Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 137: The Dream is in Sync!

The light and shadow changed. After everyone got used to the light in front of them, they slowly opened their eyes and looked around.

"Here is..." Some people couldn't help but cover their mouths. The sight in front of them really frightened them.

As far as the eye can see, there are collapsed houses, many of which look similar to the villages beyond the abyss.

"It looks like a reflection of the outside world!" Ye Qing couldn't help but say.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan nodded. This description was very accurate. The scene in front of them was like a reflection of the village outside.

"Where are we going?"

After the few of them got used to the environment of the abyss, Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo.

The strongest among the three was Feng Xuan, but the leader was obviously Lin Mo, and everyone focused on him.

"I wonder if other people will have the same starting point as us after they come in." Lin Mo looked around and frowned slightly.

Everything in front of him was different from what he saw in his dream. Now he felt a little unsure. What if Sun Qian and the others were not in the abyss?

Or what if everything he saw in his dream was fake?

"Don't think too much. Now that we've come in, let's proceed as planned!" Feng Xuan on the side raised her hand and patted Lin Mo's shoulder and said with a smile.

Lin Mo nodded and finally chose a direction: "Let's go in this direction!"

After the three people chose a direction, they started to set off.

The abyss was so different from the outside world. The air here was full of matter. Lin Mo tried to use the Thunder Breathing Technique, only to feel the power of qi and blood surging around him, turning into a trickle and sinking into his body.

This feeling is really good, the depths of the Dantian are warm, and the meridians are constantly buzzing, as if they are about to explode.

"This feeling is really great. The speed of Qi and blood cultivation has increased a lot!" Feng Xuan said, the Qi and blood in his body roared, and he had obviously mastered some kind of breathing method.

Although Ye Qing has not mastered the breathing method, she still has an excited look on her face.

"There are so many qi-blood grasses growing here. If we pick them all, we can refine at least hundreds of qi-blood pills!"

"This is a healing grass that can be used to refine healing pills!"

"This is the Bone Forging Grass. It can be used to refine the Bone Forging Pill. It has miraculous effects on strengthening the muscles and bones!"

Ye Qing pointed at the various herbs on the roadside and shouted excitedly.

Lin Mo was also a little shocked. He found so many herbs as soon as he entered the abyss.

"You can pick some Qi and blood grass first, and then the healing grass... These two herbs may be useful!" Lin Mo said while looking into the distance.

It was endless and there were no buildings in sight, which made him wonder if he was going the wrong way.

Ye Qing and Feng Xuan didn't notice Lin Mo's gaze, but were frantically collecting herbs.

Both of them had storage space on their bodies and picked a lot of herbs.

"Let's go, there must be more of these herbs ahead!" Lin Mo was worried about wasting too much time here, so he urged.

The two reluctantly stopped and followed Lin Mo on their way.

This time the speed of the three of them increased a lot, and they encountered many medicinal herbs intermittently along the way, but they were ignored by the three of them.


Finally, when several people passed through a forest, they discovered that Lin Mo's mental perception was always on. In this state, his mental power was consumed very quickly, but he also gained a lot.

His mental power is constantly improving, and he has a hunch that when he really reaches the realm of King Wu, his mental power may reach a terrifying level!

Because of the King of Martial Realm, mental power will undergo a process of sublimation, and mental power will be greatly improved.

At this moment, spiritual perception sent a message, and something was discovered ahead. It should be that some kind of creature was approaching.

The three of them looked at each other, quickly dodged, and hid behind a big tree.

Soon, a figure approached in the distance. Looking at this figure, Lin Mo and others' eyes suddenly widened.

This is a humanoid monster, every bit as human as it is except for its head.

But its head looks like a dog's head, which looks a bit weird.

"Do you want to remember the God of Death in Egypt Deepening?" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Don't tell me, it's really a bit like..." Feng Xuan smiled and responded in a low voice.

"The strength should not be strong..." Lin Mo used his mental power to sense the opponent's energy and blood fluctuations and made a rough judgment on his strength.

At the same time, the range of mental perception expanded again, confirming that there were no other monsters following this monster.

"Do it!"

Lin Mo spoke in a low voice, and then rushed out with Feng Xuan!

The two had a good tacit understanding. In just a moment, the monster was captured. Lin Mo's sword of fire was pressed against its neck, and it could kill it with just a little force.

The monster was struggling and making all kinds of meaningless sounds.

"Can you understand what we are saying?" Lin Mo tried to communicate with it, but unfortunately the monster couldn't understand it at all and just showed a fierce look at Lin Mo.

"Look at its waist!" Ye Qing stood aside without making a move, and now she reminded him.

