"I remember when I came here last time, these places were all villages. Why have these villages disappeared now?"

An off-road vehicle was traveling quickly across the plain. Based on the current distance, it would take at most half an hour to drive to the village.

But now looking around through the car window, the place that used to be the village has turned into a plain, and even the traces of those houses have disappeared.

"Are you stupid? The abyss has appeared nearby. How can there be a village left?

Those houses will block the view, so they must all be demolished!

Leaving a large plain behind, when the monster comes out of the abyss, it will be more convenient to fight, and you can even directly use advanced thermal weapons to attack!

There won’t be too many worries…”

Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo as if he were a fool. He didn't understand why Lin Mo would ask such a stupid question when he was obviously a very smart person.

Lin Mo nodded slightly and looked at Ye Qing aside: "Are you a little nervous?"

Ye Qing shook her head and said: "The old principal called me this morning and asked me to stay in school to help prepare the Qi and Blood Pill factory, but I refused!

Now I'm a little worried whether following you will hold you back. "

Lin Mo smiled and said nothing. Instead, Feng Xuan said: "You are overthinking. As an alchemist, you are definitely popular in the team!

And your own strength is enough, there is no way you will be held back!

But after entering the abyss, you have to use your ability as an alchemist and prepare a large amount of elixirs! "

Ye Qing nodded and began to silently figure out what pills to prepare after entering the abyss.

Half an hour later, the speed of the car suddenly slowed down, and the outside of the car window suddenly became dim. Looking at the sky through the sunroof, a large dark cloud directly blocked it, blocking the sky and the sun, and it looked like a large area. It's like night!

"This kind of black clouds are easy to form over some abyss. It is said that there are monsters in the black clouds, monitoring all directions. Unfortunately, we have investigated countless times and found nothing!"

Feng Xuan spoke, he knew a lot, because he was already a senior this year, and because he was very capable, he participated in many tasks.

I have more or less understanding of the abyss.

"The monsters in the abyss most likely have some kind of invisibility that allows them to avoid surveillance!" Ye Qing said softly: "My grandfather... Mr. Ye once said that he saw some kind of monster that could fly and be able to Be invisible in front of various detective equipment!”

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan nodded. This was the first time they had heard of such secrets, which made them very energetic.

Especially Lin Mo, because of his dreams, he was not very wary of the abyss.

I believe that the so-called abyss is nothing more than the manifestation of what I saw in the dream, and there cannot be too much danger.

But since the abyss appeared until now, how many geniuses people call it have died in the abyss?

The abyss is immeasurable and the dangers cannot be predicted. In a place like this, you can never be too careful!

"I can only send you here. According to the map, the destination is still about five kilometers away. If you continue walking on the road behind, there may be big problems!"

The driver stopped the car and explained vaguely.

After Lin Mo and the three of them got out of the car, the driver directly put into gear, stepped on the accelerator and left here quickly.

"This...how are we going to go back then!" Feng Xuan looked at the driver's leaving figure and was speechless for a moment: "You can't let us go back on foot. Isn't it a bit too much..."

"It's okay. I've left his personal information here. I'll contact him directly when the time comes. If he doesn't come back to pick us up, I'll have at least a hundred ways to torture him!"

Lin Mo raised a postcard and shook it in front of their eyes: "Let's go in first!"

As he spoke, Lin Mo had already started walking in the direction of the village. His speed was very fast, and he had left the two of them behind in the blink of an eye.

Ye Qing and Feng Xuan looked at each other, and the next moment, they both accelerated as much as possible!

Their speed was extremely fast and they caught up with Lin Mo who was running wildly in front.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Feng Xuan couldn't help but ask after catching up with Lin Mo.

"I saw the wheel marks of other cars on the road. If I guessed correctly, several groups of people have already arrived, and they may even have found Sun Qian and the others before us!"

If Sun Qian can really be found and rescued successfully, then Lin Mo will not have any complaints, but what Lin Mo is most worried about now is that they will use the opportunity to save people to leave various deceptive formations in the abyss. Otherwise, Lin Mo is going to use his strongest attack method to deal with them!

The group of people rushed to form, and in less than twenty minutes, the three of them stood at the gate of the village. Looking at the strange village in front of them, both Lin Mo and Feng Xuan couldn't help but tremble.

