Pills was as many as 100!

According to the current price of intermediate Qi and Blood Pills, 100 Qi and Blood Pills would be nearly 200 million in cash!

"So, these elite monsters are still too fat, any one of them can actually drop so many items!"

Looking at the Qi and Blood Pills lying in the palm of his hand, Lin Mo smiled.

With these Qi and Blood Pills, he is more confident in entering the abyss this time!

Putting away the Qi and Blood Pills, Lin Mo took out the light ball dropped by the lord again.

After opening it, it turned out to be a scroll!

Looking at this scroll, Lin Mo smiled immediately: "Could it be another martial arts or some kind of alchemy, or even some special means?"

Lin Mo looked at the scroll in front of him, constantly guessing in his heart.

After opening it, Lin Mo was extremely surprised, because this scroll turned out to be a city defense map!

"Could this city defense map be the city defense map of the abyss under the village? If so, then I'll be rich!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, and happily put the city defense map away.

There is only one light ball left!

Lin Mo reached out and held the light ball in his hand. After opening it, he was stunned!

This turned out to be a golden eye!

"This should be some kind of material, a golden eye, it looks like something dropped by the lord..."

Lin Mo put the things away, and when he was about to get up, his cell phone rang.

With a ding, Lin Mo picked up the phone and took a look. The text message was sent by the old principal.

"This time the abyss is opened, and many people enter. Although they enter in batches, you will definitely meet at the peak in the end. Don't show any fear at that time.

The more afraid you are, the more you will be dominated by fear!

There is one more thing. Yue Xingyun's brother Yue Xingyu has returned, and he will personally lead the direct disciples of the Yue family into the abyss. I think they are most likely here for you!

You must be careful!"

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