There was a skull decoration hanging on the monster's waist. It was the head of an adult. There was a thumb-sized hole on the forehead, which should have been pierced by some kind of sharp weapon.

"Human skeleton, he has killed people!" Ye Qing said in a low voice.

Since you have killed someone, there is nothing to say!

The flame sword swallowed light, and then blood burst out, and the dog's head was cut off directly.

After searching the body, they did not find anything useful.

After dealing with the corpse, they continued to move forward in the direction from which the monster came.

This time, they slowed down because they were worried that they would encounter other monsters on the road.

It turned out that their idea was correct. They encountered monsters again along the way.

After killing many monsters in succession, they found something on one of the monsters.

It was a drawing, very simple, but it marked the direction and several places that looked like big cities.

"It feels like this place should be the direction of the main city, which is exactly the same direction we are going now!" Lin Mo pointed to a sign on the map and spoke slowly.

Finally, the three of them set off again.

This time they did not walk too far. Lin Mo looked at the road under his feet and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He was somewhat familiar with this road. He had walked it in his dream before!

"When I followed the woman named Yu'er, the city where the city lord was was ahead!"

Lin Mo was excited and led several people to speed up.

"There should be humanoid creatures in the city. We don't need to be too nervous. We can act naturally."

The woman named Yu'er is a humanoid creature. She didn't attract much attention in the city.

Feng Xuan and Ye Qing nodded, expressing their trust in Lin Mo.

Finally, several people stood at the gate of the city and entered the city without any interception.

"It's no different from the city where we humans live. The only difference is that it seems to be much more backward." After entering the city, they saw vendors selling on both sides of the street.

"My God, that piece looks like silver crystal stone. This material is used to make weapons above the Xuan level!"

"And over there, it seems to be a fierce wolf tooth, which can be directly forged into a weapon above the Xuan level of the fifth grade. If you are lucky, the wolf tooth contains the wolf soul, and the weapon may directly reach the level of the ninth level of the Xuan level!"

"That is..."

The three people were dazzled. There were too many good things. Just by looking at them, they wanted to go forward and rob them.

It's a pity that this is the abyss. Even if they had this idea, the three people did not dare to act rashly. If they were not careful, they would cause a siege by the whole city.

"The city lord's mansion should be ahead, we must find a way to get in!" Lin Mo pointed to a huge building in the distance and spoke softly.

The other two nodded and followed Lin Mo's footsteps forward.

At this time, a noisy sound came from the front.

Many monsters appeared on the street, most of them were humanoid creatures, and they were running quickly towards the city lord's mansion.

"What's the situation? Did they find us?" Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo with some worry, and was ready to attack.

"Relax, if they found us, they should have attacked us now!" Lin Mo shook his head. He was not very worried. Instead, he looked in the direction where the monsters gathered, wanting to follow and see what was going on.

"You want to take advantage of the chaos to enter the city lord's mansion?" Ye Qing knew Lin Mo very well. Looking at Lin Mo's eyes, she had guessed most of it.

Lin Mo nodded: "This is a good opportunity. There are many humanoid creatures. We can definitely get in!"

The three looked at each other and finally made a decision. They were ready to take the risk to enter.

Following the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, the three of them moved forward quickly and finally squeezed into the monster.

The gate of the City Lord's Mansion was closed, and countless monsters stood there densely.

In the monster pile, Lin Mo and the other three looked a little nervous. Feng Xuan was the strongest. He had already circulated his blood and qi, ready to attack at any time.

With a creak.

The gate of the City Lord's Mansion slowly opened, and a figure walked out.

Looking at the figure walking out, Lin Mo trembled all over and almost cried out.

He had seen the old man in front of him before, and it turned out to be the old housekeeper who had received Miss Yu'er!

"It's really the same as what I saw in my dream, that is to say, what I saw at the beginning was real. Sun Qian and the others are in the City Lord's Mansion, and they may be suffering at this moment!"

Lin Mo whispered in his heart and gave Feng Xuan and Ye Qing a look of confirmation.

The old housekeeper spoke again, but Lin Mo and others couldn't understand it at all.

"When I followed that woman named Yu'er in, I could understand their conversation, but now I can't recognize it... Did the dream give me the ability to speak the language of the abyss monsters?" Lin Mo was a little helpless. The language barrier may sometimes cause a huge crisis.

At this time, the old man's voice had fallen, and the monsters at the door began to shout loudly, as if they were extremely excited.

In the crowd, Lin Mo and the other three also pretended to be excited and shouted loudly there.

At this time, several figures walked out from inside.

"Why are they!" Feng Xuan, who was standing next to Lin Mo, saw this scene and couldn't help but screamed!

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