"Why does it feel like nothing is right here? It's like there are countless pairs of eyes staring at us!"

Lin Mo is a mind qi master. Before setting off this time, Lin Mo specially found some martial arts suitable for use in the abyss.

Although the time was short, Lin Mo still remembered a lot of content. Now after actually operating it, he found that these martial arts were indeed useful, which made him more alert and discovered that someone was secretly coveting them!

"The person hiding his head and tail must be someone from some killer organization, right?" Lin Mo stopped slightly and looked directly in the direction where he noticed the strange aura.


The next moment, the spiritual sword instantly unfolded and enveloped it!


A scream came, and then several figures jumped out from behind the house in the distance, looking at Lin Mo with an angry look.

"You want to kill us? We are both human beings and we have the same purpose, but you want to attack us. When I go back, I will file a complaint with your school!"

The leader had an angry look on his face, and behind him were several pale people. They were also carrying a young man, whose eyes were closed at the moment, and it looked like his life was in danger!

There was no doubt that this young man was the one injured by Lin Mo's spiritual sword. Looking at his miserable appearance, Lin Mo's heart did not waver at all.

"You said we want to kill you? Then tell me, why are you hiding in the dark with weapons in your hands?

I noticed a threatening aura, so I took the initiative. What's wrong with that?

Besides, this is where the abyss is. You asked me not to do anything. Do you think it’s possible? "

Lin Mo's questions one after another made the young man who had spoken earlier unable to say a word.


Lin Mo took a step forward, his energy and blood bursting out, he stared at the young man in front of him: "Go back and tell the people behind you, if you want to mess with me, don't hide your head and show your tail, I want to kill people, I don't care who you are!

I don’t care who the person behind you is!

As long as you dare to mess with me, you will fight to the end until death! "

Lin Mo spoke decisively, with a solemn look on his face, and his voice contained the power of blood and lion's roar. With the two blessings, it produced an unparalleled effect.

By this time, a group of people knew that Lin Mo was very powerful. Even in their opinion, their background and current strength combined were stronger than Lin Mo, but no one still dared to act rashly.

"In many cases, having a large number of people does not mean that there will be less powerful combat effectiveness. On the contrary, combat effectiveness is reflected in many aspects..."

Someone spoke, and at the same time the owner of the voice was slowly approaching!

"Aren't you planning to enter the abyss?

Don’t worry, you will have plenty of free space to fight in the abyss!

And because it’s an abyss, fatal accidents are considered normal!

If you need it, you can experience it! "

The visitor’s words immediately silenced everyone!

They don't dare to compete in the abyss. If they die accidentally, their families won't even get any compensation!

"Let you go!" Someone in the crowd finally said with a face full of reluctance.

Lin Mo looked at the person who came and said with a chuckle: "Teacher, someone just expressed disdain for me. Can I challenge him to a duel?"

He raised his hand and thought about a certain young man in the crowd: "Come up and fight!"

The young man trembled all over. He had just entered the warrior realm, and there was no way he could be his opponent in a battle with Lin Mo!

"You're like trash! If you don't want to fight, then I'll give you a chance!" Lin Mo said as he flew over with the dagger in his hand!

Puff puff!

Many heads flew up and fell heavily to the ground.

Lin Mo controlled the sword of fire with his mental power, but unexpectedly it really worked. Many monsters were cut off by Lin Mo!

"It's too strong. Your strength must have improved a lot!" Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo with admiration written all over his face.

Lin Mo nodded and signaled for someone to move the things on the ring.

"I took a measurement before departure, and the result is very good. My blood value has reached 687. After Abyss leaves this time, I should be able to reach the level of a seventh-grade warrior!"

Lin Mo had a confident smile on his face. If he really couldn't become a seventh-level warrior, Lin Mo planned to use the Qi and Blood Pills as jelly beans!

"You're actually a seventh-grade warrior!" Feng Xuan and Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo blankly, with shocked expressions on their faces.

In fact, when they last met, Lin Mo's strength was only that of a first-grade warrior.

I didn’t expect that Lin Mo would cross such a huge level after not seeing each other for a while!

After estimating the time, Feng Xuan and Ye Qing's faces became even more shocked.

Judging from Lin Mo's current strength, in order to increase so much strength, Lin Mo should have used some special method to forcibly increase his strength!

It’s just that these are personal deepest secrets and cannot be leaked!

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